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== History ==
''For history of the Nystapi People: [[Nystapi People#History|Nystapi People History]]''
The Blåskovian government announced the creation of Lapliszna as a [[Nystapi People|Nystapi]] ethnic majority Jarldom in 1972, and later was formally declared as independent in December, 1990. The exact reasoning behind the act of declaring Lapliszna as independent isn't clear, with the Blåskovian government giving different reasoning for it numerous times. However the most commonalty accepted reason was the Nystapi people's act of Niväk in the late 1700s, the closeness of the two ethnic groups, and the loyalty of the Nystapi leaders during the [[Borean Bush Conflict|Borean Bush Conflicts]] in the 1920s-1940s. During the 1970s, the region now known as Lapliszna was considered to be unsuitable and too harsh for elven settlers, but it was decided that the Nystapi 'cultural collective ruggedness' would be perfect to settle the region. The
=== '''Pre-Zrei''' ===
Nystapi peoples splintered off of from the Nystets long ago, favoring a more nomadic lifestyle compared to their more farming cultural kin. This isn't to say didn't created permanent structures having created thousands of [[Akuanism|Akuan]] shrines along the northern coasts reaching modern day [[Izria]] and as far as modern day [[Blaskog]] eastern coast lines. The shrines acting both as a rest stop for traveling bands of Nystapi and as a place of worship. The differences in shrines between the native Nystets and Nystapi being small but easily recognizable for devoted Akuanists. Nystapi traveled along side the roaming bands of reindeers before they domesticated them, following closely behind the herds of reindeer and mapping out many of the watering holes they later developed into Vatnavættir shrines.
Later when they domesticated the reindeer, the bond of Nystapi and nature grew to be a part of their culture. Reindeer became as much as part of the community as any Nystapi, as well a symbol of pride and respect for the roaming bands. Having a large herd being seen more prestige, as they could afford a greater population and a greater care for their people. As with each reindeer it could feed more families, more clothing and more devices.
=== Zreiu'a Colonization ===
As the Zrei became to colonize and invade the western shores of Borea, the Nystapi found the land which they once roamed to be fenced off and the people unwelcomed. Being forced off their grazing lands infavor of more protective cattle brought by the Zrei. In some cases they was driven off by force and their shrines they kept guard over for thousands of years burned to the ground. Council was held by all bands on the matter of Zrei, which came to the agreement, they will only resist their attempts if they pushed further into Borea. Fearing they wouldn't win a war against a technology better foe.
== Government and Politics ==
Administrators, verified
