Helslandr Civil War: Difference between revisions

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=== Cease Fire meeting (31st July) ===
At 11:00, 31st July 2021, leaders of the three factions agreed to meet in the city of Wirlik to discuss a ceasefire which was observed by the IF closely with representives from several countries. During which the royalist and republican forces stated their wishes for ceasefire between their two factions, but both refused first hand to agree on a ceasefire with the nationalists. With the leaders Ylva Kattdalen and Erik Espen accused the nationalist leader Tirlid Kvirkdelen for ordering his soldiers to do mass murders and mass rapes of nekomimikemonomimi and tiefling minorities within nationalist controled territory. InMainly whichpointing hetowards witness testimonies of civilians from the city of Nyakborg. Tirlid denied the accusations outright and claimed that the actions of any of his men, are simple indiviualindividual incidents. Though when asked to allow IF investigation into nationalist controled territory, he rejected the idea, claiming the IF to not being avaible to do their duties as an impartial body. When pictures captured by [[NCIS]] spy plane, in which showed the scale of mass murders, whichtowards beenkemonomimi describedand astiefling anminorities, attemptthe to do a full genocide of nekomimi communities was shown. Tirlidnationalist Kvirkdelenleader once more rejected the idea that it was an order from him, and blamed it on nature of war itself. In which afterwards he made a comment comparing nekomimiskemonomimi to be more animalanimals thenthan sapiant creatures.
He was then given an ultimatium by the republicans and royalist leaders that the security of the nekomimikemonomimi and tiefling communities must be ensured for a cease fire to be agreed upon. In which heTirlid once more rejected. After the meeting offical IF condemnations and sanctions was placed on the nationalist leader. Aftermath of the meeting, had many nations urging royalists and republicans forming a united front to fight the nationalists to stabilise Helslandr once more.
=== United Front forms (10th August) ===
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