Military of Kazhimistan

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The Grand Kazhim Army is the entirety of the Armed Forces of Kazhimistan. It consists of two major Corps: the Royal Guard of Kazhimistan, and the Volunteer Corps of the Grand Kazhim Army. The Grand Kazhim Army has a standing force of around 100 servicemen, all of whom are members of the Royal Guard.

The Royal Guard of Kazhimistan

The Royal Guard of Kazhimistan is the part of the Grand Kazhim Army responsible for protecting the Sheikh of Kazhimistan and the Royal Palace. Historically, they've been the elite soldiers of the Grand Kazhim Army, although in the present day that sentiment has faded. The Royal Guard is selected based on nominations from lower level officers of the Volunteer Corps. They represent the most dedicated and loyal section of the Grand Kazhim Army. They are also regularly involved in raids on the terrorist organizations in Kazhim City and Outer Kazhimistan. The effect on these groups is generally regarded as minimal, serving more to maintain the illusion of control to the Kazhim Royalty than to actively shut down threats to Kazhimistan.

The Volunteer Corps of the Grand Kazhim Army

The Volunteer Corps of the Grand Kazhim Army is the part of the Grand Kazhim Army responsible for National Self-Defence. Consisting entirely of unpaid volunteers, the Volunteer Corps is a ramshackle assortment of working class people united in common cause to protect Kazhimistan and the people within it. The loyalty to the crown of these units is negligible at times, but they are respected by the people of Kazhimistan for their willingness to defend their nation.