Korćetta: Difference between revisions

Changed currency
(Made it Federal Republic)
(Changed currency)
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|currency='''Official Currency:''' Red Krone <br/> '''Unofficial Currency:''' Lasówkrania Trhuil
|iso3166code=LW, LWA
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=== Early History ===
==== Founding ====
Before the formation of Cascadii in 1267, the region of [[Kaskada]] was occupied by a large kingdom, [[Liesvozia]]. After the [[Liesvozia|Liesvozian]] Golden Age the kingdom entered an age of low stability. This age of is called the Foggy Age, as little is known about the age due to the destruction of written documents by the humans. During this age the [[Silvism|Silvist]] religion started growing among humans living in the nation. The humans, believing in human supremacy, started rioting against the government for being ruled by an “inferior species”. The riots turned into massacres as humans started killing other species in the name of their goddess Wszechświat. It all came to a head when in 1267 a human led coup was held against the [[Liesvozia|Liesvozian]] government. The coup was successful and the humans installed a [[Silvism|Silvist]] government run by King Jodła I. The nation was renamed to Cascadii, a Codexianized version of the name of the region [[Kaskada]]. The full name of this new nation was the First Silvist Kingdom of Cascadii.
==== First Kingdom ====
During the coup, multiple nations succeeded from Liesvozia. These included modern day [[Zemeprievadai]], [[Joralesia]], and [[Aivintis]].
==== First Republic ====
==== Second Kingdom ====
==== Second Republic ====
==== Third Republic ====
==== Third Kingdom ====
=== Late History ===
==== Colonization ====
In 1635 Cascadii found new fertile land after exploring the Sea of Gondwana. They were looking to become a great empire like they had been before. They colonized this land, which they called Zachodnipaństwo meaning western state. Cascadii held onto this new land until 1842 when [[Tretrid]] forcibly took it from them. After this happened Cascadii got deterred from colonizing any more. They didn't want to lose land to any more major powers, so they stayed off of the world stage and started to mind their own thing.
==== Military Takeover ====
In 1908 in wake of the [[Great War]] the military overthrew the monarch. They said this was to protect the country from the war. After the war was over the military kept control over the nation.
==== Fourth Republic ====
==== First Civil War ====
In 1920 the people got fed up with the rule by the military, and led a revolution. In 1921 the war was won by the people of Cascadii with them blowing up the capital building that the leader of the Junta lived in killing the leader. In the place of the Junta a republic was created.
==== Second Civil War ====
The [[Second Cascadyjski Civil War]] was started in 2021, when the government banned the monarchist party because of rising popularity. The government of Wodnyziemia rose up against the Cascadii government. The Cascadii government has much less troops than Wodnyziemia. Wodnyziemia was winning battle after battle, but when the troops realized that this government was the same as the old Cascadii government they rose up and formed the Reformed State of Lasówkrania. Lasówkrania had many more troops than both Cascadii and Wodnyziemia combined. Lasówkrania was easily able to win the war, but not without casualties. [[Nystatiszna]], who was fighting on the side of Wodnyziemia destroyed the coastal area of the nation, making it uninhabitable to Lasówkrania citizens, this area was named the [[Great Dead Man's Zone]].
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The Lasówkranian Trhuil the official currency of Lasówkrania. Cascadia has a GDP of 803,346,880,000 USD and a GDP per capita of 40,000 USD. Lasówkrania's largest exports are lumber and seafood, and their largest imports are chocolate and bananas.
==Government ==
Lasówkrania is a one-party socialist state, with it's legislature being the [[People's Reform Council]]. The leader of Lasówkrania is President [[Aleksy Niezgoda]]. [[Aleksy Niezgoda]] was elected in 2021 after the [[Second Cascadyjski Civil War]].
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Lasówkrania has a fairly cold climate. Lasówkrania is heavily forested and is fairly mountainous. Lasówkrania has a large inland lake called Lake Kaskada. The largest river in Lasówkrania is the Błyszcząca River that spans from Lake Kaskada to the sea. The highest peak in Lasówkrania is Niebiański Peak. Lasówkrania has a fairly large sandy coastline. The largest national forest is the Lasówkrania National Forest spanning most of the nation.
== Political Divisions ==
Lasówkrania has six sectors.
