Legendary Creatures of Urth: Difference between revisions

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''Qilin'' are mythological divine messengers appearing similar to horses, easily marked by their blue fish scales, russet manes, and large antlers. Some drawings show long fish whiskers, and they generally appear to have brilliant, sparkling eyes. They are said to run as fast as the wind, and that if you are all alone in the forest and listen carefully, you can hear their hooves as they bolt from place to place. Qilin are known for their extraordinary wisdom, but most often in stories appear while being hunted by foolish elves who can never catch up, and often find themselves led to their doom for daring to commit such a sin.
== Aurora ==
== Borea ==
== Concord ==
== Itur ==
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''Zzor Vampires'' are monsters that appear as pale humans, usually with a worn, haggard expression and unnaturally long teeth. However, when exposed to candlelight, they appear much more feral and animalistic, to a horrifying extreme. Zzor Vampires have a well documented weakness to wooden stakes and sunlight, but at night are known to have heightened strength, speed, reflexes, senses, and regeneration. Unless killed by a wooden stake, sunlight, or a consecrated weapon, they are said to be immortal, unaging and highly resistant to conventional weaponry. In one tale, it is suggested that being starved of blood can also kill a vampire. Poison and disease cannot touch them, but they are repelled by wild garlic, and injured when trying to cross a salt line. Most have the power to compel mortals to do as they say, but more powerful vampires have the ability to levitate and use telekinesis, and some even more obscure tales tell of Zzor Vampires who are completely undying, maintain their powers during the day, and can even turn into bats or a cloud of mist. Zzor are created through an unholy blood pact with an existing Zzor, making use of rare ingredients and a dozen sacrifices, and Zzor that are created during a blood moon have the ability to practice blood magic, which converts the blood they consume into magical energy which they can use to cast spells and strengthen their existing powers. Powerful blood magic can even temporarily protect vampires from sunlight.
== Novaris ==
== Yasteria ==
== Yasteria Minor ==
