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The United States of Mexregiona has never used conscription, maintaining an all-volunteer defense force since 1854. Conscription was considered during the [[Great War]] out of concerns that the country would be caught unprepared if invaded, but the Chiefs of Staff decided that the risk of invasion could actually be increased by a dramatic uptick in the number of persons in the Armed Forces. Mexregionans of all species and all genders serve in the Armed Forces, with women being granted the ability to serve in combat positions in 2011.
Culturally, great emphasis has traditionally been placed on the Armed Forces by Mexregionans since the end of the Second Dark Ages and the dawn of the Republic era. After two centuries of outside rule, much of it brutal, due to military defeats, Mexregionans have considered a military capable of repelling outside attack to be a top priority. Even in the modern era, after more than three centuries of peace, “a strong military” continues to rank at the top when the public is surveyed about political policy preferences. In the 20th century into the 21st, it became recognized that Mexregiona had reached the limit of what military infrastructure it could reasonably sustain itself, and it began to reach out to global powers to form military relationships. As of 2021, three foreign countries maintain military bases in Mexregiona: [[Asendavia]], [[Great Morstaybishlia]], and [[Kuthernburg]]. These countries maintain personnel and equipment in Mexregiona for the defense of Mexregiona as well as for the advancement of their own interests in the High Rotantic region.
Partnership with Asendavia was controversial, with many questioning why the country would turn to a former occupying power for defense aid. When the Asendavian-Mexregional military cooperation agreement began in the 1980s, Mexregional authorities justified it by noting that the occupation had been over for more than four centuries and that Asendavia was a major military power and economy whose assistance could benefit Mexregiona. The Scrivener of Defense at the time, Allen Mixon, Sr., said "The Dark Ages are over, and Mexregiona and Asendavia are entering into this agreement as states of equal standing and dignity to jointly advance our interests. Part of repairing the damage done in the past is agreeing to move beyond the past."
In the 21st century, Mexregiona’s primary strategic focuses have been on ensuring reliable access for trade in the High Rotantic and in intelligence gathering. Both of these aims are furthered by Mexregiona’s membership in the [[Conference for Amity and Cooperation]], a pact of four Novaran countries designed for military cooperation, intelligence sharing, and the mutual furtherance of other shared goals.
