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With Stratarin's Premier [[Viktor Drugov]] losing his position of power to Mikhail Starikov, Great Morstaybishlia lost one of its great allies. Starikov made his intentions known and became allies with Ethalria, the Greater Xagrurgian Empire and Kostromastan, forming the axis. Great Morstaybishlia immediately amassed a force with [[Lokania]] and [[Kuthernburg]] to invade Ethalria. Facing fierce opposition, the [[RAFOTE]] narrowly secured victories in Arkenvel and Avenai in late June and July, later beating Ethalria in the battle for Karinthus and later Rivendale, the Ethalrian capital which would lead Harimann into hiding and see the Ethalrian Vice Matriarch sign the Instrument of Surrender on the 24th of October. Great Morstaybishlia, as well as Axdel, Tuvaltastan and the Oan Isles saw the fragmentation of Ethalria and occupied each zone which became the four [[Ethalns|Ethaln]] countries.
===Since the Auroran-Pacific War===
Walter Johannes lost the [[2019 Great MorstaybishlianMorstaybishlia General Election]] to [[MBE Labour|Labour's]] fielded candidate [[Franklin Barvata]], ending the 14 year Johannes administration and subsequently stepped down as [[MBE Conservative|Conservative]] leader.
[[Kyrloth|Kyrloth's annexation of Izria]] saw the [[Embask]] oil rigs off the coast of the Undirnor and Slodhir Islands unlawfully and illegally signed away by King Tegura IV to [[Sinter Tass]] sparking controversy and outrage. Barvata failed to negotiate with Tass and the latter sent a blockade of corvettes to the oil rigs. [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] Prime Minister Johanna Sverdrup hosted a meeting between Tass, Barvata and Kuthern leaders. Meanwhile during this meeting one of the oil rigs blew up and sunk The Dovia, a Morst Destroyer. The outcome of this meeting remained classified to the public and Barvata later sacked Secretary of State for Foreign and Oversea Territory Affairs Janietta Rubis from the cabinet for her poor handling of the situation.