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Johanna grew up in the small city of Elveby, in the region of Stor Osfjord, in Norgsveldet. Spending her early years there studying and becoming a fencer, at the local high school, while helping her father with his small self started business. At the age of 19, she moved to Osjford attending the Ofjord Univeristy, on where she studied economics. Soon enough getting a master degree. During which she joined the [[NCP]] in 2007 at 22 years old. Quickly rising through their ranks and becoming the economic adviser for Prime Minister Balder Hjel in 2014, while also serving in the City Council of Elveby. With Prime Minister Balder Hjel having praised her as being the prominent figure to help increasing economic production of Norgsveldet arms industry. She became also very populare within political circles for her stances on the increasement of military budget and on harsher foreign policy. With Balder Hjel having stated that Johanna pressured him to grow the [[UCA]] and letting more members in. Often being stated as one of the main reasons why UCA expanded massively in 2010s.
In 2016 she was chosen as the leader of the NCP, after Prime Minister Balder Hjel stepped off his position. With the king calling an election a year earlier with the news. During which Johanna Sverdrup was criticised for her young age by opposition leaders and for harsh stance in matters of foreign policy. Though despite the criticism she was avaible to win the majority without the need form any coalitions with other parties. Which broke the trend of minority goverments previous NCP prime ministers had. ThoughtThough after the electoral set back in the Norgsveltian Election in November of 2020, Johanna formed a coalition with [[LNP]] after talks between her and [[Carl Agnar]] in 30th November. This being first time in history these two parties forming a coalition together.
She has both been criticised and praised during her time as Prime Minister, with nicknames like Ironhanna and Warhanna being used by her supporters and opponents respectfully. During her time Norgsveldet got involved in series of military conflicts, and geopolitical stand offs around the world. Often been stated as breaking the "long peace" Norgsveldet has had previously. During which she had heated disputes with the Morstaybishlian Prime Minister, [[Franklin Barvata]]. During the Puntalian Situsation. Condeming Barvata for protecting its "puppet" of Rodenia. In which she was avaible to take advantage of the international backlash [[Franklin Barvata]], such as convincing [[Eoforwine Æthelstanson]] into joining the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]].