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(Norogone, Axdel time)
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Throughout both the Great War and First Packilvanian Civil War, the disdain for the Morsto-Packilvanian monarchist union cultivated a coordinated movement for democratisation and political reform. Following the death of King Thadeus I on the 1st of August, the movement gained momentum. Both political wings formed the Parliamentarian forces and stormed the Royal Palace on the 17th of August demanding a signatory from the young King [[Thadeus II]] on the Great Charter of the Liberties to sign over his right to [[wikipedia:Absolute monarchy|absolutism]]. Agreeing to this, the Parliamentarians and the Crown agreed for the continuance of the monarchy [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|constitutionally]]. The parliamentarians gave a [[wikipedia:Purdah (pre-election period)|purdah]] where constituencies were created and an election period began. On the 11th of October 1917, [[Orson Klarass]] led the [[MBE Conservatives|Conservative Party]] into the first Morstaybishlian Government. Slavery was abolished in 1917 with a near unanimous vote in the chamber, a reflection of how it the concept of slavery was disliked by the turn of the 20th century.
Amongst the most consequential reforms enacted by the new parliament was the declaration that Axdel would transition from being a royal principality into a dominion in December 1917. The Dominion was granted a devolved elected legislature which, whilst fundamentally subservient to the Morstaybishlian parliament, gave it a reasonable degree of control over its economic and military policy. Whilst the decision was far from uncontroversial, as a strong believer in democracy as a unifying force Prime minister Klarass was a proponent of the idea as a means of garnering trust with the people of Axdel. Most seats in the dominions legislature would be filled by the big-tent pro-independence Kuesla parliamentary party. Although the Morstaybishlian government took measures to ensure that far left groups and cavan nationalists were driven out of mainstream politics, their presence would remain ever present throughout the early-mid 20th century.
With a fragile year in the royal family came a major political rift. Both the far reaches within the fatherland of Morstaybishlia and Packilvania saw large far-left groups emerge. The latter fell to a communist uprising in the years following with Queen Zerah Demir IV's assassination in 1936 and the far-left groups in Morstaybishlia would eventually be the precursor to Norogradian Independence.
With a fragile year in the royal family came a major political rift. Both the far reaches within the fatherland of Morstaybishlia and Packilvania saw large far-left groups emerge. The latter fell to a communist uprising in the years following with Queen Zerah Demir IV's assassination in 1936 and would galvanise the far-left groups in Morstaybishlia which would eventually be the precursor toorchestrate NorogradianAxdelian Independence.
====Aftermath of the Great War====
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====Colonial decline====
====NorogradAxdelian separatism to the Auroran-Imperial War====
[[File:Young Kiet NarvgaArrested.jpg|rightpng|thumb|150px|Young Norogradian revolutionary [[Kiet Narvga]]. during his arrest in 1963]]
With the death of [[Thadeus I]] and the recession of Packilvania-Morstaybishlia relations, separatists inveterans returning from the PrincipalityGreat War to the Korstazian district of Korstaziathe Dominion of Axdel formed the Korstazian Republican Army. andThe small but organised group began attacking police stations and government buildings within theseveral major cities in a minor bid to take control. InThe 1920,Dominions defence force proved insufficient to combat the armedgroup forcesand wereso deployedthe Empire had to dealintervene, withdeploying directly within the KRAcities to enforce the law and suppress the KRA until attacks ceased. ThisThe actionviolence of the suppressive operation was incredibly well publicised, and in the time afterwards socialist newspapers in the region became significantly more popular, especially those promoting the indigenous, anti-imperial Noroist socialism. ByInspired the turn ofby the decadeKRA, mostmany separatist groups also broadened their ideological base and militiasconsolidated hadinto becomelarger Noroistgroups with more manpower and resources.
In the early-mid 20th century many left wing groups had consolidated into the Noroist Peoples Liberation Party, a Noroist organisation with significant Marxist, Syndicalist and Anarchist wings, which had many members and sympathetic parties within the Kuesla party and the defence force. Over time it quietly gained significant control over the legislature, and used it to promote military expansion with the ultimate strategic goal of supporting a unilateral declaration of independence from Morstaybishlia. Advice and financial support was lent to the group from several sympathetic foreign nations including Ethalria and [[East Cerdani]], bolstering its capabilities and providing safe havens for its members. Despite this, police action against the organisation caused a large amount of trouble. Several key members including [[Kiet Narvga]] and Darius Finch were arrested in 1963 after being found complicit in a money laundering scheme for the party, but narrowly avoided conviction. Whilst the police knew of the NPLP, a lack of resources meant they could not possibly undo it or any other radical organisation. Thus a militant paranoia was fostered amongst the police force which lead to violent crackdowns on suspected revolutionary activity. A popular counterculture emerged from this which quickly spread across the continent, and the NPLP thrived in the resulting environment.
[[File:Taurus 1 MBT in Staynes 1972.jpg|left|thumb|270px|AAn NorogradianAxdelian Taurus 1 MBT stormingholding position near Monnedura, a small town in Corstania Province during the [[Auroran Imperial War]].]]
By the late 1950's, the counterculture movement emerged across Aurora as a response to established norms, and with it, and increased number of protests and riots within Axdel, predominantly in the Emberwood and Quartz fern regions. Using it as cover for their activities, the NPLP and other groups became significantly more prolific, especially in higher education and universities. With public opinion becoming critical, [[Ian Crowcasa]] stated in a private cabinet meeeting in 1964 that a violent uprising in Axdel would "certainly occur within the next few years", and that it would tip the balance of power on the continent dangerously towards Ethalria. As a stop-gap solution to mitigate the effect any uprising would have on the empires control of the region and trusting the, Crowcasa approved a boost to defence spending that including a sizeable subsidy for the the ADF, believing that boost would allow any local unrest to be dealt quickly and independently, as well as to provide aid in defending from potential Ethalrian naval assaults. In the following years, production of arms and war materiel ramped up, reservist numbers increased more than fourfold, and many more officers were covertly trained in preparation for the number of soldiers which were expected to form the new Noroist Army. In order to hide the stockpiles of arms, much of what was produced officially written off as lost or damaged before being hidden in warehouses, hangars and drydocks by non-military personnel. Occasionally more conspicuous equipment such as warships and planes were sometimes stored or even built in other countries. Whilst leaks inevitably occurred, they were few enough that this successfully concealed much of firepower the ADF truly had from the Morstaybishlian government for the critical years approaching their independence.
In the early hours of December 14th 1969, the NPLP initiated the long-planned coup, with trusted contacts in the Kuesla party taking control of the legislature by force and ordering the loyal sections of the ADF to mobilise, bombing major highways and railways leading into Staynes and South Staynes. Whilst relatively quick and bloodless, the NPLP's leader Winston Ulysses was assassinated, leaving vice commandant Kiet Narvga to lead the reorganisation of Axdels government and armed forced, and to finish taking control of the dominion. By the turn of the year initial Morstaybishlian attempts to retake the region had failed, and he declared the Noroist Republic of Axdel an independent nation, at this point having ''de facto'' control all of the Dominion except portions of the West coast beyond the Auric Mountains.
In 1943, a small Noroist group known as the Jilkania Revolutionary Front launched a surprise attack on the Barque city council hall. They captured it swiftly and with little resistance, taking several hostages including the mayor of the city at the time, Ferdinand Smithson. Police were unable to safely retake the hall, coming under fire and threats that the hostages would be killed. The JRF demanded that Jilkaan be allowed to secede from the Empire as its own state, and encouraged other groups to take action against the regional authority. The stand off lasted a week before the first hostage was eventually killed. Soon after, the Morstaybishlian Armed Forces were sent in to retake the structure without killing the hostages. However, the JRF were warned of the attack beforehand and a major firefight emerged, with major casualties on both sides. The city hall was eventually retaken, though Ferdiand Smithson was shot several times and died of blood loss and internal bleeding whilst being transported to hospital. In the aftermath, Lord Nelson of Jilkaan decided to enhance police liberties when dealing with rebellion to prevent further need for the armed forces and to root out separatist groups in the region. King [[Thadeus II]] then extended this law to all of the Principality in 1945 due to the increased number of protests and riots.
[[File:Taurus 1 MBT in Staynes 1972.jpg|left|thumb|270px|A Norogradian Taurus 1 MBT storming Monnedura, a small town in Corstania Province during the [[Auroran Imperial War]].]]
By the late 1950's, the counterculture movement emerged across Aurora, and with it, and increased number of protests and riots within Korstazia, as well as the Emberwood and Quartz fern regions. Primarily Noroist socialist separatist groups became significantly more prolific, especially in higher education and universities. with the turn of the 60's, the largest underground Noroist resistance group, the Norogradian peoples liberation party, made links with the government of [[Ethalria]] and [| East Cerdani]. This allowed them to begin stockpiling arms and manufactured weapons, as well as giving them the resources needed to semi-covertly begin manufacturing weapons of their own design by the end of the decade. When the Auroran Imperial War broke out, the NPLP organised soldiers across the principality, coordinating with other smaller groups, and soon after launched a coup of the regional government. Armed with a vast supply of arms, vehicles, ships, and aircraft, the NPLP successfully gained control of the Kormistazic principality within three days, announcing its independence as the republic of Norograd and joining Ethalria against the Morstaybishlian Empire. This was further solidified by the use of high yield thermobaric weaponry by the Royal Air Force during an NPLP assault on an army base, which killed many soldiers of both sides.
With the close of the [[Auroran Imperial War]], Lyrevale, Emberwood Coast, and Quartz Fern Coast had seceded from NorogradAxdel. Every new nation had its independence guaranteed at the post-war Weyrcliff summit and were officially recognised as separated from the Morstaybishlian Empire.
====From secession to union====
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[[File:Iron Lung (061) (7184148409).jpg|left|thumb|250px|[[Wikipedia:Poliovirus|Poliovirus]] victims in Kirdintayos Infirmary, 1976.]]
Vardem established an emergency National Bank and begun integration schemes with a new currency made of plastic coins, because there was no time to mine and mass produce coins made of nickel or other metals. Economic depression followed, and millions of people were out of work. Ethalria capitalised on this and seized huge swathes of land, before being immobilised from the Ketavuul orbital bombardment strikes. They would later cede land they absorbed in this offensive to what is the current border today. The Wreycliff Pact prevented signatories from recognising Valeria as an independent nation, and so Vardem's talks with [[Norograd]]Axdel broke down in the latter part of the year.
Between 1975 and 1977, millions of people died as a result of the depression. Nobody could afford healthcare and medical supplies and the government struggled with demand. Infectious diseases spread across the population, including [[Wikipedia:Poliovirus|Poliovirus]], [[Wikipedia:Typhus|Typhus fever]], and [[Wikipedia:Measles|Measles]].
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=====Lyrevale Civil War=====
A period of geopolitical tension between NorogradAxdel and Morstaybishlia and their respective allies began immediately following the Auroran Imperial War, and lasted until the dissolution of NorogradNoroist government in 1996. There was no large-scale fighting directly between the two powers, but they engaged in proxy wars such as the [[Lyrevale Civil War]] and [[Lyrevale Continuation War|Continuation War]].
=====Meremaa Civil War=====
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The [[August 2020 Caltharus police attack]] saw a drone bomb attack into a meeting of chief constables in Kola House, Nocturne provincial police headquarters, eastern Caltharus, Great Morstaybishlia; that happened at 14:05 and claimed the lives of six chief constables, one deputy chief constable and one site engineer. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, although in a nation addressed Prime Minister Franklin Barvata insisted that the same group responsible for the July 2020 Caltharus attacks are to blame.
The prime minister denied a proposed independence referendum by MP [[Berinter Fokes]] for the city of Aegis in Valeria that was set out in a clause of the Aegis Area Agreement of 1975 and 1977. The Supreme Court of Great Morstaybishlia ruled his denial of the clause unlawful. The prime minister flew to Andel, the capital of Axdel and conferred with President Diego Corbinn where they ruled out the clause as void due to the clause not bring brought over from signatory state Norogradof Noroist Axdel to Axdel, due to the nature of the transition. After the prime ministers' address, many South Staynish Labour MPs organised a faction within the party, known as Valerian Labour, which would fight for better representation for the constituent country and for a more appropriate national identity. The Valeria Secretary of State [[Nellie Hermin]] resigned and conveyed a public speech to millions of viewers, prompting for the resignation of the prime minister.
On 9 March 2021, four coordinated terrorist attacks and a fifth foiled attack occurred in [[Joralesia]] between 13:03 and 13:39. Including two perpetrators, 354 people died and 881 were injured, 109 of which critically<ref>[[MBC]], 9th March 2021. ''Joralesian Terror Attack Worse in its History''.</ref>. [[Vothetria|Vothetrian]] [[Prime Ministers of Vothetria|Prime Minister]] [[Clauzia Sarohart]] was a victim of the second bombing. The prime minister called a [[TRIDENT]] meeting and initiated Black Alert over all Joralesia, which was given Royal Assent at 04:00 on 10 March, three hours after the attack (as Sani Bursil is twelve time zones in front). The [[2021 Joralesian attacks]] were later discovered to be conducted by members of the Ravenspaw and Greypike cartels, two listed terrorist organisations. By evening on the same day of the attacks, [[2021 Joralesian riots|protests and later riots]] throughout Joralesian cities took place.
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[[File:Morstaybishlian Province Map.png|right|thumb|550px|Map of Great Morstaybishlia showing its 65 provinces.]]
In 1917, Morstaybishlia converted from absolutism to parliamentary democracy and the first mention of constituencies were made. After the Great War, Morstaybishlia's territory looked very different; [[Axdel]], [[Lyrevale]] and [[Emberwood Coast]] were apart of the Empire as dominions, whilst the lands east of the Ider River in Caltharus weren't. The Constituency Administration Committee were established to draw up the first constituency maps. The first iteration in 1917 had 1,214 constituencies and gave the PrincipalityDominion of NorogradAxdel representation for the first time under the Morstaybishlian Empire with 170 seats. During the interwar period the constituencies remained unchanged until 1975 when the[[Noroist Norogradian PrincipalityAxdel]] gained independence as [[Norograd]] and the land east of the Ider River came back under control of Morstaybishlia. The Constituency Administration Committee was re-established and produced a second map that overhauled most of the work from the first, producing 1,742 constituencies. This remained until the Acts of Union of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard which saw 52 new constituencies added to make the final iteration of 1,794.
=== Provinces ===
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Ethnic diversity varies significantly across Great Morstaybishlia. Just over 26% (11 million) of Sani Bursil's population and 25% of Aternum's was estimated to be non-white in 2017, whereas less than 5% of the populations of western-Caltharus, north Valeria and central Staynes were from ethnic minorities, according to the 2017 census. In 2016, 28.8% of primary and 26.4% of secondary pupils at state schools in Staynes were members of an ethnic minority. The 1997 census was the first MBE census to have a question on ethnic group. In the 1997 MBE census 92.8% of people reported themselves as being White Morstaybishlian or White Other with 7.2% of people reporting themselves as coming from other minority groups.
During the early 20th century at the outbreak of the [[Great War]], Packilvanian migrants came in waves amounting up to nearly five million. After the war, Ethalrian and Salovian migrants numbered nearly 920,000. Staynes has had small Ulvriktru community for many centuries, subject to occasional expulsions, but Staynish Ulvriktru's numbered fewer than 16,000 at the end of the 1910s. During the Noroistearly-mid Movements20th pre-independentcentury, due to the uncertain political situation and strong support for independence in NorogradAxdel, then parta Dominion of the Empire, resulted in nearly two million people migratingmigrated to the fatherland, most being humans. After the Auroran-Imperial War, there was significant immigration from the colonies and newly independent former colonies, many from [[Lokania]] and independent Valeria, partly as a legacy of empire and partly driven by labour shortages.
===Major cities===