Great Morstaybishlia: Difference between revisions

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====Aftermath of the Great War====
Despite the armistice, a formal state of war between the two sides persisted for another five months, until the signing of the Treaty of Ribenstadt on 8 December 1917. The treaty saw the official end of the war in Aurora. Whilst there was no official surrender, historians favour an Ethalrian and Salovian victory over Morstaybishlia in regards to the Auroran theatre of war because of the concessions that Morstaybishlia signed in the treaty. Ethalria receeded their forces north of the Bolvinian Plateau in exchange for annexing the historical provinces of Bro-Tewesac, Bro-Suode and Bro-Angwin in southern KaltanezhKaltariezh.
The first Morstaybishlian election cycle and disagreements around the Axdelian peninsula delayed the signing of the treaty by three months. Ethalria demanded that it was their right to annex southern Axdel because they had de facto controlled swathes of it since 1911, and had even established the Republic of Korstazia as a puppet state ruled by the Axdelian-born General Sauwo Ñeya̋na. Orson Klarass refused this because an independent Axdel would likely align with Ethalria and make the already rescinding Morstaybishlian Empire far weaker on the continent. Later, Morstaybishlia would concede to a less severe offer. In exchange for returning Dragonia and the Indigo Isles to Ethalria, as well as granting the peninsula devolved autonomy, something that had never happened in Morstaybishlia; Ethalra agreed to withdraw their troops and support for the Republic of Korstazia. Without backing by Ethalria, Ñeya̋na’s government surrendered after a [[Korstazian War|four month continuation war]].
The [[Parliament of Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlian parliament]] passed the Act of Federation in February 1919 which saw the creation of the [[Lythuscia|Federated Colonies of Lythuscia]]. This was the first time that Morstaybishlia had [[Wikipedia:Federalisation|federated]] its colonies, and granted any colony [[Wikipedia:Home rule|home rule]]. Legislative power was held in Albaburg, whilst [[Wikipedia:Command (military formation)|military command]], diplomacy and foreign policy remained in Sani Bursil.
====Abolition of slavery====