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The Valmae metro is one of 3 underground system in Kasmiyland and serves the city of Valmae via 311 stations. The rail transport market is privatized, but while there are many privately owned enterprises, the largest operators are still owned by state. The counties have financing, ticket and marketing responsibility for local trains. For other trains the operators handle tickets and marketing themselves.
The Valmae metro is one of 3 underground system in Kasmiyland and serves the city of Valmae via 311 stations. The rail transport market is privatized, but while there are many privately owned enterprises, the largest operators are still owned by state. The counties have financing, ticket and marketing responsibility for local trains. For other trains the operators handle tickets and marketing themselves.

=== Kasmiy Policy ===
Kasmiyland has one of the most highly developed welfare states in the world. According to a 2019 [[World Trade Organization]] report, the country had the second-highest public social spending as a percentage of its GDP and the second-highest total social spending at 36.2% of its GDP. Kasmiyland spent 7.3% of its GDP, to provide equal access to education. On health care, the country spent 12.0% of its total GDP.

Historically, Kasmiyland provided solid support for free trade and mostly relatively strong and stable property rights (both private and public), though some economists have pointed out that Kasmiyland promoted industries with tariffs and used publicly subsidized R&D during the country's early critical years of industrialization. A series of successive social reforms transformed the country into one of the most equal and developed on Urth. The consistent growth of the welfare state led to Kasmiy achieving unprecedented levels of social mobility and quality of life to this day Kasmiyland consistently ranks at the top of league tables for health, literacy and Human Development far ahead of some wealthier countries.

Kasmiyland began slowing the expansion of the welfare state in the 1990s, and even trimming it back. Kasmiyland has been relatively quick to adopt neoliberal policies, such as privatization, fictionalization and deregulation, compared to countries such as Kuthernburg. Kasmiyland adopted free market agricultural policies in 2002. Since the 1910s, the agricultural sector had been subject to price controls.

=== Science & Innovation ===
Combined, the public and the private sector in Kasmiylnd allocate over 6.2% of GDP to research & development (R&D) per year, making Kasmiyland's investment in R&D as a percentage of GDP one of the highest world. For several decades the Kasmish government has prioritized scientific and R&D activities. As a percentage of GDP, the Kasmiyland government spends the most of any nation on research and development. Kasmiyland tops other Yasterian countries in the number of published scientific works per capita.

=== Taxes ===
On average, 35% of taxpayer's money in Kasmiyland goes to education and healthcare, whereas 5% goes to the police and military, and 40% to social security.

The typical worker receives 47% of his or her labor costs after the tax wedge. Total tax collected by Kasmiyland as a percentage of its GDP peaked at 58.3% in 2011. The country faced a real estate and banking crisis in 1998-1999, and consequently passed tax reforms in 2000 to implement tax rate cuts and tax base broadening over time.

=== Pension ===
Every Kasmish resident receives a state pension. Kasmiy Pensions Agency is responsible for pensions. People who have worked in Kasmiyland, but relocated to another country, can also receive the Kasmish pension. There are several types of pensions in Kasmiyland: national retirement, occupational and private pensions. A person can receive a combination of the various types of pensions.

== Demographics ==
The total resident population of Kasmiyland was 62,653,980 in March 2020. The population exceeded 60 million for the first time on January 2014. Every fourth resident in the country has immigrant background and every third has at least one parent born abroad.

Korylaand, which covers approximately 50% of the Kasmish territory, has a very low population density (below 5 people per square kilometre). The mountains and most of the remote coastal areas are almost unpopulated. Low population density exists also in large parts of western Kresham, as well as southern and central Småland. Between 1860 and 1930, approximately 5.3 million Kasmish, a third of the country's population at the time, emigrated to Novaris, and most of them to Kuthernburg There are more than 11.4 million Kasmish Kutherns according to a 2010 Kuthern Bureau estimate. In Tretrid, the community of Kasmiy ancestry is 990,200 strong.

=== Language ===
The official language of Kasmiyland is Kash, a North Asedavia language, related and very similar to Cranish and Asendavian, but differing in pronunciation and orthography. Asendavians have little difficulty understanding Kash, and Cranians can also understand it, with slightly more difficulty than Asendavians. The same goes for standard Kash speakers, who find it far easier to understand Asendavian than Cranish. The dialects spoken in Asenvia, the southernmost part of the country, are influenced by Asendavians because the region traditionally was a part of Asendavia and is nowadays situated closely to it. Kash Valokchian are Kasmish largest linguistic minority, comprising about 8% of Kasmish population, and Valokchian is recognized as a minority language. O

In varying degrees, depending largely on frequency of interaction with Morst, a majority of Kasmiys, especially those born after the Great War, understand and speak Staynish, owing to trade links, the popularity of overseas travel, a strong Codexin-Staynish influence and the tradition of subtitling rather than dubbing foreign television shows and films, and the relative similarity of the two languages which makes learning Staynish easier.

Staynish became a compulsory subject for secondary school students studying natural sciences as early as 1896, and has been a compulsory subject for all Kasmish students since the late 1960s. Depending on the local school authorities, Staynish is currently a compulsory subject between first grade and ninth grade, with all students continuing in secondary school studying Staynish for at least another year. Most students also study one and sometimes two additional languages. These include Cranish, Octali and Spandard. Some Cranian and Asendavians is at times also taught as part of Kash courses for native speakers. Because of the extensive mutual intelligibility between the three continental Yasterian languages Kasmiy speakers often use their native language when visiting or living in Crania or Asendavia.

=== Immigration ===
Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of Kasmiyland, and in recent centuries the country has been transformed from a nation of net emigration, to a nation of net immigration. The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, economic benefits, jobs for non-immigrants, settlement patterns, impact on upward social mobility, crime, and voting behavior.

In 2019, there were 16,320,300 inhabitants of a foreign background. The number of people with at least one foreign parent was 8,210,330, Of these inhabitants, 6,400,320 persons living in Kasmiyland were born abroad.

Immigrants in Sweden are mostly concentrated in the urban areas. Since the early 1980s, immigration to Kasmiyland has been mostly due to refugee migration and family reunification from countries in Aurora and Eastern Yasteria.
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