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(more development o politics, further change later today)
(finishing touches to the politics section)
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The highest legislative body is the Revolutionary Khural with the 200 members being elected every 5 years using first past the post. This body has the power over all Economic, Social, Environmental and Political matters, as well as defence and foreign policy. all taxation and funding bills must go before the Revolutionary Khural. The Revolutionary Khural would also select The Praesidium Speaker of the Revolutionary Khura. The Revolutionary Khural is often considered to be very weak and has been criticised just rubber stamps anything proposed by the Rayah'ın Temsilcisi and point out the influence that the Chair of the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League as they have great influence in picking the governments figures.
The highest legislative body is the Revolutionary Khural with the 200 members being elected every 5 years using first past the post. This body has the power over all Economic, Social, Environmental and Political matters, as well as defence and foreign policy. all taxation and funding bills must go before the Revolutionary Khural. The Revolutionary Khural would also select The Praesidium Speaker of the Revolutionary Khura. The Revolutionary Khural is often considered to be very weak and has been criticised just rubber stamps anything proposed by the Rayah'ın Temsilcisi and point out the influence that the Chair of the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League as they have great influence in picking the governments figures.

the Rayah'in Temsilcisi is The Head of State and Government within The Egalitariat of Hakikara. they are directly elected by popular vote of the population. The Rayah'in Temsilcisi then appoints their ministers, these appointments are then subjected to a confirmation vote within the Revolutionary Khural, but no appointment have ever been rejected in the history of the Egalitariat. the government then has the power to propose legislation for the Revolutionary Khural to vote on, once passed they must be signed by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi who may sign or veto legislation without limits. The Rayah'in Temsilcisi is also the supreme commissar of the Hakikaran revolutionary guard
the Rayah'in Temsilcisi is The Head of State and Government within The Egalitariat of Hakikara. they are directly elected by popular vote of the population. The Rayah'in Temsilcisi then appoints their ministers, these appointments are then subjected to a confirmation vote within the Revolutionary Khural, but no appointment have ever been rejected in the history of the Egalitariat. the government then has the power to propose legislation for the Revolutionary Khural to vote on, once passed they must be signed by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi who may sign or veto legislation without limits. The Rayah'in Temsilcisi is also the supreme commissar of the Hakikaran revolutionary guard.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be independent of political interference, but is often not so. The Rayah'in Temsilcisi makes appointments to the Supreme Court of Hakikara, these appointments must the be approved by the Revolutionary Khural but due to the nature of the one party state and democratic centralism the Supreme court is effectively controlled by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi. justices serve for life and the only way to remove them is through impeachment, which can only be initiated by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi and must be approved by the Revolutionary Khural. this further adds to the control the Rayah'in Temsilcisi has over the supreme court, allowing them to interpret the constitution however benefits them. This is largely what is blamed for the institutional sexism to be allowed to continue despite the Equal Treatment Clause in the constitution.
local government within the Egalitariat are elected every 5 years using first past the post. they are charged with setting local land value taxes and constructing and maintaining infrastructure, such as roads and housing

local government within the Egalitariat are elected every 5 years using first past the post. they are charged with setting local land value taxes and constructing and maintaining infrastructure, such as roads and housing.

the constitution of the egalitariat prohibits private ownership, meaning all businesses, services and infrastructure is publicly owned. The ministers appoints the committees that control the state industries and services, with the relevant unions must confirm the appointments made by ministers to manage the public assets. All economic activity is regulated by a central planning committee appointed by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi, this committee decides the targets for production in different industrial sectors as well as setting out plans of industrial expansion. another important part of the constitution the Equal treatment clause of the constitution sets out that all citizens regardless of race, sexuality and, most importantly for a nation who throughout its history has been a patriarchy, gender. This clause was created because of the promise of the ESWL to the made to the many males who voted for them in the first election. However the fact that far more women are members of the government and legislature than men, many accuse the ESWL of not full carrying out their promise of equality between the sexes.
the constitution of the egalitariat prohibits private ownership, meaning all businesses, services and infrastructure is publicly owned. The ministers appoints the committees that control the state industries and services, with the relevant unions must confirm the appointments made by ministers to manage the public assets. All economic activity is regulated by a central planning committee appointed by the Rayah'in Temsilcisi, this committee decides the targets for production in different industrial sectors as well as setting out plans of industrial expansion. another important part of the constitution the Equal treatment clause of the constitution sets out that all citizens regardless of race, sexuality and, most importantly for a nation who throughout its history has been a patriarchy, gender. This clause was created because of the promise of the ESWL to the made to the many males who voted for them in the first election. However the fact that far more women are members of the government and legislature than men, many accuse the ESWL of not full carrying out their promise of equality between the sexes.
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=== Politics ===
=== Politics ===
Since its creation their has only been one party allowed within the Egalitariat, the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League. This Vanguard Communist party holds a monopoly on power and controls all branches of government. in order to stand for election in the Egalitariat you must be a member of the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League or stand as an independent. This means that all seats in the Revolutionary Khural belong to the ESWL. The Party follows the principles of democratic centralism to make decisions. Due to its monopoly on power and the Principles of democratic centralism the chair of the ESWL can effectively decided the party agenda ,the Chair also approves candidates for the seats during elections, giving them defacto control of the members of the legislature . The Chair of the party is elected by the party members every 5 years. Another unspoken factor of Hakikaran politics is gender, the nation of Hakikara has been a Matriarchy throughout all its history and although the Equal treatment clause was meant to signal a change in culture, most members of the Revolutionary Khural are female and all Rayah'in Temsilcisi have been female since the Egalitariat was formed. some use this fact to accuss the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League of ingnoring the Equal treatment clause.
Since its creation their has only been one party allowed within the Egalitariat, the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League. This Vanguard Communist party holds a monopoly on power and controls all branches of government. in order to stand for election in the Egalitariat you must be a member of the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League or stand as an independent. This means that all seats in the Revolutionary Khural belong to the ESWL. The Party follows the principles of democratic centralism to make decisions. Due to its monopoly on power and the Principles of democratic centralism the chair of the ESWL can effectively decided the party agenda ,the Chair also approves candidates for the seats during elections, giving them defacto control of the members of the legislature . The Chair of the party is elected by the party members every 5 years. Another unspoken factor of Hakikaran politics is gender, the nation of Hakikara has been a Matriarchy throughout all its history and although the Equal treatment clause was meant to signal a change in culture, most members of the Revolutionary Khural are female and all Rayah'in Temsilcisi have been female since the Egalitariat was formed. some use this fact to accuss the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League of ingnoring the Equal treatment clause.

The Bourgeois Disenfranchisement Act passed by the First Revolutionary Khural in the Egalitariat banned all other political parties. The Hakikaran Service of Revolutionary Liberty or SRL are the state security service operate to 'destroy the reactionary enemies of the revolution' after the passage of the Bourgeois Disenfranchisement Act the SRL arrested many of the liberals, nationalists and religious leaders that assisted with the Hakikaran Revolution. continuing their activities many religious and opposition members have either been arrested or are being monitered. most of their activities are concentrated in the north which largely supported either the liberals or conservative nationalists. accusations of institutional sexism from the SRL are usually overlooked although some in the ESWL are vocal about the need to reign in the SRL, which largely operate under the orders of the Revolutionary security minister, not the party.