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{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country|demonym=Jarisvi|GDP_nominal=$587,500,000,000|established_date2=1920|established_event2=Darzist Coup|established_date1=1786|established_event1=Gothiric Revolution|cctld=.jsv|iso3166code=JS, JSV|calling_code=+436|currency_code=JKN|currency=Jarikrons|GDP_nominal_per_capita=$23,500|GDP_nominal_year=2022|population_estimate=25,000,000|conventional_long_name=The Gothiric Republic of Jarisven|legislature=High Council|leader_name1=Tarvan Jonis|leader_title1=High Minister|government_type=Theocratic Darzist Dictatorship|religion=Gothiric Ulvriktru|ethnic_groups=41% Norgsveltian Elves, 14% Tieflings, 40% Kemonomimi , 5% Other|official_languages=Norgsveltian and Ny’stat’en|largest_city=capital|capital=Ovijrin|motto=Security through Strength, Liberation through Will|image_flag=Jarisven flag.png|common_name=Jarisven|utc_offset=-5}}
|GDP_nominal= 262.5 billion
established_event2=Darzist Coup
|established_event1=Gothiric Revolution
|iso3166code=JS, JSV
|population_estimate= 25,011,500
|conventional_long_name=The Gothiric Republic of Jarisven
|legislature=High Council
|leader_name1=Tarvan Jonis
|leader_title1=High Minister
|government_type= Unitary dominant-party parliamentary republic (De Jure), Single Party State (De Facto)
|religion=Gothiric Ulvriktru
|ethnic_groups= 40% Elves, 10% Humans, 35% Kemonomimi and 15% Tielfings
|official_languages= Norgsveltian
|languages2_type = Recognised regional languages
|languages2 = Nys’tat’en and Ngodian
|motto=Security through Strength, Liberation through Will
|image_flag=Jarisven flag.png
The '''Gothiric Republic of Jarisven''' ismore acommonly Theocraticknow Darzistas Dictatorship'''Jarisven''' is an sovereign state located in northeast Novaris, bordering [[Ymirland]] and [[Hustreache]]. It is an authoritarian nation under the theocratic PGP party which controls the nation with an iron grip. It has an gdp of 262 billion whose economy is massively growing as a result of the nation opening up during the 2000s ending its several decades long isolation from the international community.
== History ==
=== Ny‘AndrestoppKingdom of Lagdira ===
Jarisven was originally part of the confederation of Ny‘Andrestopp.
The Kingdom of Lagdira was established by Jarlynja Idun Lagdirn who led the western fleet of the viking host that was led by Børre Fuglestad. Lagdirn’s forces eventually occupied western parts of Ny’Andrestopp in which she then proclaimed the Viking Kingdom of Lagdira on the 10th December 985, crowning herself as Queen. Often seen as one of the most brutal monarchs in the region’s history. With her treatment of enslaved kemonomimi being seen especially cruel, with it being recorded that if any of her personal thralls attempted to escape they would be beheaded and placed as examples in front of her palace. She would rule Lagdira until her death in 1035, reigning for over 50 years and having lived up until she was 85 years old.
=== Lagdira ===
When the viking host of Børre Fuglestad attacked Ny’Andrestopp in the 900s, Ny’Andrestopp suffered heavy losses, and though Fuglestad was eventually dispatched, portions of western Ny’Andrestopp were taken by Fuglestad’s cousin, Jahan Lagdirn, forming the kingdom of Lagdira.
Her dynasty would continue to rule Lagdira with an iron fist until the reign of Sigurd IV who ruled in between 1440 and 1485. Under Sigurd’s reign reforms were established that would see the establishment of a Council of Elders which was a council made up of local gothirs and jarls. Heavily decreasing the power of the monarch, ensuring most matters were decided by the council. His reign also saw the start of renewed trade between Lagdira and other Ulvrikian kingdoms, specifically between it and Novreheim. In which Lagdira traded its thralls for weapons and gold. Often seen as the start of the Thrall Trade. Though said trade would end in 1615, as the Lagdiran Succession Crisis abruptly ended it. The succession crisis was started as a result of a dispute of Idun VI's claim to the throne, started by the queen’s cousin Jarl Harald of Østbrygg. Arguing that by ancient Lagdiran law that none of mixed blood could claim the throne, in which arguing that the queen’s mother who was a Norgsveltian Princess would make the queen illegitimate to the throne. In which the crisis ended in a civil war between supporters of the queen and supporters of the jarl. Through support from [[Norgsveldet]] the queen’s forces were available to win against the Jarl’s, though cemented the Norgsveltian influence in Lagdira until the Gothiric Revolution in 1786.
=== Gothiric Republic ===
==== UlvriktruarGothiric Wars of ReligionRevolution ====
Lagdira was torn apart by civil war in the 1700’s, as upon the outbreak of the Ulvriktruar Wars of Religion, the pro-Gothiric population revolted against the Gustafistic king, eventually deposing him and establishing The Gothiric Republic of Jarisven. This was a partially driving force for the Norgsveltian colonization of Ymirland, to support the Gustafistic king, though the colonization was seen as a threat to Jarisven sovreignity, spurring an even greater militaristic and nationalistic movement.
When Gustaf II of Norgsveldet declared himself as the Fylkir of [[Ulvriktru]] in 1770, it resulted with a massive uproar from the Council of Elders. Who demanded that their king, Sigurd X, condemn the self proclaimed Fylkir. Though Sigurd rejected their demands and proclaimed oppenly his support to the Norgsveltian king. Which threw the kingdom into disarray as most members of the council openly defied the king rising up against him starting the Gothiric Revolution. In which the Gothiric Revolution became part of the larger Ulvriktru Wars of Religion. Despite support from Norgsveldet the Lagdiran monarchy was abolished as Sigurd X and his family fled to the recently colonized [[Ymirland]] where they were granted asylum by the Norgsveltian monarch.
=== Darzist Jarisven ===
The turn of the 20th century saw the rise of an ultranationalist and fascist movement, known as Darzism in the modern day, propelled by fears that the new religious freedom in Ymirland and the growth of Hirdism in Hustreache threatened the sovereignty of the republic. While the exact origins of Darzism are unclear, the most influential figure in Darzism is undisputedly its namesake, Oriv Darzisa. Darzisa was an early 20th century politician and Gothiric priest who utilized backroom deals and nationalistic populism to take the office of prime minister. Backed by the military, he then took control of parliament, establishing Gothiric fascism as the main force behind Jarisvi politics. Other religions, while discriminated against, were persecuted even more once Darzisa took control of the nation.
The Council of Elders and the republican revolutionaries who supported them proclaimed Gothiric Republic of Jarisven. Which was a republic built around the ideals of Gothiric Republicanism. In which the Council had all the power, in which the High Gothir Eva Tørnvin was chosen as the first High Minister of Jarisven.
=== First Gothiric Republic ===
==== Gothiric Revolution ====
When Gustaf II of Norgsveldet declared himself as the Fylkir of [[Ulvriktru]] in 1770, it resulted with a massive uproar from the Council of Elders. Who demanded that their king, Sigurd X, condemn the self proclaimed Fylkir. Though Sigurd rejected their demands and proclaimed oppenly his support to the Norgsveltian king. Which threw the kingdom into disarray as most members of the council openly defied the king rising up against him starting the Gothiric Revolution. In which the Gothiric Revolution became part of the larger Ulvriktru Wars of Religion. Despite support from Norgsveldet the Lagdiran monarchy was abolished as Sigurd X and his family fled to the recently colonized [[Ymirland]] where they were granted asylum by the Norgsveltian monarch.
The Council of Elders and Republican Revolutionaries who supported them proclaimed the Gothiric Republic of Jarisven. Which would be a republic built around the ideals of Gothiric Republicanism. In which the Council had all the power, in which the High Gothir Eva Tørnvin was chosen as the first High Minister of Jarisven.
==== Constitutional Conventions and Infighting ====
When the first Gothiric Republic was declared in 1786 it immediately struggled with infighting between members of the Council of Elders and the Revolutionaries. In which the two factions disagreed on how the legislature was going to be formed. With revolutionaries arguing in favor of a legislature chosen directly by the people, while the Elders arguing in favor of a reestablishment of the Council of Elders but further power then what they enjoyed under the kingdom. While both sides were able to come into an agreement it took several constitutional conventions. With the Constitutional Convention of 1798, being the final convention after 12 years of attempting to come to an agreement. The convention agreed upon having a lower house called the Assembly which was made up mostly of the Revolutionaries while having an upper house called the Gothiric Council which was made up of the Elders. It has been largely agreed upon that the only reason Jarisven did not end up in a civil war during this time was because both factions were unified in their hatred of Gustafists who were still loyal to the exiled monarchy.
The first Gothiric Republic was mostly known for its extreme oppression to Gustafistic followers, enforcing highly religious laws that forced Ulvriktruars to follow only the Gothiric branch of Ulvriktru. Despite its brutal treatment of other branches of Ulvriktru it was known to be tolerant towards Akuanists and Duarists. With it being not unusual to see Akuanists and Duarists working for the High Minister. Part of the reason why this tolerance came to be was because Akuanists and Duarists sided with the Gothiric Revolution against the monarchy. Which ended the Kingdom’s oppression of those two groups.
=== Second Gothiric Republic ===
==== Viskebukk Dictatorship ====
With the end of the Ulvriktruar Wars in 1810, it became increasingly obvious that the power balance between the Assembly and the Council was fragile. As the 1798 Constitution gave both legislatures power to override the other and chose their prefered High Minister. Resulting with both legislatures choosing two different candidates for High Minister in 1812. With the Assembly choosing the popular general, Harald Viskebukk. While the Council chose the High Gothir of Jarisven, Jakop Tørnvin, son of the first High Minister. With an aggressive take over of the capital by soldiers loyal to Viskebukk finally ending years of electoral gridlock. With Viskebukk immediately making massive reforms of how the nation was run. Instead of taking the role as High Minister he instead replaced it with the position of Grand President. With the Grand President having far more power than the previous High Minister. On the 21st March 1817, Viskebukk dissolved both the Council and the Assembly. Concentrating all power around the Presidency, in which a new Gothiric Republic was declared.
With his new dictatorial powers Viskebukk started building up the Jarisven military and centralized the nation, taking away the autonomy which had been given to the mainly Duarist and Akuanist regions. Which led to harsh crack downs against said groups, causing the First Egsto Uprising in 1820. With several similar uprisings being done by the mainly Duarist groups between 1820 to 1840. It was only after two decades of crushing revolts that Viskebukk started to focus his military efforts on external affairs. With him launching an invasion into the Norgsveltian colony of [[Ymirland]], starting the Jarisven-Norgsveltian War (1845-1848). While the Jarisven forces had some success during the first year of the war, occupying much of southern Ymirland. The war quickly turned against Jarisven as Norgsveldet reinforced Ymirland with troops from other colonies. With the capital Ovijrin being burned to the ground by the colonial division, 12th Royal Lews Rifles. With the Treaty of Kyinster forcing the Jarisven government to pay reparations to the colonial authorities in Ymirland, territorial concessions and forcing Jarisven to give autonomy to the Egsto and Nykuzn regions.
==== Jarisven Civil War ====
The loss of the war led to an Jarisven that was economically devastated and humiliated. Which led to large liberal and nationalistic protests against the presidency of Viskebukk. On the 1st February 1850 a large protest was held in front of the presidential palace leading to Viskebukk to order his troops to fire on the protesters. Leading to over 355 protesters dead and over 2,000 wounded. The event being called the “Ovijrin Massacre”. With the news of the crackdown spreading to other regions of the nation it was not long until violent resistance to Viskebukk’s rule would start. With several revolutionary groups forming and taking over crucial cities and regions in Jarisven, starting the Jarisven Civil War (1850-1860). Despite the revolutionaries having the people on its side the government was better equipped and organized. With it being characterized by historians for its brutality as government forces became known for burning entire villages in attempts to kill any inspected revolutionary sympathizers. While the revolutionaries were not as brutal as the government forces they were characterized for banditry. With cases of the revolutionaries stealing food from farmers having been well documented, including cases of lynching captured soldiers and mutilation of their corpses.
During the civil war regions that had an Egsto or Nykuzn majority declared independence from Jarisven. With Akuan State of Nykuzniszna and the Republic of Egstlan being declared themself as separate from Jarisven refusing to fight for either side of the civil war. Which caused both revolutionaries and government forces to try to establish control in both regions. Though with weapons being supplied to the separatists by [[Norgsveldet]] neither faction was able to fully take over the self declared states. The independence of both states amplified the already crucial food shortage that Jarisven was experiencing. With the loss of the regions with most arable land and the destruction of local rural communities causing the worst disaster in Jarisven history. As the nation faced a large-scale famine that resulted with the deaths of 3 million people. With the deaths caused by the civil war itself has been calculated that around 20% of the Jarisven population died between the period of 1851 to 1860. Mostly affecting the largely Ulvriktru urban areas which were dependent on food from the rural areas. The civil war only ended after revolutionaries captured Ovijrin, in which they quickly executed the president and established the Third Gothiric Republic.
=== Third Gothiric Republic ===
==== Early Years and Reparations ====
The new republic was modeled after the parliamentary systems that had been established in nations like [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Tretrid]]. With the president having reserve powers, while most power lay with the parliament and prime minister. With parliamentarism being introduced into the country two political parties were quickly established. First being the conservative Gothiric Republican Party (GRP), and the Agrarian Party (AP). During the first years of the republic the government was made up of both parties who formed a unified national government in an attempt to rebuild Jarisven after the war. Which was made harder by the Norgsveltian Empire still forcing them to pay reparations. Which became an increasingly major political issue in which the GRP actively opposed the reparations and became increasingly nationalistic over it. This was in contrast to the AP who argued in favor of renegotiating the treaty, rather than potentialy starting a war over it. During the parliamentary elections of 1875 the GRP won an overwhelming majority, in which Sara Estedatur was chosen as the new prime minister. On the 11th December 1879 she would announce in front of the parliament the end of reparations. Though it made her extremely popular and caused her government to be reelected in the 1880 election, it would however not last. The Norgsveltian government responded in 1881 by having a small part of the Imperial Realms Navy bombard Ovijrin, in which the capital city was under constant bombardment nine days straight. In response Jarisven attempted to invade Ymirland once more but was repelled by the settler militia called the Hird. After a month of fighting the two governments agreed on renegotiating the reparations, in which they would remain but it was cut by 50%. Despite Estedatur’s best attempt at trying to spin it as a victory back home she was not able to win the 1885 elections, which instead was won by the Agrarian Party and the newly established Gothiric Workers Party. In which coalition government was formed with Torsmi Leyman from the Agrarians as the prime minister. In which they introduced a series of labor reforms such as introducing a minimum wage and a 10 hour work day.
During this time Jarisven went through a large period of industrialization and largely economic prosperity. With establishments of public health care services being introduced which massively helped in increasing the population of Jarisven, that was still dealing with massive affects that the famine had caused. Under its first left wing government in between 1895 to 1905, the GWP successfully was able to increase the literacy of Jarisven public with new education reforms. Despite these massively popular reforms they lost a lot of public support after their prime minister Esta Elidaliken announced her government would not push for a forceful reintegration of Nykuzniszna and Egstlan. A largely unpopular position with the majority of Jarisven public viewing the two regions as integral parts of the Jarisven nation. In which the opposition led by the GRP immediately jumped on, accusing the government for treason and vocal demand to reconquer the separatist states. Despite Elidaliken attempts to clarify to the people that she simply wanted a peaceful integration, it was not able to have an effect. With the 1905 election being won by the GRP in a landslide, in which their leader Oskar Wredde was chosen as the new prime minister.
==== Great War ====
Though Jarisven were originally neutral at the outbreak of the [[Great War]] rather choosing to trade with both sides during the early years. But with Norgsveldet joining the war in 1907, several high level talks were held in the Jarisven government to join in as well to oppose Norgsveldet. But Jarisven did not join the war until after the Norgsveltian government sent troops from Ymirland to deal with other fronts of the war. On the 5th June 1908, prime minister Oskar Wredde held a speech in Ovijrin announcing the invasion of Nykuzniszna and Egstlan. Which officially put Jarisven at war with Norgsveldet as such joining the Great War.
With Norgsveltian troops being preoccupied elsewhere it made the invasion of the two separatist regions far easier for the Jarisven Armed Forces. With the Jarisven army being sent as an invasion force numbering at 502k troops while combined armies of Nykuzniszna and Egstlan only being 368k. With the invasion force being better equipped and far larger, Jarisven easily occupied large parts of the two regions territories during only a few months of the war. Within a year of fighting the Jarisven army had been able to capture the capitals of both regions, yet it faced heavy resistance with the uncaptured and rural northern territories. Though the Jarisven army would eventually occupy all of Egstlan and Nykuzniszna by 1910, it would take heavy losses during it. With 327k Jarisven troops either being wounded or dead by the fighting with over 70k having been captured before being released by Jarisven. Despite the extremely high numbers of casualties it was still seen as a victory among the Jarisven public in which Wredde and his GRP would use to win the 1910 parliamentary elections. With a victory speech they promised that they would establish Jarisven as a regional power and that they would “liberate Ymirland from their Gustafistic Oppressors”.
As such a new round of mobilization was announced by the Jarisven government in 1911 as 800k men from across the nation were mobilized for the upcoming invasion of Ymirland. Despite its large force it was however far less equipped and less disciplined then its previous invasion force. It was believed that by mere amount of troops that Jarisven would be able to capture all of Ymirland. This was however not to be as they faced fierce resistance the moment they crossed the border. With the front line rarely shifting as a result of the mountainous terrain and the short border between the two. The war took another turn for the worse for Jarisven as the Norgsveltian Navy blockaded Ymir-Kuduk Strait. Though not completely blocking the country from trade it did block its established trade routes and crippled the Jarisven economy. After five years of fighting, with an crippled economy and over half a million dead from the attempted invasion Oskar Wredde saw no other way than to ask for peace terms. After months of negotiations between the Jarisven and Norgsveltian authorities the Treaty of Kivard was established. In exchange for peace Jarisven would give up its claims to Ymirland and was forced to disarm. Limiting the Jarisven army to only 100k men. The treaty also gave territorial concessions to Jarisven allowing them to annex Nykuzniszna and Egstlan. On the 17th December 1916, Jarisven was officially out of the Great War, ending the East Novaris Front.
==== Rise of Darzism ====
As Jarisven entered the 1920s it was faced with massive economic collapse as a result of its entering in the Great War. Oskar Wredde and his party attempted to paint the war as a victory with the nation regaining back the rogue territories of Egstlan and Nykuzniszna, despite those attempts the 1920 parliamentary election ended with a heavy loss for the GRP. In which GWP and AP would form a coalition government. With the rise of [[Hirdism]] in [[Hustreache]] the nation also faced terrorist attacks from the hirdist group NUNA. As a result political instability soon followed which the new government was ill prepared to handle. With the recently elected prime minister Eli Ørnidatur of the AP getting assassinated by the NUNA in 1922. The instability was seized upon by a Gothir named Oriv Darzisa who heavily criticized the establishment parties, be they left or right. Darzisa’s popularity among the public as a well liked member of the clergy and Jarisven society as a whole made the criticism extremely potent. So much so that in 1927 a pro-Darzisa party called the Popular Gothiric Party (PGP) was founded. Whose sole ideals were based around Populism, Patriotism and being Pro-Darzisa to be an alternative to the establishment parties. Though ironically not a founding member Darzisa did join the new party and was immediately placed as its new leader.
The PGP won a major victory during the 1930 election becoming the largest party in the Jarisven parliament, though did not gain the largely ceremonial presidency which was rather won by the GRP. Darzisa was chosen as the country’s prime minister, though he was not able to form a majority government. During his first years as prime minister the main reforms Darzisa made was the nationalization of the mining industry and increased welfare spending. Putting major rhetoric on helping the working class and fighting against poverty. Including the introduction of mandatory education and public infrastructure programs. Which helped ensure the PGP would win a parliamentary majority in the 1935 election, in which the Jarisven presidency would be controlled by the PGP as well. Through control of the presidency and parliament the PGP would take Jarisven into an increasingly authoritarian direction during the 1930s as Darzisa purged party members that were not seen as “loyal” to him. In 1938 the creation of a paramilitary group called the “Greymen” was formed by the PGP whose main goal was to pressure the opposition and the public at large. After being reelected in 1940 again as a result of voter intimidation Darzisa took further control of the apparatus of state, with the opposition parties being way too small to stop it. The military was introduced into the government and clergymen who were still loyal to Darzisa soon joined as well. After government reforms were made on the 5th April 1942 the Fourth Gothiric Republic of Jarisven was officially established as the government banned all opposition parties, turning it to a One Party State. In which Darzisa made the country turn more towards a theocratic and fascistic direction.
=== Fourth Gothiric Republic ===
==== Early Period (1942-1950) ====
With the establishment of once more a new republic it meant once more a complete reform of institutional power. In which the position of prime minister was replaced with the High Minister which had complete executive power in the nation. In which the position was established so that Darzisa centralized as much power around himself. With the parliament being replaced with the National Council, a small legislature made up of Darzisa most loyal members of the PGP. Under this new republic the theo-fascist ideology of [[Darzism]] was established. One made of mixtures of Darzisa’s personal religious and political views. Despite the extreme changes of Jarisven it did not face heavy instability compared to previous republics. Mainly caused by the Cult of Personality surrounding Darzisa and the generous welfare benefits given to citizens during the first years. Though said benefits were concentrated on the urban Ulvriktru regions of the country. In 1948 Nykuzniszna and Egstlan regions faced extreme oppression from the government, with them being placed under direct control of the military. With forced labor camps called “Lokesleir” being established within the regions. Attempts to free prisoners of the labor camps by local Ny’Sænuri and Egstlan Militants was tried in 1949 but all attempts were brutally cracked down upon. With the Jarisven military using the heads of the militants as trophies, placing them at the camp's gates.
During the same period Jarisven government isolated itself from the international community, including having Jarisven withdraw from the [[International Forum|IF]] in 1945. In which High Minister Darzisa claimed it to be a “secularist organization made by imperialist powers to weaken our national sovereignty and spiritual unity”. The government established a planned economy similar to that of communist nations at the time, with the government only allowing farmers to keep their private property. During the same time introduction of rearmament was established going against the Treaty of Kivard. Despite the complete violation of the treaty no actions were taken by the Norgsveltian government who was at that moment too distracted with its cold war with [[South Hills]]. The decision reinforced the popularity of Darzisa as hundreds of thousands of unemployed men and women were conscripted into the army. Establishing Jarisven to have the largest army within East Novaris. Causing the largest amount of tensions within the region as the relationship between newly militarized Jarisven and their neighbors of Hirdist [[Hustreache]] and newly independent [[Ymirland]] grew.
==== Cold War (1950s-1990s) ====
Jarisven has since been characterized by authoritarian rule, suppression of political freedoms and human rights, and an ever-increasing attitude of ultra-nationalism and militarism. Pro-Akuan Democracy protests have arisen in eastern Jarisven, but they are mostly suppressed by the government, with participants often being executed. Jarisven has very strained relations with both Ymirland and Hustreache.
== Culture ==