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|national_motto=Bundet av blod och enhet
|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list | 8088% Nystapi | 12% Blåskogar | 8% Nystatinne}}
|GDP_nominal_year= 2022
|GDP_nominal_per_capita = 13,000
|government_type=De jure Constitutional Monarchy; De facto Absolutist Monarchy|currency=Blaskovian Krone}}
'''Lapliszna''', officially the '''Jarldom of Lapliszna''' is a small country located on the northern eastern part of [[Borea]]. It's borders [[Syrtænzna]], [[Blaskog]] and [[Kæra'zna]]. It's a developing country with a incredibly mixed result for standards of living and a struggling social welfare program. Standards for living and social welfare for government employees heavily differ from non-government employees. Concerns have been raised about the employment practices employed by the government with some civil rights organizations stating it heavily favors the elven minority. The government has countered these claims stating they hire who is best for the job regardless of species, releasing a barge of reports showing they have a significant Nekomimi and TielfingKemonomimi employment into the government. The government issued a statement that they're making attempts to further Nystapi employment by the government and creating several educational programs to assist with the objective. The economy is sizeable for an eastern Borean country with GDP measuring 67,000,000,000 UKR, primary exporting coal and rare earth minerals to [[Blaskog]] it's primary trade partner. Militarily speaking, the country roughly spends 8% of it's GDP, government citing the alleged large National Republicanists terrorist organization operating with in the country with ties to Hirdist ideology. The National Republicanist group has committed several mass shootings and bombings within the country, which the [[Esta the Protector]] heavily publicized on her various social media platforms.
== History ==
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== Economy ==
The economy of Lapliszna is primary based in it's mineral exports to [[Blaskog]]. Primary exporting coal, copper, silver and gold at a heavily reduced market price.
The Central Authority of Development and Banking is responsible for surveying and developing reports about the economy. Directing the state owned enterprises and investments in the economy, management of economic output, as well as managing the interest rate. The central body is heavily involved across all sectors, and the largest employer in the country outright. The CADB is under heavy scrutiny from Norgsveltian and Côtois observers for being a tool of neo-imperalism by [[Blaskog]], although neither government has officially laid sanctions on the company due to political concerns relating to [[Esta the Protector]] role as a Enshrined Spirit.
Industrial and Luxury goods are always imported from [[Blaskog]], aside from a handful of sectors produced within the country itself. The Nystapi and Blaskovian economies being linked within a 'less-than-equal' custom's union. Lapliszna heavily depending on Blaskog for industrial goods, and Lapliszna sending raw goods back.
Agriculture in Lapliszna is focused on cash crops, growing cherry trees, strawberries and blueberries. Reindeer ranching has been a growing part of the country economy, as the fur and meat trade has became increasingly commercialized.
Lapliszna, when compared to its neighbors of [[Nystatiszna]], [[Gusanaszna]] and [[Syrtænzna]] has the most developed natural resource extraction operations. Although [[Nystatiszna]] in recent years has been rapidly catching up, and is expected to surpass massively Lapliszna within the coming year. The Jarldom produces plethora of minerals, which is exported to [[Blaskog]] at an extremely reduced market price. Minerals such as copper, cobalt, coal, silver and gold but not limited too such. Majority of diamonds extracted out of [[Borea]], comes out of the country the closet competitor being [[Nystatiszna]] and [[Blaskog]].
Outside of mineral extraction, agriculture employees makes up the bulk of employment for the country. Virtually all meat from animal husbandry comes from reindeer ranching, reindeer meat being socially and religious acceptable to consume for the Nystapi peoples. Reindeer meat being a top export and due to how wide spread Nystapi people are in East Borea, as well affordability of Reindeer meat when compared to meat from a cattle. From agricultural perspective, the most common crops grown and exported being various berries produced, such as Rokin berry which is used in native Borean wines. Borean spices and Ice-rice being a close top export next to Reindeer meat and Rokin-berries.
Reindeer furs are commonly used in clothing, and reindeer fur coats to [[Blaskog]] which is worn by the middle and upper class. Meanwhile the same furs are seen as commoner clothing for the masses in Lapliszna. The textile industry within Lapliszna primary uses furs, cotton and Borean Silk, although majority of textiles sold within the country originate from [[Blaskog]] rather than domestically produced.
=== Transportation ===
Lapliszna has a developed cargo and passenger railway network, linking its industrial centers together and back to Blaskog proper. Railways are owned and managed by Central Authority Development and Banking. As part of the railway contract, requires any company that ships on its rails the CADB must be a part owner of the previously mention company. The highway network links between the capital to its major cities, and a single highway that links Neylapdor to Kungstad. Majority of the roads however are not paved, most villages and small towns still having dirt or untreated concrete roads.
== Military ==
Administrators, verified
