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The '''Imperial Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia''', commonly known as '''Great Morstaybishlia''' (officially '''IKM''', but often informally abbreviated to the '''MBE''') is a [[wikipedia:unitary state|unitary]] [[wikipedia:sovereign state|sovereign state]] and [[wikipedia:transcontinental country|transcontinental country]] in [[Aurora]] and southern [[Cereneria]]. Great Morstaybishlia includes [[Staynes]], [[Kaltarus]], [[Valeria]] and [[Justelvard]], as well as other islands. Great Morstaybishlia shares land borders with seven countries (from left to right); [[Axdel]], [[Qayam]], [[Durentria]], [[North Ethalria]], [[Blueacia]], [[Tivot]] and [[Marislia]]. Justelvard shares no land borders except on one island with the [[Free Pax States]] and a district of Tivot, whilst neighbouring the [[The Oan Isles|Kohatu Isles]] by sea. The [[Morstaybishlian Sea]] lies between the north coasts of Staynes and Kaltarus and the south coast of Justelvard. The [[Caven Sea]] sits north of Justelvard, and the [[Azure Sea]] sits south of Valeria. The [| Packilvanian Ocean] starts at the left coastline of [[Staynes]] and the north-westernmost island in Justelvard.
Great Morstaybishlia is a [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|constitutional monarchy]] with a two-House parliament system. The current monarch is [[Lambertus VII]], who has reigned since 1991 and the heir apparent is [[Princess Rosamund|Rosamund]]. The capital is [[Sani Bursil]], a [[wikipedia:global city|global city]] and [[wikipedia:financial centre|financial centre]] with an urban area population of 50 million in 2019, the largest in Aurora, largest in the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]] and largest in [[Urth]]. Other major urban areas in Great Morstaybishlia include [[Damezkador]], Kirdintayos, Lamburtupol, Valeron, Redrugus, [[Fort Jubrayn]], Imbazdu, Fort Vitaryn and Kasidura. The nearby [[FrorkstolmEskomia]] and [[Necraties Islands]] are not part of Great Morstaybishlia, being Crown dependencies with the government responsible for defence and international representation.
The relationships among the countries of the Great Morstaybishlia have changed over time. In 1515, [[Lambertus III]] [[Battle for Caltharus 1515|united the thrones of Staynes and Kaltarus]] which formed the United Kingdom of Staynes and Kaltarus, which went on to become the sovereign state of the [[Morstaybishlian Empire]]. Justelvard was annexed by the Morstaybishlian Empire after the [[Great Morstaybishlia#Morsto-Justelvardic War|Morsto-Justelvardic War]] in 1604. Justelvard declared independence from the Empire in 1967, but was not recognised until 1975. Valeria seceded from Staynes in 1975 which saw it obtain status within Great Morstaybishlia two years later under the Acts of Union, and in 2016 Justelvard entered a political union with Great Morstaybishlia under the Acts of Union of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard leaving the present formulation of the Imperial Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia. The Morstaybishlian Empire transitioned from an [[Wikipedia:Absolute monarchy|absolute monarchy]] to a [[Wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|constitutional monarchy]] in 1917 by the end of the [[Great War]], establishing a democratically elected [[Wikipedia:Parliament|parliament]] which ended slavery the same year. The MBE is one of the last reminders of colonial times with nineteen [[Morstaybishlian Empire|Overseas Territories of Great Morstaybishlia]]; remnants of the Morstaybishlian Empire which, at its height in the 1800s, encompassed almost a tenth of the world's land mass and was the largest empire in history. Today, they collectively comprise of 106.144 million people over 828,243 sq km; whilst Great Morstaybishlia exists over 5,940,250 sq km and recorded 515.88 million people in its 2021 census, the first year the country recorded over half a billion people. Morstaybishlian influence can be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former colonies.
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Morstaybishlian colonialism began as early as the 11th century with Kaltarusian territories in [[Arcturia]]. Arcturia saw a surge of Staynish and Kaltarusian early settlements in eastern Arcturia from 1001 to 1515; these trading outposts were generally not unified into one territory until the Morstaybishlian Empire formed after the Union of the Thrones and trading outposts were led by Viceroys.
Staynes led an expedition in 1444 and found the [[Necraties Islands|Necraties]] and [[FrorkstolmEskomia]] under Admiral Wince Ledkeat. The islands were not inhabited by any sentient species and became a pivot point for Staynish naval projection and trade prowess. Perdaé, the Necraties' capital, began life as a port town until the late 16th century, where [[Lambertus V]] designated its port to be shared for naval affairs. It was first used for this purpose when it rallied galleons in 1604 to invade Justelvard.
Many species endemic to the Necratie Isles were pushed to extinction from the arrival of people and pests. [[wikipedia:Stilt-owl|Gold-tipped owls]] were a species of owl that was hunted for their feathers and rendered extinct in the wild in the latter of the 18th century. Despite persistent attempts to re-introduce the captive populations into the wild, the species was declared fully extinct in 1974.
The Necraties, FrorkstolmEskomia, the [[Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories]] and in particular the Arcturian Territories saw a spur of piracy in the mid to late 16th to mid 19th centuries. Rebels and pirates saw these trading outposts and islands as perfect hiding places in the war against piracy, as well as perfect areas to manoeuvre the pirating business to its greatest heights between 1660 and 1730. Pirates were a common pest in the several bodies of water until the [[Imperial Navy]] killed the last of seven Pirate Captain in the Battle of Valna Bay in 1821. Continuous efforts by the navies of the southern Cerenerian and north Auroran nations saw to the eventual demise of pirates in and around the [[Morstaybishlian Sea]].
=====Morsto-Justelvardic War=====
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Morstaybishlia send aid, setting out a clear set of objectives to conquer its first territory in the South Concordian Ocean, and the Shonerian leaders accepted Morstaybishlian occupation. Commonwealth forces had been stretched thin because of the repression in its empire, reached and were victorious over the current occupation. Morstaybishlia retaliated by sending a blockade to the capital Privétia. Morstaybishlia rallied the support of South Peragen and more of their own forces for a full scale invasion of New Leganés, but the Commonwealth occupation of Shoneria retreated to defend their homeland, effectively leaving Shoneria to Morstaybishlia. The Commonwealth had a narrow victory against the coalition of Morstaybishlia and South Peragen, but the Commonwealth had suffered a long siege and suffered extensive damage. Six years of wars over the seas and the Commonwealth ensued, and fearing losing their autonomy, Queen Cristalina IV began negotiations with their enemies and in 1641 the Treaty of Arsal was signed and ratified by the three independent nations. The treaty saw Morstaybishlia take control of the already occupied Shoneria and also control over Oblivion Islands, as well as the Commonwealth dissolved so that the queen would retain power in the New Leganés and retain great trade and a presence of exploitation within the South Concordian Ocean. Morstaybishlia henceforth had huge economic control over the nations of New Leganés and South Peragen which lasted for over 276 years.
=====Ambitions past the PacificCerenerian Ocean=====
With action dwindling in the South Concordian Ocean and a decisive victory looming over the Commonwealth, the Morstaybishlian Empire set its eyes eastwards to the PacificCerenerian Ocean and beyond. It set out three vessels in 1639 to find new land and economic opportunities. They landed on an island named [[Rosamund Island|Draegia]]. Over a year later, one ship returned. Morstaybishlia would seek out more lands in this direction and send more vessels to the unknown east, where they landed and were greeted by natives. The explorer Marten Vhengar interpreted the native’s name for their land as “[[Lunaria|Vanoru]]”.
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===Late Modern (1803 - 21st century)===
Morstaybishlia played a leading part in the PacificCerenerian and Concordian slave trade, mainly between 1673 and 1917 when Morstaybishlian or Morstaybishlian-colonial ships transported nearly 5 million slaves from Gondwana in a legal system of human [[Wikipedia:Chattel slavery|chattel enslavement]]. The slaves were taken to work on plantations in Morstaybishlian possessions, principally in [[Saint Matilda]], the [[Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories|Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian]], [[Justelvard]] and Luxaria, but also Aurora. The rapid expansion of the cotton and flax industries after the invention of the [[Wikipedia:Cotton gin|cotton gin]] and [[Wikipedia:Spinning wheel|spinning wheel]] greatly increased demand for slave labour. Slavery coupled with the West PacificCerenerian sugar industry had a significant role in strengthening and developing the Morstaybishlian economy in the 18th century. Throughout the later 19th century movements called for the monarchy to install laws similar to other nations which began restricting and abolishing slavery, and giving slaves more rights, but this did not succeed. However, when Parliament was formed in 1917 following the handover of absolutism from the monarchy, it banned the slave trade and banned slavery in the Morstaybishlian Empire, freeing over 5 million slaves.
Through reward programs, former slaves were encouraged back to their origin countries, though it largely fell through and former slaves instead settled in the colonies where they had been set to work in. Today, large portions of former slaves live in [[Lokania]], Justelvard, throughout the PacificCerenerian and in Gondwana - which can be seen in the distribution of large minority ethnic groups in these colonies.
====Slave trade====
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[[File:HMS Gloucester (1909).jpg|left|thumb|225px|Morstaybishlian light-cruiser MBS ''Admiral Kutselm'' docked in Lights Bay Harbour, Bruzaka.]]
As the world evolved in the 19th and 20th centuries, many democratic nations abolished slavery and pressured the Morstaybishlian and Packilvanian Empires to do so. Owing to its incredible size and power in the 19th century and its absolute monarchy which had large capital interests and investment in the slave trade, the Morstaybishlian Empire did not abolish slavery until in November 1917, two months after the end of the Great War and the dissolution of Morstopackia. The nation saw huge social, economic and political reforms in 1917 as it transitioned from an absolute monarchy to parliamentary republic under constitutional monarchy; and later 1910s and 1920s.
[[File:Oanese blackbirding circa 1918.jpg||right|thumb|250px|Blackbirding was illegal but was a popular alternative to the slave-trade in the Morstaybishlian colonies as late as the 1930s. <br>Pictured: Oan peoples, with an overseer (background), on a sugar plantation, in New Pondsfort, [[Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories|Morst West PacificCereneria]], c. 1919.]]
Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act 1917 with over 79 percent of the House of Representatives voting in favour. The Act made the purchase and ownership of slaves in all of the Morstaybishlian Empire illegal and immediately freed over 5 million slaves. Slavery had been a point of social contention for nearly all of the 19th and early 20th century leading up to its abolition, with its abolition being a primary benefactor of their movement. By January of 1918, the Morstaybishlian Empire had de jure implemented the Act in its declining oversea territories, though de facto there was still an active slave trade in many territories. Following the thirteen years of warfare, the [[Imperial Navy]] was heavily damaged and initially struggled with enforcing the legislation. Many of the closer territories to continental Morstaybishlia, including New Kalt, Luxaria, Ruxalara and Justelvard followed suit with the mainland and who's people accepted the changes, but elsewhere it was different.
In the colonial and territorial administrations of Joralesia, Salisar, the Morst West PacificCereneria, Dalmaghar, Kurandia, and others recognised the Act and implemented it, but clandestine slave-trading and [[Wikipedia:Blackbirding|blackbirding]] still occurred as late as the mid 1930s. Though it was hit with the economic depression and major de-colonisation following the war, the Imperial Navy immediately established a presence off of the coasts of these territories where there were rumours, sightings, reports or evidence of ongoing slavery, as well as negotiating with countries neighbouring these colonies and territories for their rights to stop and search vessels believed to house slaves. The Imperial Navy dispatched three squadrons of four, five and eight [[Wikipedia:Town-class cruiser (1910)|light cruisers]] to the [[PacificCerenerian Ocean]], as well as the south and north [[Concordian Ocean]] respectively. With bases at Montecadre, what is now Penisine Garrisons in Balidar, and Bruzraka; the squadrons aided in the capture of over 2,100 slave ships, freeing over 205,000 people from slavery between 1917 and 1934. However, unfortunately this did not exactly reduce the number of deaths of slaves. Thousands lost their lives if the captain of a slave ship knew they were being approached by a squadron vessel. The captain would order for the slaves to be thrown overboard still shackled. Very few would make it to shore.
====Great Depression====
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On 15 April 1990, Grand Duke Telvi II of Meremaa ordered the military to fire at a labour strike organised by Democratic Socialist political organisations in the city of Morzk. Immediately after the actions ordered by Telvi II, Meremaan news outlets and papers began glorifying their leader and exerting an approach relating to their foreign policy which gave Prime Minister [[Robert Delari]] an unclear future for [[Dalmaghar]]. This concerned Robert Delari, who retaliated by condemning the actions of the Grand Duke. Meremaa declared their intentions to align further with [[Norgsveldet]] economically despite their independence less than a decade before.
Delari viewed this negatively, and made public his views on how Meremaa has lost its sovereignty and how the Morstaybishlian Government no longer viewed the government of Meremaa as legitimate. As civil unrest grew into civil war, Delari endorsed the Democratic Socialist movement, led by [[Tyr Vaines]], which branded itself as the Republican Forces of Meremaa, whilst simultaneously sending its PacificCerenerian Fleet to protect the Morstaybishlian asset of Dalmaghar.
Norgsveldet viewed the newfound Morstaybishlian naval presence in Dalmaghar as hostile. However, they initially laid off any form of support to Meremaa as Morstaybishlia had not officially sided with the republicans.
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Justelvard faced continuous trouble with a language and cultural divide since it was colonised in the early 17th century. Justelard, who seceded from Morstaybishlia upon the closure of the Auroran Imperial War was bound by the Port Makuh Agreement, signed by former Prime Minister [[Delores Gastrell]] and the first Prime Minister of Justelvard Jamesina Sefera, which stated that "if at any stage it is clear that a majority of constituencies in Justelvard hold pro-Morstaybishlian seats, then a referendum for Morstaybishlian reunification would be considered" and that, under these terms, "a Morstaybishlian reunification would see Justelvard become a functioning member state of Great Morstaybishlia as opposed to territory of the crown". After the 2014 Justelvard General Election, the new Prime Minister Wiley Gordwin was elected but led a minority government, his opposition could not form a government but which formed for the first time a majority for pro-Morstaybishlia. Gordwin controversially ignored this clause in the Port Makuh Agreement, and had a huge backlash from politicians and the general public. At the time, Gordwins' opinion polls dropped to 23 percent, the lowest of any Justelvardic Prime Ministers ever. A general election was called after a vote of no confidence. The Liberal League of Justelvard lost ten seats in the 2015 Justelvard General Election and the Justelvardic Unionist Party was voted in. His successor, and the new Prime Minister [[Arran Samsey]], held a referendum on 16 December 2015 which saw a 65 percent vote for Morstaybishlian reunification, though no constituency in the Western Outliers voted to leave. Samsey flew to Sani Bursil on as many as eleven occasions to discuss with [[Walter Johannes]] an agreement. One year later to the day, on 16 December 2016, the Imperial Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard came into being, the result of Acts of Union being passed by the parliaments of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard and so unite the two kingdoms.
====Auroran-PacificCerenerian War====
''See also: [[Auroran-PacificCerenerian War]]
[[File:Ethalrian bombing of a Calth village.jpg|right|thumb|275px|Ethalrian bombing of a Kaltarusian town.]]
After loyalists to the Ethalrian Monarchy illegitimately seized the government of the Republic of Ethalria in May 2017 to form the Greater Ethalrian Empire, the Morstaybishlian Government would call an emergency meeting between world leaders at [[Sani Bursil Royal Palace]] resulting in an allegiance of half a dozen countries to fight the new Auroran threat. Tensions rose across the world for a few weeks. The Royal Parade was not cancelled despite the best efforts of Prime Minister Walter Johannes, who deemed it 'unsafe in the current political climate'. During the parade around Sani Bursil, an assassination attempt on King Lambertus VII failed but resulted in the death of the heir apparent [[Prince Thadeus]]. It was soon thereafter discovered that the plot was orchestrated by operatives of the [[Ethalria (Matriarchy)|Matriarchy of Ethalria]] working for [[Amalda Harimann]] and Great Morstaybishlia declared war on the Matriarchy the same day.
With Stratarin's Premier [[Viktor Drugov]] losing his position of power to Mikhail Starikov, Great Morstaybishlia lost one of its great allies. Starikov made his intentions known and became allies with the Matriarchy of Ethalria, the Greater Ethalrian Empire and Kostromastan, forming the axis. Stratarin played a vital role in military armament and funding of the axis; in particular Kostromastan, who had used this aide to push an invasion deep into Nocturne. Kostromastan and Stratarin would aim to push deep into Barbarus and Laulia Provinces to ambush the vastly spread and deeply entrenched allied forces in their battle over north Ethalrian cities, and a planned Strataric naval invasion on the beaches of Aurus and Laulia Provinces was narrowly prevented when their naval routes were cut off by the [[The Oan Isles|Oan Isles]], which began the PacificCerenerian Theater of War. Great Morstaybishlia immediately amassed a force with [[Lokania]] and [[Kuthernburg]] to invade both Ethalrias. Facing fierce opposition, the allies narrowly secured victories in Arkenvel and Avenai in late June and July, later beating the Matriarchy of Ethalria in the battle for Karinthus and later Ribenstadt, the Ethalrian capital which would lead Harimann into hiding and see the Ethalrian Vice Matriarch sign the Instrument of Surrender on the 24th of October. In the west the allies were repelled into Valeria, with bombing of cities Leriad, Burleron and Kovaro killing millions of people, but upon the surrender of the Matriarchy of Ethalria, the Greater Ethalrian Empire caved into pressure on all sides from the allies, herself surrendering soon thereafter. Immediately following the war, Great Morstaybishlia, as well as Axdel, Tuvaltastan and the Oan Isles saw the fragmentation of both Ethalria's and occupied each zone which became the six [[Ethalns|Ethaln]] countries.
====Since the Auroran-PacificCerenerian War====
[[File:Embask oil rig in the Artic.jpg|left|thumb|300px|One of the twelve oil rigs owned by [[Embask]] and later purchased by the Kyrlot Government.]]
Walter Johannes lost the [[2019 Great Morstaybishlia General Election]] to [[MBE Labour|Labour's]] fielded candidate [[Franklin Barvata]]<ref>[[MBC]], 27th February 2019. ''Barvata Defeats Johannes''.</ref>, ending the 14 year Johannes administration and subsequently stepped down as [[MBE Conservatives|Conservative]] leader<ref>[[MBC]], 8th March 2019. ''Walter Johannes Resigns''.</ref>.
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Great Morstaybishlia has sovereignty over seventeen territories which do not form part of the MBE itself: fifteen Morstaybishlian Overseas Territories and two Crown dependencies.
The nineteen Morstaybishlian Overseas Territories are remnants of the [[Morstaybishlian Empire]]: they are [[Andomi]], Eskomia, Neptentia Islands, Detention Islands, [[Louzaria]], [[New Kaltarus]], the [[Seligeze Islands]], [[Morstaybishlian Rotantic Territories]], [[Joralesia]], [[Rosamund Island]], [[Dalmaghar]], [[Buzela]], [[Bolize]], New Celidizia, [[Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories]], [[Salisar]], [[Balidar]], [[Kystland]] and [[Saint Matilda]]. Collectively Morstaybishlia's overseas territories encompass an approximate land area of 828,243 square kilometers (319,786 sq mi), with a total population of 106.144 million. A 2001 MBE government white paper stated that: "[The] Overseas Territories are Morstaybishlian for as long as they wish to remain Morstaybishlian. Morstaybishlia has willingly granted independence where it has been requested; and we will continue to do so where this is an option." Self-determination is also enshrined in the constitutions of several overseas territories and three have specifically voted to remain under Morstaybishlian sovereignty (Buzela in 1996, Joralesia in 2001 and New Celidizia in 2010).
The Crown dependencies are possessions of the Crown, as opposed to overseas territories of the MBE. They comprise two independently administered jurisdictions: the [[Necraties Islands]] and [[FrorkstolmEskomia]]. By mutual agreement, the Morstaybishlian Government manages the islands' foreign affairs and defence and the MBE Parliament has the authority to legislate on their behalf. Internationally, they are regarded as "territories for which Great Morstaybishlia is responsible". The power to pass legislation affecting the islands ultimately rests with their own respective legislative assemblies, with the assent of the Crown. Since 2005 each Crown dependency has had a Lieutenant Governor as its head of government.
The Morstaybishlian dependencies all use the same currency as Great Morstaybishlia, the [[Kirib]].
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[[File:Kalmington Palace 2021.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Kalmington Palace, seat of both houses of the Parliament of Great Morstaybishlia.]]
The Morstaybishlian parliamentary government is based on the Kalmington system that is emulated in some former colonies after 1917 and instated in 4 out of 6 nations in the [[Ethalns]] after the [[Auroran-PacificCerenerian War]]. The government is divided into two branches: an elected House of Representatives and an appointed House of Peers. All bills passed are given Royal Assent before becoming law.
The position of [[wikipedia:Prime Minister|prime minister]] is the head of government of Great Morstaybishlia. The position belongs to the person most likely to command the confidence of the House of Representatives; this individual is typically the leader of the political party or coalition of parties that holds the largest number of seats in that chamber. By convention, the monarch respects the prime minister's decisions of government.
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[[File:RSNV Superior.jpg|right|thumb|175px|MBS ''Superior'', painted in 1805, is the Flagship of the First Sea Lord. It is the longest serving naval vessel being commissioned in 1775.]]
[[File:RSNV Bursil (shtorm-class supercarrier)2.jpg|right|thumb|175px|MBS ''Glasgore'', a ''Glasgore''-class supercarrier and the flagship of its class.]]
''The Royal Armed Forces of the Empire'' (''RAFOTE''), also known as ''His Majesty's Armed Forces'' (''HM's Armed Forces''), ''Morstaybishlian Armed Forces'' and the ''MBE Armed Forces'' form the military of the MBE and its Oversea Territories. They are made up of three branches: the Navy, Army and Air Force. The forces are managed by the Ministry of Defence and controlled by the Defence Council, chaired by the Secretary of State for Defence; currently Mikhail Sankuda. The Commander-in-Chief is the Morstaybishlian monarch, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance. The Armed Forces are charged with protecting Great Morstaybishlia and its overseas territories, promoting Great Morstaybishlia's global security interests and supporting international peacekeeping efforts. They are active and regular participants in the UNAC Defence Force. Overseas garrisons and facilities are maintained in [[Packilvania]], [[Blueacia]], [[Kuthernburg]], [[Axdel]], Mexregiona, [[Lokania]], [[South Yor|Yor]], [[Nacata]] and [[Atiland]], as well as in Overseas Territories of [[New Kaltarus]], [[Louzaria]], [[Joralesia]], the Inuit Isles, [[FrorkstolmEskomia]], the [[Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories]], [[Detention Island]], [[Rosamund Island]], [[Dalmaghar]], New Celidizia and Neptentia Island. The Morstaybishlian armed forces played a key role in establishing the Morstaybishlian Empire as the dominant world power in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. By emerging victorious from conflicts, Morstaybishlia has often been able to decisively influence world events. Since the comedown of the Morstaybishlian Empire, Great Morstaybishlia has remained a major military power.
The [[Imperial Navy]] controls three sub branches: the Imperial Marines (an amphibious infantry), the Imperial Coast Guard (a maritime law enforcement branch) and the Imperial Missile Force. The Army forms the land component. It controls another sub branch called the Gendarmerie, a paramilitary force. The Imperial Air Force forms the air branch and controls the air defence sub branch. The [[Redplate Guard]] are a fourth branch of the Armed Forces with its origins coming from the Union of the Thrones in 1515, it is typically the size of a brigade, of which there is a battalion called the Palatine Guard that is for service of the sovereign and their royal residencies.
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[[File:A Morst bride and groom.jpeg|right|thumb|250px|A bride and groom from Morstaybishlia who have the most common skin colour, found native to north Staynes and Kaltarus.]]
Justelvard sits on the remaining land area of the Strathepolic archipelago and it is believed that over 90% of Auroran's ancestry originate here. A large land bridge extending from west-Justelvard to Bai Lung and then to the Staynish-Kaltarusian border became the premier travelway of the two continents after the early submerging of a land bridge from Peregrinia through the Morstaybishlian West PacificCerenerian Territories and the Oan Isles connecting to the easternmost Auroran coastline. The Strathepolic people mainly lived in and around the northern Strathepolic ridge but migrated southwards during its erosion to strong PacificCerenerian currents. A study found that Jussie genes are closely comparable of those genes thought to be pure-Morstaybishlian.
Since the mid to late 19th century and the early 20th century substantial immigration from the Gordic Council and the Kuthern Commonwealth, the Caliphate, and Overseas Territories has been a legacy of ties forged by the Morstaybishlian Empire. Migration from UNAC (formerly ACA) member states in Western and Eastern Aurora since 2017 has resulted in growth in these population groups, although some of this migration has been temporary. Since the 2000s, there has been substantial diversification of the immigrant population, with migrants to the MBE coming from a much wider range of countries than previous waves, which tended to involve larger numbers of migrants coming from a relatively small number of countries.
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Some of the most popular savoury dishes that originated from Great Morstaybishlia include [[wikipedia:Sausage Toad|Sausage toad]] (''Frog in the Pit''), Roast Lamb with roast roots and coriander, [[wikipedia:Pasty|Pasty]], and pies of all sorts, including but not limited to [[wikipedia:Chicken and mushroom pie|Chicken and mushroom pie]], [[wikipedia:Steak and kidney pie|Steak and kidney pie]], [[wikipedia:Fish_pie#Royal fish pie|Fish pie]] and [[wikipedia:Shepherd's pie|Morst pie]].
In addition to its wine tradition, Great Morstaybishlia is also a major producer of beer and whiskey. The three main Morstaybishlian brewing regions are Oglota (55% of national production), Calthia and Surbila. Morstaybishlia produces whiskey via distilleries located on islands such as Frorkstolm[[Eskomia]], the [[Morstaybishlian West Pacific Territories|West PacificCerenerian Territories]] and the [[Seligeze Islands]].
Some popular sweet dishes that originated in Great Morstaybishlia include [[Hobstiberry|Hobstiberry pie]], [[wikipedia:Banoffee pie|Banoffee pie]], [[wikipedia:Trifle|Trifle]] and [[wikipedia:Derby pie|Chocolate and walnut pie]]. Hobstiberry pie was quick to spread around Urth due to the cultivation of hobstiberries across the Morstaybishlian Empire, and its simplicity to make.
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| Peace Day
| 24 October
| Statutory bank holiday from 2018, celebrates peace in Aurora which is marked by the end of the [[Auroran-PacificCerenerian War]]
| [[Wikipedia:Summer solstice|Summer Celebration Day]]