Kerilo Accord: Difference between revisions

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2. The Straits of Tano are hereby declared as treaty waters, and will be policed by a joint maritime defense force.
3. British Grand PacificVolkia shall annex the districtstate of NajuYgori in East Tano, which has served as a safe haven for displaced peoplesDveria.
4. VolkiaVekaiyu shall annex the stateremainder of Ygori in Dveria.
65. Open academies will be established for Pact officers in order to train for environmental-specific operations.
5. Vekaiyu shall annex the remainder of Dveria.
6. All signatory nations will be granted protection from any attack. An attack on one is an attack on all signatories.
6. Open academies will be established for Pact officers in order to train for environmental-specific operations.
7. All signatory nations willare beable grantedto protectionforge fromtheir anyown attack.alliances Anand attackagreements onindependent oneof isthis accord, barring an attackimpingement on allthe conditions outlined in this membersdocument.
8. All signatory nations are able to forge their own alliances and agreements independent of this accord, so long as they do not impinge on the conditions outlined in this document.
[[category:The East Pacific]][[category:Vekaiyu]][[category:Listonia]][[category:Volkia]]
cartographer, Administrators, verified
