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===Between the two Auroran Wars===
[[File:Johannes and Samsey.png|right|thumb|250px|Prime Minister [[Walter Johannes]] of Great Morstaybishlia (left) and Prime Minister [[Arran Samsey]] of Justelvard (right) after signing the Acts of Union of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard in 2016]]
====Lyrevale Civil War====
A period of geopolitical tension between Norograd and Morstaybishlia and their respective allies began immediately following the Auroran Imperial War, and lasted until the dissolution of Norograd in 1996. There was no large-scale fighting directly between the two powers, but they engaged in proxy wars such as the Lyrevale Civil War.
(placeholder for ====Meremaa Civil War involvement) ====
[[File:Morstaybishlian Riots 1990.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Rioting in Kirdintayos soon after Robert Delari announced that Great Morstaybishlia was going to war with Meremaa]]
On 15 April 1990, Grand Duke Telvi II of Meremaa ordered the military to fire at a labour strike organised by Democratic Socialist political organisations in the city of Morzk. Immediately after the actions ordered by Telvi II, Meremaan news outlets and papers began glorifying their leader and exerting an approach relating to their foreign policy which gave Prime Minister [[Robert Delari]] an unclear future for [[Dalmaghar]]. This concerned Robert Delari, who retaliated by condemning the actions of the Grand Duke. Meremaa declared their intentions to align further with [[Norgsveldet]] economically despite their independence less than a decade before.
Delari viewed this negatively, and made public his views on how Meremaa has lost its sovereignty and how the Morstaybishlian Government no longer viewed the government of Meremaa as legitimate. As civil unrest grew into civil war, Delari endorsed the Democratic Socialist movement which branded itself as the Republican Forces of Meremaa, whilst simultaneously sending its Pacific Fleet to protect the Morstaybishlian asset of Dalmaghar.
Norgsveldet viewed the newfound Morstaybishlian naval presence in Dalmaghar as hostile. However, they initially laid off any form of support to Meremaa as Morstaybishlia had not officially sided with the republicans.
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| footer = AH-1 Viper firing on Meremain units (left), MBS ''Fort Staynes'' firing a Sea Dart SAM off of the coast of Dalmaghar (right)
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On 22 May 1990, Robert Delari declared war on Meremaa, and revealed his new deal with the Republican Forces was to help install a democratic foundation in the region. The same day, media coverage of Republican Forces attacking an Asatru temple went global, and this coupled with the already public dissent against war began a month long riots across all of Great Morstaybishlia. Delari’s opinion polls dropped dramatically as he guided a Morstaybishlian landing on the Meremain coast.
Soon thereafter, Norgsveldet declared their intentions to back the Meremain government and send troops to reinforce the already strong Meremain forces. Over the next year, Morstaybishlia sent over 82,000 troops to the campaign. The Meremain forces were well dug in and the Morstaybishlian’s lost 12,481 men. A hopeful campaign on 21 February 1991 laid out a plan to wipe out one of the main entrances of Norgsveltian troops into Meremaa. Morstaybishlian saw a quick naval bombardment and subsequent attack of the city, but over an ensuing ten days was blocked by a fiercely dug in Meremain defence line. The battle lasted 26 days, until 19 March, where the Morstaybishlian forces retreated to Dalmaghar. It was during this retreat that the HMS ‘’Augustine’’, the first ‘’Celidizia’’-class aircraft carrier completed two months before was sunk.
[[File:The horror of war.png|right|thumb|300px|The Horror of War; Urth's Picture of the Year 1993. It depicts a Meremain woman after losing her home and family in a mortar strike]]
Parliament immediately motioned a vote of no confidence against Delari’s administration, and no less than two weeks later Morstaybishlia had a hung parliament. The [[MBE Conservatives|Conservative Party]] led by [[Rupert Sinkasa]] formed a confidence-and-supply coalition government with the [[MBE Liberals|Liberal Party]]. His party promised to end the war, but the Liberals, their only feasible coalition partner, would go on to make that reality very difficult. Through votes in government, the Liberals denied Conservative majorities on de-escalation.
Sinkasa immediately faced more riots in Sani Bursil and other major urban conurbations as he failed to find a de-escalation solution. Meremaa and Norgsveldet pushed a firm counter attack into Dalmaghar, with a continuous air strike campaign on military and civilian targets. Morstaybishlia was forced to deploy a second fleet to Dalmaghar stoked with fresh supplies and troops when Norgsveltian forces began accumulating in the Isles of Hel for a land invasion. This deterred Norgsveldet from commencing an attack.
Morstaybishlia sent over 124,000 troops from April 1991 to October 1992 to Morzk where they fought a huge series of campaigns to take the capital, Kalaborgdurg. Initially the campaigns went well, establishing a strong defence line halfway between Morzk to Kalaborgdurg, and gaining ground as close as Dzimspilsēta, but after some time Meremaa and Norgsveldet began to push them back. Morstaybishlia over this next year of retreat would lose 43,305 men. At the same time, the Republican Forces of Meremaa lost over 110,000 troops and became increasingly unpopular among the population of Meremaa for violent attacks on Asatru temples despite the Morstaybishlian’s best curveball attempts.
By the beginning of 1993, the two sides had reached a stalemate at a natural defence line in the far east of Meremaa. Morstaybishlia and the Republican Forces of Meremaa agreed that any future campaign of Kalaborgdurg would be unsuccessful and agreed on forming a splinter state known as the Republic of Morzk. From January to April was a period of relative peacetime. This was interrupted when Norgsveltian submarines sank a Morstaybishlian supply lane which would mark the beginning of a Norgsveltian campaign to choke the mostly unrecognised republic.
Norgsveldet fought and won a decisive naval battle against an unprepared Morstaybishlian defence which would establish a blockade around the republic. Meremaa and Norgsveldet began a full assault into the region of Morzk which lasted until 23 October 1994 when the Republican forces surrendered. Rupert Sinkasa flew to Burdels, Lessau, and signed a peace treaty with Grand Duke Telvi II of Meremaa and Prime Minister Margete Kverheim of Norgsveldet which saw non-aggression between the three nations and Morstaybishlian recognition of Meremaa.
After the war, it was judged that during the Kalaborgdurg campaign Morstaybishlian and Meremain Republican forces were responsible for over twenty thousand civilian murders and somewhere between one thousand and two thousand five hundred rapes.
====Acts of Union====
[[File:Johannes and Samsey.png|right|thumb|250px|Prime Minister [[Walter Johannes]] of Great Morstaybishlia (left) and Prime Minister [[Arran Samsey]] of Justelvard (right) after signing the Acts of Union of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard in 2016]]
Troubled with a a language and cultural divide for hundreds of years, [[Justelvard]], who seceded from Morstaybishlia upon the closure of the Auroran Imperial War was bound by the Port Makuh Agreement, signed by former Prime Minister [[Delores Gastrell]] and the first Prime Minister of Justelvard Jamesina Sefera, which stated that "if at any stage it is clear that a majority of constituencies in Justelvard hold pro-Morstaybishlian seats, then a referendum for Morstaybishlian reunification would be considered" and that, under these terms, "a Morstaybishlian reunification would see Justelvard become a functioning member state of Great Morstaybishlia as opposed to territory of the crown". After the 2014 Justelvard General Election, the new Prime Minister Wiley Gordwin was elected but led a minority government, his opposition could not form a government but which formed for the first time a majority for pro-Morstaybishlia. Gordwin controversially ignored this clause in the Port Makuh Agreement, and had a huge backlash from politicians and the general public. At the time, his opinion polls dropped to 23%, the lowest of any Justelvardic Prime Ministers ever. A general election was called after a vote of no confidence. The Liberal League of Justelvard lost ten seats in the 2015 Justelvard General Election and the Justelvardic Unionist Party was voted in. His successor, [[Arran Samsey]], held a referendum on 16 December 2015 which saw a 65% vote for Morstaybishlian reunification. Samsey flew to Sani Bursil on many occasions to discuss with [[Walter Johannes]] an agreement. One year later to the day, on 16 December 2016, the United Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard came into being, the result of Acts of Union being passed by the parliaments of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard and so unite the two kingdoms.