Imperial People’s Fund: Difference between revisions

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''The People's Fishing and Food Service'' the '''Blue Fund''', established in 1969 by the Imperial Party collects previously stated-own company [[Twin Penguin Seafoods]] and previously owned Nystatinne Whaling Fleet''.'' Redirects profits from the companies and directs towards the Nystatiszna's border walls. Fund was created in order to stim the tide of nekomimi fleeing the country. However in 2021 the [[Twin Penguin Seafoods]] was sold off to [[Kæra'zna]] with aims of using the profits from the sale to fund another food source producing company. Again in December 2021, the whaling fleet was bought by an [[Cryria|Cryrian]] bank and billionaire whale enthusiast Gustaf Sundtröm, reshaping the fleet into one for whale tourism and rebranding it as [[Fantøm Whales]]. The Blue Fund much like the Green Fund was re-structured to provide additional sea-foods sources and away from funding the border walls on the border. In March 2022, the Fund Committee voted in favor of establishing a luxury restaurant chain, with the aim of promoting Nystatinne cuisines abroad and promote high-end culture.
== Funding Committee ==
Administrators, verified
