Great Morstaybishlia: Difference between revisions

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In 1897, [[Thadeus I]] married [[Zerah Demir IV]], Sultana of the Caliphate. The two superpowers were united under marriage and for 20 years remained so, until the death of the Morstaybishlian King in 1917. Trade between the two superpowers rose to unimaginable heights. The legacy of which is still visible in trade between the two superpowers to this day, with Morsto-Caliphate trade being the strongest and largest trade between two sovereign states in the world.
The two countries, having been married under political union for 18 years, decided that they would go through a legal process to form a permanent sovereign state with the alias "Morstopackia". The idea was taken quite radically in two fashions; some thousands of politicians and activists endorsed the idea whilst an equal number despised it. This union was despised because among other things, it concentrated even more over a transnational elite, removed from the problems and needs of Morst people. Furthermore, it imposed alien ideas that emanated from compromises made with the Packilvanians through the Articles of Union drafted by Packilvanian Grand Vizier Abdun Demir. When the King of Morstaybishlia abruptly died of liver failure after the war in August 1917 it sparked an international crisis.
Gideon Muktan, a member of the Bingol Parliament and the founder of the Feline Club in Packilvania, and his colleagues gave Sultana Zemir a manifestomaskingmanifesto asking for reforms. Due to her repressive tactics, Feline Club became the Packilvanian Communist Party in 1918 and they established a paramilitary force called the Packilvanian People's Liberation Army to overthrow her rule. The death of King Thadeus I led to a constitutional crisis as it was unclear whether Sultana Zemir Demir V would be the sole monarch of both countries or whether [[Thadeus II]] would become King. This led to delays in his coronation. Nevertheless, circumstances in Packilvania forced a resolution. To assuage some of the anger against her government, sheSultana Zemir Demir IV ended the unification process and renounced her claims to the Morstaybishlian throne. Unfortunately this was too little too late and the First Packilvanian Civil War was fully under way. Morstaybishlian forces under newly crowned King [[Thadeus II]] came to her aid and fought on her side. However, she was defeated in 1925 and was captured by the Communists but she fled to Great Morstaybishlia for the remainder of her life. During the First Packilvanian Civil War, the ideas of communism spread among some Morst soldiers who were resentful of fighting in a bloody foreign war. The ideas of Nikobar Luden, a famous writer and academic spread such that they galvanised the desire for social and political reforms among Morstaybishlians especially the youth and intellectual classes.
Throughout both the warGreat existedWar aand movementFirst forPackilvanian theCivil establishmentWar, ofthe democraticdisdain rule.for Itthe didMorsto-Packilvanian notmonarchist takeunion offcultivated untila aftercoordinated endmovement offor thedemocratisation Greatand Warpoltiical inreform. July andFollowing the death of the King Thadeus I on the 1st of August, the movement gained momentum. Both political wings formed the Parliamentarian forces and stormed the Royal Palace on the 17th of August demanding a signatory from the young King [[Thadeus II]] on the Great Charter of the Liberties to sign over his right to [[wikipedia:Absolute monarchy|absolutism]]. Agreeing to this, the Parliamentarians and the Crown agreed for the continuance of the monarchy [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|constitutionally]]. The parliamentarians gave a [[wikipedia:Purdah (pre-election period)|purdah]] where constituencies were created and an election period began. On the 11th of October 1917, [[Orson Klarass]] led the [[MBE Conservatives|Conservative Party]] into the first Morstaybishlian Government. Slavery was abolished in 1917 with a near unanimous vote in the chamber, a reflection of how it the concept of slavery was disliked by the turn of the 20th century.
With a fragile year in the royal family came a major political rift. Both the far reaches within the fatherland of Morstaybishlia and Packilvania saw large far-left groups emerge. The latter fell to a communist uprising in the years following with Queen Zerah Demir IV's assassination in 1936 and the far-left groups in Morstaybishlia would eventually be the precursor to Norogradian Independence.
