Great Morstaybishlia: Difference between revisions

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Justelvard comprises a much smaller land area within the MBE, yet supports nearly an equal percentage of biodiversity, and constitutes nearly 5 percent of the recognised world vertebrates; ranging from an estimated 3 percent of the world's lizards and mammals to about 8 percent of the world's fish species.
[[File:Green-billed toucan (Justelvard).jpg|left|thumb|200px|[[Wikipedia:Green-billed toucan|Green-billed toucan]], the national bird of Justelvard found throughout the Flizon rainforest.]]
There are animals that exist in all of the continental Morstaybishlia; some of which includes the [[Wikipedia:Eurasian sparrowhawk|Yastaurian sparrowhawk]], the [[Wikipedia:Common kestrel|common kestrel]], the [[Wikipedia:Stoat|Auroran stoat]], [[Wikipedia:European rabbit|Auroran rabbit]], [[Wikipedia:Wild boar|wild boar]], [[Wikipedia:Black rat|black rat]], [[Wikipedia:Pantherophis obsoletus|black rat snake]], [[Wikipedia:European common frog|Auroran common frog]] and [[Wikipedia:Steatoda nobilis|noble false widow]]. However, generally it is split similarly to the flora regions; that is the Morstia, Abergwerin, Valerian, Jubrione and Marislian regions.
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[[File:Green-billed toucan (Justelvard).jpg|left|thumb|200px|[[Wikipedia:Green-billed toucan|Green-billed toucan]], the national bird of Justelvard found throughout the Flizon rainforest.]]