Lapinumbia–Tretrid relations: Difference between revisions

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Late Threnian records have been found that document the settlement of Norvian-speaking people south of the Threnian civilization. According to various historical sources, these Norvians would often partake in costal raids and presented a significant annoyance. However, the Norvians also engaged in a significant amount of trade in the region, often facilitating the exchange of goods between South and West Novaris.
The Republic of Lapinumbia consolidated power around its capital of Vecitania soon after it was founded and started establishing costal trading posts along the south coast of the Bay of Lapinum. While it would be some time before Lapinumbia would properly control the region, these outposts were used to trade with the proto-Tretridian states to the north. Surviving records from Westrice document cordial relationships between the nascent Republic and the then-dominant Western Kingdom.
As Dallacqua, at the time the dominant power in West Novaris, started expanding east, Lapinumbia agreed to become a client state to avoid a potentially costly war. Westrice, however, collapsed to internal forces as well as due to Dallacquan encroachment. Records from the Triarchy era, which started about two centuries after the collapse of Westrice, discuss how Lapinumbia would sometimes struggle against its Dallacquan overlords for autonomy. As Dallacqua was the dominant power of the time, however, these power struggles were never successful.
===First Tretridio-Dallacquan War===
In 1256, after Ælfric I of Norþrenia conquered the two other Triarchal states and crowned himself King of Tretrid, he immediately turned west and attacked Dallacqua. The new Tretridian Kingdom, still highly militarized from its wars of unification, proved too much for Dallacqua, which was forced to give up its easternmost territories. After fortifying his newfound gains, Ælfric turned south.
Aware that Lapinumbia could make a useful ally in the future, Ælfric dispatched ambassadors to Lapinumbia. The Lapinumbian doge welcomed the ambassadors warmly, and the two polities proceeded to establish cordial relations with each other. In 1262, Tretrid secretly agreed to support Lapinumbia if they appealed for aid against Dallacqua, in what was known as the Vecitania Agreement.
===Cynebury Conference and Lapinumbian independence===
===Tretridian Anarchy and Lapinumbian gains===
Administrators, verified
