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''For history of the Nystapi People: [[Nystapi People#History|Nystapi People History]]''
The Blåskovian government announced the creation of Lapliszna as a [[Nystapi People|Nystapi]] ethnic majority Jarldom in 1972, and later was formally declared as independent in December, 1990. The exact reasoning behind the act of declaring Lapliszna as independent isn't clear, with the Blåskovian government giving different reasoning for it numerous times. However the most commonalty accepted reason was the Nystapi people's act of Niväk in the late 1700s, the closeness of the two ethnic groups, and the loyalty of the Nystapi leaders during the [[Borean Bush Conflict|Borean Bush Conflicts]] in the 1920s-1940s. During the 1970s, the region now known as Lapliszna was considered to be unsuitable and too harsh for elven settlers, but it was decided that the Nystapi 'cultural collective ruggedness' would be perfect to settle the region. TheThis was furthered by the interest in the potential for further oil and natural gas despots though this was proven to be false. However the discovery of diamonds, silver and gold in the early 2000s assist in the further development of the country.
Blåskovian government in the 1972 both announced the creation of the future Jarldom, but first removed the original Nystapi autonomous region in the northern reaches of [[Blaskog]] and the Blåskovian king announced the region will be first created into a 'Special Development & Autonomous Zone' for the Nystapi people. The special zone was given the same rights as the former Nystapi autonomous region, but with the added benefit of one-time payment moving to the region and subsidize construction of housing in the area. While the removal of the autonomous region was painful experience, the Blåskovian government made small effort to assist Nystapi families to move to the zone with the payments. First settlements was focused on the pre-existing villages and towns but later focused settlement on the known copper and coal deposits.
The period between 1972 to the late 2000s was known as the Nystapi renaissance, period of time more than lasting 30 years which caused a reinvention of the Nystapi culture and the creation of institutions. Ideals of self-governance, siblingly ties to Blåskovian culture, and a [[Nystapi People#Post-Niväk|Nystapi Shrine Authority]] being reorganized became anew. Older ideals became replaced as millions of Nystapi across [[Borea]] moved to the region. Which the Blåskovian government saw as a positive. When the country became independent, it was given a care-taking government was managed by the [[Blaskog]] until 2014 when [[Esta the Protector]] was enshrined and coronated as the head of state of Lapliszna. Post-2014, the parliament was primary dominated by the Nystapi People's Party with Jonas Liljeström servicing as prime minister.
=== Nystapi Zone Period (1972 - 1990) ===
==== Nystapi Renaissance ====
==== Brewmaster Council of Neylapdor ====
=== Caretaker Government Period (1990 - 2014) ===
=== First Nystapi Period (2014 - 2023) ===
=== Modern Period (2024 - Ongoing) ===
== Government and Politics ==
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== Culture ==
''Main Article: [[Nystapi People]]''
Lapliszna being a majority Nystapi heavily reflects it in its culture and language. Being one of the few non-multicultural Akuan states on Urth, while still being Akuan majority country. Regardless of the Blåskovian culture influence within the country, Nystapi culture is still heavily shown across the country.
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