Norgsveldet: Difference between revisions

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|national_motto = Eining og lojal inntil våre fjeller faller (United and loyal until our mountains falls)
|national_anthem = Det mektige rike (The powerfull realm)
|image_map = NorgsWikiNorgsWiki2.png
|loctext = Map
|alt_map =
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|largest_city = [[Osfjord]]
|languages_type = Official languages
|languages = [[Wikipedia: Norwegian language|Norgsveltian]] <br /> [[Wikipedia: Old Norse|Ulvrikian]] <br /> Ngodian[[Nys'tat'en]]
|languages2_type = Recognised regional languages
|languages2 = [[wikipedia:English language|Staynish]]Ngodian
|ethnic_groups = 70 % [[wikipedia:human|Human]] <br /> 20% Elves <br /> 5% Kemonomimi <br /> 4% Tieflings <br /> 1% Other
|ethnic_groups_year = 2017
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|leader_name1 = [[Olav]]
|leader_title2 = [[wikipedia:Prime minister|Prime minister]]
|leader_name2 = [[JohannaWilhelm SverdrupKirkeland]]
|legislature = [[wikipedia:Parliament|The Grand assembly]]
|established_event1 = The Union agreement of 1594
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|established_event3 = current consitution
|established_date3 = 1850
|area_km2 = 350741.213531,000
|area_sq_mi =
|population_estimate = {{increase}} 86,091,004
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|population_census = {{increase}} 84,974,511
|population_census_year = 2022
|population_density_km2 = 212160.2502
|population_density_sq_mi =
|GDP_nominal = $4,23 trillion
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|HDI =
|HDI_change =
|currency = [[United Krone]]
|currency_code = UKR
|date_format = DD/MM/YYYY
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'''The Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet''', more commonly known as '''Norgsveldet''' is an unitary sovereign state and a relatively small nation located in North-West [[Concord]], sharing borders in the north east [[Atlalandr]] and [[Kaldrbuth]] in the south east, and through its overseasterritory territoriesof andNyveldet Crownin StateGondwana of [[Tangrland]] alsoit borders [[Salisar]], [[BalidarTangrland]] and [[Kystland]]Twelijnland. Norgsveldet is an [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchy]] with a [[wikipedia:Parliamentary system|parliamentary]] system, the current Monarch being his majesty King [[Olav]] the first since his corronation on the 21st of April 2002, his second eldest daughter [[Princess IngridAlexandra]] being heir. The nations's population is 84,974,511 with it being relatively spread out. Norgsveldet having the thirdsecond largest population in Concord. The capital is Osfjord, the nations biggest city and the nations main centre of finance and trade. [[Osfjord]]'s urban population being at 9 million, beating Norgsveldet second biggest city [[Hirdvik]]s population of 7 million. [[Hirdvik]] is often called as Norgsveldet cultural capital with it's several of cultural buildings, museums and restaurants.
Norgsveldet is also a founding member of the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]], since it's formation in 1981, and is a founding member state of [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] since 1989, having often been considered as the leading nation within both organisations. With an gdp of 4,22 trillion being the second largest in Concord, only being beaten by [[South Hills]]. With it also having 7th largest military budget world wide, which is the second largest on Concord once more being beaten by [[South Hills]].
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[[File:YoungOlav.png|left|thumb|150px|Painting of Crown Prince Olav]]
At 1952 Queen [[Magrete I]] was corronated as the first Queen of Norgsveldet.
After the election of 1954, prime minster Agnir Hansen was elected as the first elven prime minister and the first labour party prime minister. After several years of the politics be dominated by NCP and LNP. Agnir Hansen policies ensured more welfare, higher social securities, higher taxes and more state owned companies. With foreign policy being one of isolation, as he tried to make the nation more self sufficient. Agnir Hansen and the prime minister of Eyjaria, Georg Bjørnhjelm signed the treaty of Svenhus, which gave Eyjaria independence, while also ensuring free trade between both nations and an common currency. At 1960 Norgsveldet tested its first nuke, after Agnir Hansen was heavily pressured from parliament and from the Queen to create an nuclear arms program. At 1965 Ragnar Aasen from [[Ulvriktru Democrats]] was elected as prime minister, thanks to his anti-communist rethoric and promises of increased nuclear build up. Which by 1965, Norgsveldet had nuclear stockpile of 50. Under his ministry the nation supported a military coup against the Communist goverment in Helslandr, and supported Royalist Incurgencies in the Socialist Republic of AtlaeAtlalandr, which lead to the reinstating the monarchy there in what is now called the [[Violet Restoration War]]., Whichbut manywith pointsAtlalandr atdivided with a constitutional monarchy in the [[Atlalandr|West]] and a republic in the [[East Atlalandr|East]]. The war causing an increasedlarge amountincrease of political radicalisation within Norgsveldet. SuchWhich asincreased the farpopularity rightto Nationala Unionfar Party(NUP)left andparty called the far left SocialistNorgsveltian EinarismEinarist Party(SEPNEP), spawing after the War. However how much it affected political life in Norgsveldet was uncertain, with the NEP highest electoral success to be 7.56%. After the reelection of Ragnar Aasen in 1969, Tiereshs Nationalist militias declared Tiervan independet from Norgsveldet. Agnir Hansen’s was defeated in 1972 by the NCP leader Jakop Storhaug, for his failure at dealing with the Tieresh nationalists, with the NCP critizing him for early loses in the war and to relaxed diplomacy with East Cerdani that was supporting the Tieresh Nationalists. With Jakop however being replaced as party leader in 1981, that same year Norgsveldet, New Legans, Dvalheim and Eyjaria made the international organisation called the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] or "Union av Sammenveld Alianser" in Norgsveltian, which is an millitary and economic alliance. The alliance was made mainly to strengthen Norgsveldet economic power after the bloody war against Tiervan in the [[Tieresh Independence War]] ended with a loss with only keeping the small nation of Dvalheim as a puppet in the region, however ended up giving independence to other colonies like [[Meremaa]] in North Gondwana. In 1984 Queen Magrete I was assasinated by far left terrorist from Socialist Einarismthe PartyNEP. Which the then prime minister Ivar Dval used as an reason to pass an law banning said party, and any far left party. Causing for many from the [[NCP]] voterbase turn to Labour Party leader Magrete Kverheim in the 1985 election, in which she formed an Grand coalition with the Ulvriktru Democrats and Liberal National Party. [[Magrete Kverheim]] pushing for stronger and more independent economic policies, on which she pushed forth the creation of [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] as way to combatan South Hill's economic influnce in the North Concord. The 1990s also was filled with controversies, in 1992 crown prince Sigurd was forced by his father to give up his title and give it to his younger brother.then Crown prince Sigurd was caught red handed in involving himself in politics with sending funds to the Imperial Union party, an far right monarchist party that split away from the NUP after the NUP was banned in 1989 for its hirdist sympathies. However crown princePrince Olav was also caught in controvery when people found out about his relationship with an neko immigrant, however with mostly support from the working class and middle class this controversy calmed down. He was finnaly allowed to marry his wife at 1997 when he was avaible to convince his father to allow it, his father being mostly against it simply for his traditional view that royalsroyalty should marry other royals or uppermembers classof citizenshigh society. WithOne that was backed by the Norgsveltian clergy and conservative communities in the mostly rural Nyveldet. In contrast heavily urban areas in mainland Norgsveldet like Osfjord had heavy public sympathy to Olav, often from labour movements and kemonomimi migrant communities. Even Magrete Kverheim having given her public support to the Crown Prince. Norgsveldet was also dragged into the [[Meremaa Civil War]] (1990-1994) after the republican forces attacked an Ulvriktru temple and Morstaybishlia officaly supported the republicans, after disagreements in the goverment and the [[Ulvriktru Democrats]] pressured that they would leave the coalition. Norgsveldet supported monarchist side in the civil war. After the victory of the monarchists gave Norgsveldet greater standing in geopolitical affairs abroad but has put as a standing point of continued Morstaybishlian-Norgsveltian rivalries. The matter of the civil war still being controversial mattertopic whenbetween talkingthe abouttwo Norgsveltiancountries andto Morstaybishlian relations,this because of said rivalriesday. The leader of the republican forces, [[Tyr Vaines]], gettinggot executed for treason after the war once the monarchist government was able to take over what was left of the republican hold outs.
===The Shaken Peace (1994-2020)===
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[[File:JohannaWilhelm irlKirkeland.jpg|left|thumb|150px|JohannaWilhelm SverdrupKirkeland, Prime Minister since 20162022]]
[[File:Norgsveltian Assembly.png|right|thumb|150px|NCP: 215 LP: 139 LNP: 88 FPUD: 5182 UDFP: 8251 PWP: 25]]
The politics of Norgsveldet take in the framework of an parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy. The goverment being divided into three diffrent branches. The King, currently his majesty [[Olav I|Olav]] is the head of state. The king holds an powerfull symbolic postion that holds some limited powers. The king has the power to intervene in case of emergency, while the case of emergency was set loosely in the constitution it has been widly accepted in the case of war, or if the grand council (the cabinet) is going against the constitution. The king can also intervene within politics if the grand council allows it. The king does has the right to intervene in the matters of foreign policy under the right he holds in the constitution, as such it has become the norm for many Prime Ministers over the years to talk and work out the matter of foreign policy, especialy when it comes to matters such as military as the king also serves as Supreme Commander of the armed forces of Norgsveldet.
The prime minister, currently [[JohannaWilhelm SverdrupKirkeland]], is the head of goverment. SheHe appoints the grand council ministers, with approval of the majority of the grand assembly (the parliament). The Prime Minister, along with the Grand Council forms the executive branch of the government which handles the work of actually governing the country. While only the councils ministers can vote, other executive officials may attend.
The Grand Assembly is an [[wikipedia: Unicameralism|Unicameral]] Parliament, which has 600 members that is elected every four years, that is based on Party-list proportional representation. A member of The Grand Assembly is called an Assembly representative, or in Norgsveltian: Tingsrepresentant.
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Norgsveldet proper mean land controled by Norgsveldet that seen as integral part of Norgsveldet and as such is represented within the Norgsveltian Parliament. Which is divided into four different administrative regions of Novreheim, Riksheim, Stor Osfjord and Nyveldet. While the administrative regions shares an national goverment which means most laws is shared, certain things like local customs, education, taxes and land managment can differ from the these states because of the local government within it. Leader from the Administrative Regions is called Administrative President, with their legislature called a Administrative Council.
==== Autonomous Communities ====
Autonomous Communities as territories that while under an Administrative Region have a certain level of autonomy which other counties of an Administrative Region does not have. This autonomy was given on the grounds of the cultural distinctness of the communities living there, which could in theory be under threat by the larger Administrative Region. The autonomy being limited to cultural customs and education which are placed separate from the Administrative Region. The only Autonomous Communities in Norgsveldet is located in the interior of Nyveldet which is mainly made up of native tieflings. The name of those communities being: Ånslan and Duarlan.
====Crown Territories====
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====Crown States====
Crown States are territories that while officaly under Norgsveldet, hold large amount of autonomy and is dejure independent in all matters of domestic issues with seperate security, military, legislative and executive from the Norgsveltian govermnent. Effectively only being under Norgsveltian foreign policy and crown. Being very similare to personal unions of the past. The Crown States has the legal right under the constitution to declare independence anytime they want If they have enough backing from the people and the political establishment in place. The current Crown States are: [[Vakrestrender]] and [[Tangrland]].
===Foreign Policy===
{{main|Foreign relations of Norgsveldet}}
Norgsveldet is the founding and major member of [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], and currently Security Council member in the [[International Forum]]. Norgsveldet holds close relations with [[KuthernburgSouth Hills]], [[South HillsAsendavia]], [[AsendaviaVistaraland]] and [[VistaralandFederation of the Southern Coast|Federation]]. Norgsveldet exert large regional to global presence and influnce thanks to its cultural, economical and militarly power, with major cultural power contributed with Norgsveldet being often seen as the leading [[Ulvriktru]] country and its imperial history. It has strained to hostile relations with nations like [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and [[Packilvania]] respectfully. With Norgsveldet having taken the unoffical stance of refusing to align with any nation it considers being superpowers, often having used its role in the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] to push for what it considers "geopolitical balance". Though despite that commitment Norgsveldet hold friendly relations with [[South Hills]] one that observers has labeled as a strategical partnership, though the two nations has history of being geopolitical rivals, though since 90s after the end of the Concordian Cold War the two has worked together on multiple occasions.
Because of Norgsveldet's role within intertnational organisations like [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]], [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] and the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] its been avaible to remain a major player in international disputes and geopolitical competition. Norgsveldet since the 90s has had an policy of promoting Pan-Ulvrikian cooperation, with [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] being seen as big success from that policy. It's [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)|Special Relationship]] with the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] has also been stated playing signficant part for Norgsveldet's continued importance on Urth at large. With the two nations being seen as co-leaders in the Crown Realm.
Norgsveldet is the founding and major member of [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], and currently Security Council member in the [[International Forum]]. Norgsveldet holds close relations with [[Kuthernburg]], [[South Hills]], [[Asendavia]] and [[Vistaraland]]. Norgsveldet exert large regional to global presence and influnce thanks to its cultural, economical and militarly power, with major cultural power contributed with Norgsveldet being often seen as the leading [[Ulvriktru]] country and its imperial history. It has strained to hostile relations with nations like [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and [[Packilvania]] respectfully. With Norgsveldet having taken the unoffical stance of refusing to align with any nation it considers being superpowers, often having used its role in the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] to push for what it considers "geopolitical balance". Though despite that commitment Norgsveldet hold friendly relations with [[South Hills]] one that observers has labeled as a strategical partnership, though the two nations has history of being geopolitical rivals, though since 90s after the end of the Concordian Cold War the two has worked together on multiple occasions.
Because of Norgsveldet's role within intertnational organisations like [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]], [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] and the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] its been avaible to remain a major player in international disputes and geopolitical competition. Norgsveldet since the 90s has had an policy of promoting Pan-Ulvrikian cooperation, with [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] being seen as big success from that policy.
Its relationship with [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and [[Packilvania]] has been a matter of international attention these last few years as a result of both long geopolitical rivalry in the case of the former, but also as recent events like matter of the [[2020 Puntalian Crisis]].
[[Norgsveltian Armed Forces]] is the millitary organisation in charge of the defense of Norgsveldet. It consist of four branches, Norgsveltian army, United Royal Navy that includes the coast guard, United Royal Airforce and Norgsveltian Home Guard. As well with other joint departments.
The standing military during peace time is 554,175 which is both the millitary staff and the civilian staff, with reserves of 1,124524,445. The majority of said reserves being stationed in the Home Guard. Who's main job is local defense and civilian support.
While An organised military existed in 1594, however it was divided between the seperate kingdoms. During the act of unity the millitary was fully unified. The most recent military conflict being the border conflicts between [[Dvalheim]] and [[Tiervan]]. The total budget of the millitary is 260280 billion UKR ($130140 billion). The Norgsveltian navy has 1 nuclear aircraft carrier, 23 non nuclear super carriers, 21 helicopter carriers, 1 landing platform, 12 Guided missile Destroyers, 6 General Purpose Destroyers, 40 frigates, 10 nuclear submarines, 30 diesel eletric submarines, 39 patrol vessels and 8 Oilers 3 Replenishment Vessel. The navy also hold several transporters, but it uses in most cases LSD's which it has 5 of, for specific missions. Norgsveldet also holding a nuclear stockpile of 300 nukes. Norgsveltian military also operate 20 satelites, 14 of which is jointly operated by all of the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]]. The Norgsveltian military having served as big role in the region, with it having the highest budget in both [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]]. Making it the second largest military in Concord, only being again beaten by the super power of [[South Hills]]. With its navy being one of the largest in the world.
The Norgsveltian Armed Forces played signficant role both North Concordian and South Concordian Oceans, with it having a large overseas deployment of around 109k that been deployed in peacekeeping missions or garrisoned to important allies or territories.
Norgsveldet has a social market economy or also called Hælan Capitalism after the river Hælan, with low unemployment rate at 2,2%, highly skilled labour force and high level of innovation. The country is one of largest economies in the world, being the second largest economy in [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] and second largest economy on Concord with total nominal gdp of $4,22 trillion and a high gdp per capita of $49,780. Norgsveldet has large service industry which make up 61% of its employment also making up large part of its economic output, a lot thanks its rising tourism industry, though banking, transportation and retail all make bigger service industries in Norgsveldet. According to stats from 2021, agriculture sector contribute 3% of Norgsveldet's entire gdp. Though almost all agriculture production comes from Nyveldet. As such the agriculture sector is well protected, though in recent years the sector has gotten less subsides. Fishing industry makes up around 10% of Norgsveldet's gdp, with almost half coming from Norgsveldet's Gondwanan territories. Norgsveldet also uses the [[United Krone]] (UKR) as its currency, which used between all members in the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] with the North Concordian Banking Council (NCBC) being placed in Osfjord, which regulates and controls the United Krone, the working language is Norgsveltian.
Norgsveldet's main export comes mostly from fishing, military armament and equipment, heavy machinery and equipment, vehicles, electronic products, metal work, pharmaceuticals, electrical equipments, transport equipments, shipbuilding, semiconductors and auto parts. With Norgsveldet importing raw materials for its industries such as fossil fuels, agriculture products, chemicals, Iron, lumber and uranium.
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[[File:150px-Hammer necklace.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Mjölnir necklace, symbol of the Ulvriktru god Thor]]
The main relgion in Norgsveldet is [[Ulvriktru]] With 7275% belonging to Ulvriktru temple of Norgsveldet, huge majority following the Gustafistic Branch of Ulvriktru. 2013,626% claiming they are nonreligious either as agnostic or atheist. 4% of all Norgsveltians follow an anncient religion called "Duarism", one followed by the indigenous Tiefling population with the two gods in Duarism being Soleiken the Sun Goddess and Månbriak the moon god. Around 2,876% follow a religion called [[Akuanism]]. With rest being put into other. [[File:High gothi.jpg|right|thumb|150px|High Gothi of Norgsveldet]]
While [[Ulvriktru]] does have diffrent branches those branches is mostly for political reasons then religious ones. The religous divide in Ulvriktru happening in the late 1700s when king Gustaf II of Norgsveldet made himself head of the Ulvriktru religion. Which religous divide to those who recognised the Norgsveltian monarch religous authority and those that did not. Later on being called Gustafstic Ulvriktru for those who recognise the Norgsveltian monarch as head of the Ulvriktru faith giving him the title of Fylkir of the Ulvriktru faith, and the ones who rather recognise the Gothirs as the religious leaders of the Ulvriktru faith as Gothiric Ulvriktru. With Gothirs accross Gothiric Ulvriktru chosing the High Gothir of Ulvriktru, as a personal embodiment to counter the Norgsveltian monarch religious authority.
The god Odin is seen as the main god, it is often his son Thor that is frequently prayed to and whorshiped. Which also can be seen with certain people following the religion often wearing [[Wikipedia:Mjölnir|Mjölnir]] as a necklace. Though not considered diffrent branches in Ulvriktru there exist two type of worshiping in Ulvriktru, Æsirism and Vanarism. In Æsirism the Æsir gods being put in higher importance during prayer then the one of of the Vanir. While the opposite is true with Vanarism. It should be noted a Ulvriktruar is unlikely to identify themself around this, and many followers who pray more frequently to one type of god over the other still views both type of gods as equal. Thor despite being a Æsir god, is frequently prayed to by all. There is however gods like Hel the goddess of Death, that does not fit either type of worship as she is neither Æsir or Vanir, but a Jotun in which according to tradition, shall be respected but never worshiped.
In 1950 the seperation between Temple and state happened, while attempt before was made it was not before under the labour party leadership of Agnir Hansen that seperation was succesful. There is however still alot of connection between the Ulvriktru temple and state, more specificaly between the monarch and the temple. The seperation being only between the elected goverment and temple. By Norgsveldet consitution the monarchy must be an fellower of the Ulvriktru faith and it's teachings. The monarch of Norgsveldet is also the de jure head of the Ulvriktru faith, meaning that theoraticaly the Norgsveltian King hold highest religious authority within Gustafistic Ulvriktru. However most of the religious matter in Norgsveldet itself holds with the High Gothi of Norgsveldet., Withhowever most religious mattersduties in Norgsveldet is handled by the High GothiGothir, such as religious events. The High GothiGothir serves for life and the next succesor is chosen by the monarch.
Norgsveldet use a diffrent calendar then what most of Urth follows likewise with other Ulvriktru countries that follow the Nori calendar, an calendar made for the basis of after the death of Ulvriktru's founder. According to that calendar the current year is 1371 ADN.
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