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==== Education ====
Jeanne attending her primary and secondary school, in her hometown of Heransby along with Aurélia. She required special education and language assistance, which she described in her adult years as critical to her development. Describing the special ed teacher, Quentin Sørensen as one of the most kindest people she ever met, who made the best of what little funding and attention he possibly could. Going further to say the whole department as severely underfunded and under appreciated, and one of her first acts as Minister of Children, Elderly and Families was to increase the pressure on the education minister to further the budget for special needs children and providing subsidies to parents of special needs children. Jeanne was part of [[Côtois Pioneers]], a student organization built around community events, camping, leadership and fitness. When she reached high school, she joined the young adult wing of [[Royal Workers' Party]], and assist in [[Côtois Pioneers]] fitness programs to primary and secondary schools as a assistant. Later in university, volunteering her time to take a leading role in the fitness training film hosted by [[Côtois Pioneers]] to be used in education. As well as fitness, the film taught sports and how to stay safe during them. Fitness being a core part of her upbring, and a driver of several of her policies both as a minister and as a FPM.
Jeanne and Aurélia both attend the regional level university of Dragefjord, where Jeanne achieved bachelor in Sociology. She received few scholarships for her university, however she stilled opted to perform the labor segment of her degree through the SSDF. She volunteered in [[Peninsula United]] and as a staffer for Dragefjordian Petite Prime Minister Kari Bratvold. She has commented that [[Peninsula United]] helped further her political career, more than being a staffer had and gave her a more hands-on learning experience with politicking.
Jeanne and Aurélia both attend the regional level university of Dragefjord, where Jeanne achieved bachelor in Sociology. She received few scholarships for her university, however she stilled opted to perform the labor segment of her degree through the SSDF. She volunteered in [[Peninsula United]] and as a staffer for Dragefjordian Petite Prime Minister Kari Bratvold. She has commented that [[Peninsula United]] helped further her political career, more than being a staffer had and gave her a more hands-on learning experience with politicking. During her time at university in Dragefjord, she and Aurélia both had issues with discrimination due to their same-sex relationship. However once Jeanne placed a small garden [[Akuanism|Akuan]] shrine arch outside of their spousal accommodations, the discrimination they faced soon stopped. Jeanne has been cited speaking about her and her wife's discrimination as, "Less of someone being outright hateful, but treated us different than the other residents in spousal accommodations. Though once I placed our little shrine arch in the garden, it stopped right away. Then they stopped treating us so weirdly, and started treating us like Akuanists. Well except our neighbor, but Uncle Ragnar scared him straight."
==== Military and Discrimination ====
Jeanne joined the SSDF in 2010, passing the Military Vocational Aptitude Test (MVAT) with average scores. However due her Akuan ethnicity she was considered to be ineligible for combat roles despite her insistence otherwise. While serving in the SSDF, she made frequent attempts to change her job within the military and kept insisting she was not a absolutist non-violent like most [[Akuanism|Akuanists]] are and believed in self-defense of the state. Despite this, she was repeatedly denied transfer to infantry. After filing a lawsuit with help of a Akuan Veterans group, she filed a discrimination lawsuit against the SSDF in 2011, the court case ending in 2012. The defense making the argument that soldiers in combat roles wouldn't trust a ethnically Akuanist in their unit, pointing at various stereotypes that soldiers in combat roles tended to believe about Akuanist however the court ruled in favor of Jeanne and issuing a fine to the SSDF. After which, she was assigned to infantry role. In a later interview in 2017, she said enjoyed her service however when she transferred to infantry she was often bullied for having [[Duval Syndrome]], and being an Akuanist in the infantry.
Being transferred into the infantry, she was primary assigned to the rear guard away from direct danger during civil unrest events. Often in guard duty around the hospital or emergency centers during such events, with Jeanne suggesting in a later interview and later confirmed by a SSDF general. That she was assigned there due to the stereotype of [[Akuanism|Akuanists]] being naturally comforting and kind hearted, believing that Jeanne would transfer again into a nurse role rather than staying in the infantry aftering seeing it. She didn't transfer and kept her role in the infantry, despite bullying. Throughout her several complainscomplain and reports of being bullied, only three out of fifteen of the recorded events was acted on. Jeanne stating in a interview, she wasn't sure how many reports she filed but she knew at some of them 'got lost' in transition to SR.
== Parliament Service ==
Administrators, verified
