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| largest_city = [[Sani Bursil]]
| languages_type = Official languages
| languages = [[wikipedia:English language|Staynish]] <br /> [[wikipedia:Breton language|CalthKalt]]<br> [[wikipedia:Cook Islands Māori|Justelvardic]]
| languages2_type = Recognised regional <br /> languages
| languages2 = <br /> Horkalic <br/> Axdelian <br /> [[wikipedia:German language|Ethalrian]] <br/> [[wikipedia:Georgian language|Salovian]]
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== Etymology and terminology ==
The word Morstaybishlia derives from an amalgamation of Morsa Lake, Staynes and the Bishlans. It is often misinterpreted for "More Staynes and the Bishlans". The true meaning of the name Morstaybishlia can be read from the founding documents of 1515 where is it described as "The Staynish people whom control the heart of the continent Morsa Lake; unionised with the [[Bishlan]] cultures of the east."; though Bishlan was latinised to Bishlia in the shortened form name Morstaybishlia. Bishlan derives from the [[Wikipedia:Breton language|CalthKalt]] name of the Ider River "Aberbish", and replaces the CalthKalt place-name prefix ''[[Wikipedia:Aber and Inver (placename elements)|Aber]]'' with the Middle Staynish place-name suffix ''[[Lan (placename element)|Lan]]'', which literally means "shallow seas".
The 2016 Acts of Union declared that the kingdoms of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard were "United into one Kingdom", where the new state is also referred to in the Acts as the "Imperial Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia", simply "Great Morstaybishlia".
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The term "Morstaybishlian Empire", in politics, is used to describe Great Morstaybishlia and all Overseas Territories.
The adjective "Morstaybishlian" is commonly used to refer to matters relating to Great Morstaybishlia and rarely as a synonym for Great Morstaybishlia. The term has no definite legal connotation, but is used in law to refer to Great Morstaybishlia citizenship and matters to do with nationality. People of Great Morstaybishlia use a number of different terms to describe their national identity and may identify themselves as being Staynish, CalthianKaltian, South Staynish, Justelvardic; or as being Laulian, and still in some cases Horkalic, except Horkalic refers to the ethnic group Horkalans. A growing minority of people have identified themselves with Morstaybishlian nationality after the Acts of Union 1977, likely a patriotic spur.
After the Union of the Thrones in 1515, the two kingdoms were briefly known as the "United Kingdom of Staynes and Kaltarus" and subsequently their empire was known as the "Staynish-Kaltarus Empire" until it was formally dubbed the "Imperial Kingdom of Morstaybishlia" in early 1517.
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The Acts of Union 2016 decreed the Imperial Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia in political unification with Justelvard to ratify the earlier 2016 Treaty of Union and so unite the two kingdoms.
In 2017, a new design of Morstaybishlian passport was introduced. Its first page shows the long form name of the state in Staynish, CalthKalt, Justelvardic and Horkalic.
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Their victory in Lambertupol concluded the end of the war. The monarchy was re-established and Lambertus III was crowned King of the United Kingdom of Staynes and Kaltarus, later the Imperial Kingdom of Morstaybishlia, on the 29th December. The remaining four siblings and cousins of Katerina who had fled to the both the Ethalrian Empire and Molgov Dynasty returned from exile. A feast on the 11th January began in Lambertupol to mark the victories. This day is celebrated annually around the world as Unity Day.
After the republic was defeated and control fell into Staynish hands, New CalthKalt became the first major colony of the new Morstaybishlian Empire.
Lambertus did not return back to Bursil until 1519, establishing order and peace in Kaltarus. He faced some challenges from both the Ethalrian Empire and the Molgov Dynasty, both looking to expand their territory. He defended the border for a year and a half until a mutual agreement was held. The conflict led to heavy bloodshed on both sides. It remains the most gruesome conflict in pre-modern Auroran history.
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=====Battle for Luxaria=====
[[File:Lambertus V's castle defending Dogrugan.jpg|right|thumb|225px|Lambertus Castle, Dogrugan.]]
After success in Justelvard, [[Lambertus V]] asserted himself as a more confident leader among his privy council. He set his sights westwards to [[Arcturia]], an already known and landed continent by both Staynes and Kaltarus as well as other kingdoms [[Kormistazm]] and [[Ethalria (Grand Matriarchy)|Ethalria]]. After finding out the Ethalrian Empire had united a nearly 200 kilometer coastal colony a decade prior and with a flair to compete, he sent a ship to send a letter to the Viceroys of each trade outpost for the provisions to form a unified colony southwards of New CalthKalt, but the ship never returned. He later found out the Ethalrian soldiers had seized the ships and executed the soldiers. Frustrated by this, he amassed a fleet of warships and sent them to defeat the Ethalrian Armada. The fleet came back victorious, but the Ethalrian Empire sent their own fleet and reclaimed the small Gronmund Port.
In 1615, Lambertus V ordered a larger fleet of nearly thirty warships to invade the Ethalrian port town. A brutal bloodbath ensued, with the crippled Morst fleet victorious. After receiving a letter from King Lothair I of Ethalria, the two Empires devised a treaty to divide the land according to the Lothair Line; north of which would be controlled by Ethalria and south of which would be controlled by Morstaybishlia, despite who was already living there. The nations agreed, and Luxaria became the second colony on Arcturia.
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[[File:Oanese blackbirding circa 1918.jpg||right|thumb|250px|Blackbirding was illegal but was a popular alternative to the slave-trade in the Morstaybishlian colonies as late as the 1930s. <br>Pictured: Oan peoples, with an overseer (background), on a sugar plantation, in New Pondsfort, [[Morstaybishlian West Pacific Territories|Morst West Pacific]], c. 1919.]]
Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act 1917 with over 79 percent of the House of Representatives voting in favour. The Act made the purchase and ownership of slaves in all of the Morstaybishlian Empire illegal and immediately freed over 5 million slaves. Slavery had been a point of social contention for nearly all of the 19th and early 20th century leading up to its abolition, with its abolition being a primary benefactor of their movement. By January of 1918, the Morstaybishlian Empire had de jure implemented the Act in its declining oversea territories, though de facto there was still an active slave trade in many territories. Following the thirteen years of warfare, the [[Imperial Navy]] was heavily damaged and initially struggled with enforcing the legislation. Many of the closer territories to continental Morstaybishlia, including New CalthKalt, Luxaria, Ruxalara and Justelvard followed suit with the mainland and who's people accepted the changes, but elsewhere it was different.
In the colonial and territorial administrations of Joralesia, Salisar, the Morst West Pacific, Dalmaghar, Kurandia, and others recognised the Act and implemented it, but clandestine slave-trading and [[Wikipedia:Blackbirding|blackbirding]] still occurred as late as the mid 1930s. Though it was hit with the economic depression and major de-colonisation following the war, the Imperial Navy immediately established a presence off of the coasts of these territories where there were rumours, sightings, reports or evidence of ongoing slavery, as well as negotiating with countries neighbouring these colonies and territories for their rights to stop and search vessels believed to house slaves. The Imperial Navy dispatched three squadrons of four, five and eight [[Wikipedia:Town-class cruiser (1910)|light cruisers]] to the [[Pacific Ocean]], as well as the south and north [[Concordian Ocean]] respectively. With bases at Montecadre, what is now Penisine Garrisons in Balidar, and Bruzraka; the squadrons aided in the capture of over 2,100 slave ships, freeing over 205,000 people from slavery between 1917 and 1934. However, unfortunately this did not exactly reduce the number of deaths of slaves. Thousands lost their lives if the captain of a slave ship knew they were being approached by a squadron vessel. The captain would order for the slaves to be thrown overboard still shackled. Very few would make it to shore.
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Of the native fauna to Abergwerin perhaps the most notable are the [[Wikipedia: Wild boar | Wild boars]], hunting of whom was a common manhood ritual amongst early CalthianKaltian societies. Though now days surpassed by the CalthKalt Lion in cultural importance, in the Kingdoms of Calthia and Laulia it was a common theme in crests and flags.
Another notable part of Abergwerin Fauna is the CalthKalt Puma, nicknamed [[Wikipedia: Cougar | CalthKalt lion]], which in turn is found in so many Calhtarusian symbols. The CalthKalt Puma along with black bears is often considered the apex predator of the Abergwerin area. Though other notable predators include the [[Wikipedia:Eurasian lynx | Dotted CalthKalt lion]] and the wolf. Biologists have for years advocated for years for changing the common name of the dotted CalthKalt lion, because it is based on a centuries old misunderstanding that thought it was much closer than the actual CalthKalt lion, but so far the name has stuck
Abergwerin is home ot numerous snake species that populate it’s beaches and forrest. Luckily for the population however, most of the snakes while numerous are not deadly venomous, a dubious honour which goes only to the [[Wikipedia: Forest cobra | Forest Devil]] and the [[Wikipedia: Western Green Mamba | Green Viper]] species. Notably both of the species only bite in self defense, but are easily aggravated resulting in a large number of bites, especially to unwary hikers, each year.
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[[File:Staynish Alphabet.jpg|right|thumb|220px|The Staynish alphabet.]]
Great Morstaybishlia's de facto official language is Staynish and CalthKalt. As a first language, it is estimated that 90.7 percent of the MBE's population speak Staynish, whilst 3.5 percent speak Ethalrian, 3 percent speak CalthKalt, 0.7 percent speaks Horkalic, 0.7 percent speaks Salovian, 0.3 percent speak Axdelian and 1.1 percent speak other languages as a first language.
4 percent of the population are estimated to speak languages brought to the MBE as a result of relatively recent immigration. Yasterian languages, including [[Packilvania|Packilvanian]], Wachovian, Codexian and Asendavian, are the largest grouping and are spoken by 2.5 percent of the MBE population. According to the 2017 census, [[wikipedia:Ethalrian language|Ethalrian]] is the largest non-Morstaybishlian-Auroran language spoken in Morstaybishlia and has 14.3 million speakers.
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In the 2017 Census over a forth (25.6%) of the population of the Province of Horkalo said they could speak Horkalic, an increase from the 2007 Census (23%). In addition it is estimated that about 200,000 Horkalese speakers live elsewhere in Staynes. Over 492,000 people in Justelvard (just 3% of the population) had varying Reoa language ability, including 66% of those living on the eastern islands. The number of schoolchildren being taught through minority languages are increasing.
It is compulsory for Staynish and Kaltarusian pupils to study the Staynish and CalthKalt languages up to the age of 16 in their respective countries, whilst only Staynish is taught in Valeria and Justelvardic is taught with Staynish in Justelvard. During Sixth Form is it optional to learn a foreign language, Kostuvian and Axdelian are the two most commonly taught foreign languages in Staynes and Kaltarus.
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The proliferation of [[Wikipedia:Electricity|electricity]] in the 20th century lead to the creation of an entirely new category of musical instruments: electronic instruments, or [[Wikipedia:Electrophones|electrophones]]. The latter half of the 20th century saw the evolution of [[Wikipedia:Synthesizer|synthesizers]] and adoption of [[Wikipedia:Sampler (musical instrument)|samplers]].
Each of the four countries of Great Morstaybishlia has its own diverse and distinctive [[Wikipedia:Folk music|folk music]] forms. Folk music has existed here since antiquity, and flourished until the era of industrialisation when it began to be replaced by new forms of popular music, including [[Wikipedia:Music hall|music hall]] and [[Wikipedia:Brass band|brass bands]]. Realisation of this led to academics and amateur scholars taking note of the musical traditions being lost, and over three waves, one in the late-19th century, one in the mid-20th century and one at the start of the 21st century; initiated various efforts to preserve the music of the people. The most notable effort involved was the collection of the texts of over three hundred [[Wikipedia:Ballads|ballads]] in the Staynish and CalthKalt traditions, by Alemin Thompson-Fisher (called the Thompson-Fisher Ballads), some of which predate the 15th century. Valerian folklore, which had been a lifeline to their pre-Morstaybishlian kingdom before the 13th century, was widely lost in the industrial revolution, though scholars and amateur scholars preserved many of the vanishing ballads and folk dance songs. Valerian folklore has a revivalist movement which began in the mid 20th century. Overall, folk music as an important sub-culture within Morstaybishlian society.
Forms of popular music, including folk music, [[Wikipedia:Jazz|jazz]], [[Wikipedia:Rapping|rapping]]/[[Wikipedia:Hip hop music|hip hop]], [[Wikipedia:Pop music|pop]] and [[Wikipedia:Rock music|rock music]], have particularly flourished in Great Morstaybishlia since the twentieth century. Morstaybishlia has had a large influence on popular music due to its size, and due to its linguistic and cultural links with many countries, particularly [[Peregrinia]] and [[Emberwood Coast]] and many of its former colonies, and its capacity for invention, innovation and fusion, which has led to the development of, or participation in, many of the major trends in popular music. In the early-20th century, influences from Peregrinia and [[Free Pacific States]] became most dominant in popular music, with young performers producing their own versions of South East Yasterian music, including [[Wikipedia:Rock and roll|rock n' roll]] from the late 1950s and developing a parallel music scene. This is particularly true since the early 1960s when the Morstaybishlian Invasion, led by The Swallows, helped to secure Morst performers a major place in development of pop and rock music. Since then, rock music and popular music contributed to a Morst-SEY collaboration, with genres being exchanged and exported to one another, where they tended to be adapted and turned into new movements, only to be exported back again. Genres originating in or radically developed by Morstaybishlian musicians include [[Wikipedia:Blues rock|blues rock]], [[Wikipedia:Heavy metal music|heavy metal]], [[Wikipedia:Progressive rock|progressive rock]], [[Wikipedia:Ska|ska]], [[Wikipedia:Hard rock|hard rock]], [[Wikipedia:Punk rock|punk rock]], [[Wikipedia:Bhangra (music)|Bhangra]], Morst [[Wikipedia:Folk rock|folk rock]], [[Wikipedia:Folk punk|folk punk]], [[Wikipedia:Acid jazz|acid jazz]], [[Wikipedia:Trip hop|trip hop]], [[Wikipedia:Shoegaze|shoegaze]], [[Wikipedia:Drum and bass|drum and bass]], [[Wikipedia:Gothic rock|goth rock]], [[Wikipedia:Grime (music genre)|grime]], [[Wikipedia:Afroswing|gondoswing]], [[Wikipedia:List of industrial music genres|industrial]] and [[Wikipedia:Dubstep|dubstep]].
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The Golden Rose of Staynes originated as the prominent symbolism of the kings and queens of [[Staynnica]], which later became a symbol for national sovereignty and pride of the Staynish peoples. It's present across flags of the realm as well as in company logos and sport clubs and other advertising and logo styles.
The [[wikipedia:Lion_(heraldry)|heraldic lion]] is quite common around the world, and several countries incorporate it into their national coats of arms. In CalthianKaltian heraldry, the lion is first found in the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Kaltarusin the later part of the 11th century.
===Public holidays and festivals===