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|population_estimate= International Estimate: 25,011,500 <br/>
Government Claims: 37,410,000
|conventional_long_name=The Gothiric Republic of Jarisven
|legislature=High Council
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|leader_title1=High Minister
|government_type= Unitary dominant-party parliamentary republic (De Jure), Single Party State (De Facto)
|religion=Gothiric [[Ulvriktru]]
|ethnic_groups= 40% Elves, 10% Humans, 35% Kemonomimi and 15% Tielfings <br/>
10% Humans <br/>
35% Kemonomimi <br/>
15% Tielfings
|official_languages= Norgsveltian
|languages2_type = Recognised regional languages
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== Culture ==
The Republic of Jarisven is home to three ethnic groups, the Ulvrikian, Egsto and the Nykuzn. The culture of Jarisven has been described as heavily religious in nature, majority being Gothiric [[Ulvriktru]], the minority religious of [[Akuanism]] and [[Duarism]].
=== Literature and Visual Media ===
Literature is heavily based in Ulvriktru faith, with the religious police required to approve any new publications within the country. Including scientific publications, history publications and other non-fictional works. Films and other visual media work are heavily scrutinized by religious authorities.
All work in the country has to be approved by the religious authorities and not break any of the religious or morality laws.
=== Cuisine ===
Cuisine for the Egsto and Ulvrikian ethnic groups, are primary meat based dishes. With meat from cattle being heavily used within the Jarisven diet, hamburgers being one of the most popular meals within the country.
Cuisine for Nykuzn are primarily vegetarian based, with cornbread, beans and soy being common in the Nykuzn diet.
=== Ethnic Groups ===
The Ulvrikian being made up of the former vikings that conquered the region and settled along the coast. The Ulvikian groups make up its primary Elves and the humans, following the state religion of Gothiric Ulvriktru. The language they predominantly speak is Norgsveltian with the Jarisven dialect.
Egsto are the Duarist tieflings brought over in the thrall trade in 1490-1615. The Egsto people primarily speak Ngodian and follow their native religion of Dualism, though there are a number of Ulvikitru and irreligious people. They are found within the mountain range of Isn’Kestor, in the border region between Ymirland. They were forced to work within various mining settlements during the colonization of the interior period. Egsto population often come into conflict with both Ulvrikian and the Nykuzn ethnic groups.
Nykuzn are the native population of Jarisven, hailing from the former nation of Ny’Andrestopp. They primarily speak Nys’tat’en and worship <nowiki>[[Akuanism]]</nowiki>. They draw their name from the former name of the province, Nykuzniszna from the former nation of Ny’Andrestopp. Majority of their shrines were formerly located along the coast until they were destroyed during the colonization. Shrines in the mountain were untouched by the vikings until the Egsto destroyed the Akuan shrines in the later half 1950s, sparking religious conflict and tension within the mountainous region. Shrines in the modern day, only found in Akuan majority towns and villages. In more modern times being settled through various programs in arable land in more rural parts of the country. Primary found within the interior, being the primary workforce for the agricultural sector of the country.
== Demographics ==
The Jarisven census Firm reported 37,410,000 residents as of April 2020. Though analysts from Norgsveldet and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] suggest the number is far lower than that, being in the 25,000,000 range. According to further research done by the census, in 2020 86% of the adult population was married, 4% widow and 10% was unmarried. According to the census, the country has no divorces within its country.
Jarisven claims to have no single-parent households thanks to its religious policies. Despite the claim, when observations from a sapient watch group inspection. They found the capital Ovijrin had a plethora of homeless children in the poorer suburbs of the city.
===Immigration and Population===
Jarisven officially is a closed door to prevent “unclean thoughts” from entering the country. As well an outright ban on leaving the country as a citizen unless approved by the government. Despite the closed border, refugees cross the border mountains into Ymirland and Hustreache.
=== Religion===
55% Gothiric [[Ulvriktru]], 35% [[Akuanism|Akuanists]], 7% [[Duarism|Duarist]] and 3% Irreligious
Gothiric Ulvriktru is the official state religion of Jarisven. Akuanism and Duarists are allowed to practice their religion but only within their regions. Practicing [[Akuanism]] or [[Duarism]] outside of the assigned regions results in the death penalty. Non-Gothiric Ulvriktru however, are not tolerated anywhere in the country and are punishable by death.
== Politics ==
== Economics ==
Largest Sector of economy: Agriculture and Mining
Agriculture - Wheat, corn, potatoes, soy and rice
Mining - Lead, zinc, silver and mercury
Agriculture makes up the largest employment sector of the country, hiring 68% of the legal workforce. Agriculture is mostly made up by farmsteads run by households with a notable percentage being factory ranches and controlled government farmland. The most grown agricultural product being rice and soy with wheat being the third most grown crop in the country. Corn being primarily used for feedstock for agriculture.
Animal grazing takes a large percent of free land, as well a measure of wealth in rural parts of the country. Sheep playing a large role within animal husbandry in Jarisven, with wool being used in many products throughout the country.
Mining is the second largest employer of the legal workforce. Mining operations are found further away from most urban centers in the rural areas of the country, primarily within the Vekizn mountain range by the southern Ymirland border.
Manufacturing is primarily centered around the coastal regions in port cities and rail centers. Manufacturing is mostly centered around providing goods to itself as part of its economically isolationist policies. However, military equipment production still takes a majority of the country's manufacturing output.
Administrators, verified
