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According to the General Prosecutor's Office, 234 people were killed and 586 wounded.
===The Troubles, and the Coup of Draal and New Constitution===
[[File:Image 2022-03-27 082007.png|200px|left|thumb|The future leader of the coup, Brigadier GeneralColonel, and Knight of Honour and Warmaster of the Guards Clodagh Lean nar Jisak'saha conversing with Realm Air Force Lieutenant Egi Saak nar Tenkir'ka of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing during a visit to the airbase in April 2nd, 1963. 5Five months before the event that came to be known as the Coup of Draal.]]
The Troubles referred to a series of major economic recessions and political infightings in Mirhaime during the 1950s and 1960s. Beginning with the rapid declination of the Loren Stock Exchange, in which stock prices collapsed completely and 6,410,030 shares were traded in a single day. Billions of Inters were lost, wiping out thousands of investors, and stock tickers ran hours behind because the machinery could not handle the tremendous volume of trading. After October 29, 1959, stock prices had nowhere to go but up, so there was considerable recovery during succeeding weeks. Overall,By howeverand large, pricescosts continuedkept toon dropdropping as the Mirhaime Federation slumpeddrooped into an unprecendetedexceptional economicfinancial depressiondownturn, and by Q1 of 1962 stocks were worth onlysomewhere aboutaround 20 percent% of their valueworth in the summerQ2 of 1959. ThoughHowever stockfinancial marketexchange crash of 1959 was not the sole causereason offor the Great Depression, it did actacted to acceleratespeed up the economicmonetary collapsebreakdown. By 1963, nearlyalmost half50% of Mirhaime's banks had failedfizzled, and unemployment was approachingmoving toward 14 million peopleindividuals, or 30 percent% of the workforcelabor force.
Though measures could have been taken to help the economy weather the storm, inept leadership and incompetence in a number of crucial areas did little to help. The paragons who were chosen to deal with the crisis failed terribly, and the Saenad plungeddove itself into chaostumult. Aids were requested from foreign states, many of whom agreed to assist. Though these aids gave Mirhaime's citizens much needed relief, they did not help to alleviate the Federation's ongoing political split. The appearances of aids and personnel from Tretrid, a traditional geopolitical rival of Mirhaime galvanized conservatives within the Saedikar, Saenad and Realm Defence. This culminated in the event known as the Coup of Draal in late 1963, in which several units of the Realm Guards formed a new Revolutionary Council of the Guards, headed by Brigadier General and Battlemaster of the Guards Clodagh Lean nar Jisak'sa. However, they were intercepted by loyalist forces against whom they engaged in armed skirmishes in the Ka of Pankow. The political fallout of the coup allowed reformist movements within the Saenad to grow in power and influence. At the Ansan Coalition's 314th National Congress in September 1964, a coalition of reformist delegates foiled the 'old guards' government and replaced it with new leadership, a replacement highly popular amongst the disenfranchised public whose votes allowed Jalo Resak Siinkar nar Pankow'ka, then 39, the leader of this movement to be elected as the new Paragon of the Federation and Commander of the Ansan Coalition. He and the reformers executed ''Doika'' ("Renovation"), a set of free-market reforms, public work projects and financial reforms and regulations that repealed inefficient economic policies while carefully managing the economy's transformation. Under ''Doika'', the government incentivized the private sector, deregulated the economy, and promoted foreign investments while maintaining control over strategic industries, despite the fact that the state's authority remained unquestioned. Mirhaime's economy grew rapidly in agricultural and industrial production, construction, exports, and foreign investment as a result of these reforms, however, income disparity increased as new firms developed to replace existing cooperatives.
The coup begun around 8:42 PM (local time) when communication with Fort Kivarr was lost as members of the newly-formed Council seized control of the Fort from loyalist elements without opposition. Initially thought to be a simple malfunctioning of communication equipment, a small group of technicians comprising of Specialists Jatan Zasagh, Niahm Ryka, and Kinrah Aemir were dispatched to Fort Kivarr from Fort Zuvan in Pankow'ka to assist. However, as they were approaching the Fort at around 9:12 PM, the specialists were forcefully apprehended, and detained by members of the RCG. While in custody, the three specialists learned of the plot of the coup d'etat and set about to overwhelm their captors, and forewarn loyalist forces. At around 10:30 PM, the three specialists managed to remove their cuffs, and escape from their cells after managing to overwhelm a guardswoman whom they violently attacked, and tied up. Thereafter, the three specialists managed to free several more loyalist members of the Fort who were detained. With the plan set in motion, a daring push towards the communication facility of the base were conducted were made. There, the specialists managed to send a wireless signal to Fort Zuvan who then proceeded it towards the Tale Citadel. Afterwards, the specialists and guardsmen freed from captivity fortified themselves within the base's main nuclear shelter facility wherefrom they continued to harass rebel forces till relief came a day after. The specialists, and loyalist guardsmen were awarded with Gallantry Crosses with Palm for having played an instrumental role in the suppression of the coup attempt.
Having lost the element of surprise, the RCG pushed Regiment E33 'Zarul' towards the westerm outskirts of Pankow'ka by 12:22 AM wherein they attempted to disable Fort Zuvan but was met with great resistance from the Fort's garrison, the Regiment of Foot E38 'Dragoons'. The Guardsmen of Company ZB-2, Battalion D8 who stood between the rebels and Fort Zuvan were estimated to be around 60, but they managed to repel the initial thrust and kill seven rebels who attempted to scale the walls and run across the grass. As the rebels trucked in reinforcements to attempt to cordon off the northern perimeter of the Fort, the remainder of Company ZB-2 were mustered and managed to break the hastility-fortified rebel positions by 1:30 AM. Though rebel mortar positions continued to fire at the Fort, they were disabled by local self-defense forces who overwhelmed, and apprehended them. Remaining positions hastily removed themselves from the sector, and rejoined the main column of attack.
Having lost all elements crucial to the success of their plot, the RCG and Regiment E33 made a final push towards Downtown Pankow'ka where they attempted to seize key positions that could potentially allow them direct access to Loren'ka via Highway A-55. By 1:30 AM of the same day, however, Battalion D3 of Regiment E38 mustered its entire force to defend key chokepoints from coup attacks in coordination with Battalion D5, and D8 as well as detachments of local self-defense forces. They were verbally encouraged by citizens who managed to catch wind of the coup attempt as banners were waved in support of loyalist forces.
Heading down the main thoroughfare, the rebels attempted to pacify the local population but were met with relative opposition from pro-loyalist citizens. One argument on Catrin Zarak Street escalated into a full firefight between armed citizens, and rebel forces wherein molotov cocktails were thrown at rebel armored vehicles from within buildings. Armed citizens, the vast majority of whom are veterans with formal military training, continued to offer resistance from within their homes, and office buildings. The City's General Prosecutor's Office estimated that the rebels suffered between 50 to 100 casualties as a direct result of these violent confrontations, and attacks.
At around 2:30 AM, both sides engaged in direct combat with the heaviest fighting concentrated around the road junction connecting Unity Avenue and Vukar Street in District 2; Fifth Street Promenade in District 3: and the Pankow Town Hall in District 1. Following a speech by the the City's mayor, Madame Bethan Zaragh nar Pankow'ka, which gave the citizenry much insight into the gravity of the situation, resistance reputedly intensified in grounds held by rebel forces as ambushes by armed citizens severely hampered the rebel's logistical efforts on top of severely weakening their morale.
By 7:30 AM, loyalist reinforcements were pouring in by the thousands from the direction of Highway A-55. With mounting losses, and no hope for victory, the leadership of Battalion D59 of the rebel Regiment E33 established bilateral communication with loyalist forces expressing their wish to switch side while providing crucial information in exchange. By 8:30 AM, the entirety of Battalion D59 began attacking rebel forces in coordination with a loyalist counterattack. Having suffered heavy casualties, many rebel units surrendered en masse. By 12:30 AM, the majority of rebel forces having voluntarily disarmed themselves with one final company retreating to defensive positions around their barracks, which was an ad hoc camp that had been set up in Katan Public Park in District 1, approximately 3 kilometres away from the town hall.
Having surrounded the park by 1:30 PM, loyalist forces, accompanied by the city's mayor attempted to negotiate with the rebels who reluctantly surrendered. Colonel Clodagh Lean nar Jisak'ha was also captured alive.
After a brief but violent battle that killed around 400 people, the coup attempt was crushed. This included many armed civilians who offered fierce resistance to rebel forces. Fort Kivarr was recaptured by loyalist forces at around 3:00 PM, the holdout there being relieved.
For their distinguished service, and unwavering dedication to their oaths of duty, over 9,000 individuals received Meritorious Service Medals. Those that fell were provided with compensation, and awarded with the esteemed titles of Knights. Future administrations upheld the promise of support by continuing to provide for over 253 families whose members were Killed in Action during the coup.
All 1,483 members of the RCG were interrogated, but ultimately only 124 were prosecuted: 73 NCOs, nineteen officers, nineteen soldiers and ten civilians. Of these, all of the officers, 43 NCOs, three soldiers and all of the civilians were found guilty. The trials related to the coup took nearly eighteen months to complete.
Fifteen of the officers, including Clodagh Lean were executed by firing squad on 15 July, 1964 at a military prison on Sentinel Island. The execution of two of her righthands, Major Ceri Ziris, and Aidan Kodagh was delayed so that they could testify at the trials of other officers. Ceri, Aidan, the remainder of the rebels found guilty were executed by firing squad at the same location on 14 August 1964
=== '''New Constitution''' ===
The political fallout of the coup allowed reformist movements within the Saenad to grow in power and influence. At the Ansan Coalition's 314th National Congress in September 1964, a coalition of reformist delegates foiled the 'old guards' government and replaced it with new leadership, a replacement highly popular amongst the disenfranchised public whose votes allowed Jalo Resak Siinkar nar Pankow'ka, then 39, the leader of this movement to be elected as the new Paragon of the Federation and Commander of the Ansan Coalition. He and the reformers executed ''Doika'' ("Renovation"), a set of free-market reforms, public work projects and financial reforms and regulations that repealed inefficient economic policies while carefully managing the economy's transformation. Under ''Doika'', the government incentivized the private sector, deregulated the economy, and promoted foreign investments while maintaining control over strategic industries, despite the fact that the state's authority remained unquestioned. Mirhaime's economy grew rapidly in agricultural and industrial production, construction, exports, and foreign investment as a result of these reforms, however, income disparity increased as new firms developed to replace existing cooperatives.
===Recent history===
