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In April of 1852, the Bank of Zalica threatened to collect on a loan the Republic had taken out by seizing the state’s assets held in the bank—which would have rendered the government literally destitute. The governments of Insulmin and Insulmag parishes offered, through their own separate treasuries (along with significant offered contributions from wealthy business people in those parishes), pay off the debt and agree to a higher rate of taxation—but only if the Constitution were amended to give each parish seats in the Parliament based on population. The other parishes, faced with the financial ruin of the entire country and the end of the Noble Project, relented. After the debt was paid in 1852, a series of Constitutional Conventions led to the replacement of the entire Republic government with a federal system, the United States of Mexregiona, on July 15th, 1854.
In April of 1852, the Bank of Zalica threatened to collect on a loan the Republic had taken out by seizing the state’s assets held in the bank—which would have rendered the government literally destitute. The governments of Insulmin and Insulmag parishes offered, through their own separate treasuries (along with significant offered contributions from wealthy business people in those parishes), pay off the debt and agree to a higher rate of taxation—but only if the Constitution were amended to give each parish seats in the Parliament based on population. The other parishes, faced with the financial ruin of the entire country and the end of the Noble Project, relented. After the debt was paid in 1852, a series of Constitutional Conventions led to the replacement of the entire Republic government with a federal system, the United States of Mexregiona, on July 15th, 1854.
[[File:Michigan-Hall-Of-Justice.jpg|thumb|right|300px|The Csongor Kovács Federal Building in Insulmin City, Insulmin, the de facto capitol building of the United States of Mexregiona. Insulmin City has been the seat of most government agencies for the entire United States era.]]

The United States Constitution made each of the five parishes sovereign over their own people and territory in almost all respects. Taxation was to be entirely handled by the parishes, with each parish required to remit a certain percentage to the federal government. A finite list of responsibilities was granted to the federal government—defense, international relations, railroads, the post, coinage and currency, and weights and measures—with all other matters reserved to the parishes, who were free to establish their internal governments as they saw fit. From 1854 until 1951, Lúisnaja was led by a hereditary Duke that faced a confirmation election when they inherited the office but then reigned for life. The executive of Ingenlääp is still known as the Executive Magistrate.
The United States Constitution made each of the five parishes sovereign over their own people and territory in almost all respects. Taxation was to be entirely handled by the parishes, with each parish required to remit a certain percentage to the federal government. A finite list of responsibilities was granted to the federal government—defense, international relations, railroads, the post, coinage and currency, and weights and measures—with all other matters reserved to the parishes, who were free to establish their internal governments as they saw fit. From 1854 until 1951, Lúisnaja was led by a hereditary Duke that faced a confirmation election when they inherited the office but then reigned for life. The executive of Ingenlääp is still known as the Executive Magistrate.