Government:Delegate Bachtendekuppen's Statement Regarding Growing Conflict in the Region

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The following statement was made by Delegate Bachtendekuppen on Feburary 16, 2014, regarding growing tensions and "toxicity" within the East Pacific.

The original statement can be found here.


An address to the region

As Delegate, but also as just a member of The East Pacific, I'd like to voice some concerns. Over the last few days, I feel there have been some issues that need addressing. Secondly, we are approaching the end of my current term as Delegate and I'd like to say a few words regarding that as well.

I've noticed that in the last few days, maybe a bit longer already, a regretful trend is developing where rationality, thoughtfulness and respect has been less apparent than it used to be. It's been a few times in a short period already that things always seem to escalate. It seems that, over a variety of issues, discussions are much more easily developing in to heated arguments accompanied with accusations, insinuations, rudeness, innuendo's and even outright insults. It doesn't seem possible anymore to build any kind of decent argumentation without someone getting upset, personal and rude about it. Not only does this worry me, it frustrates me to no end.

This is not who we are, we are better than that and this kind of conduct must not be allowed to flourish. I'm not interested in targeting specific persons here. Not everyone is doing this and those who might have are, I am sure of this, not of malicious intent towards TEP or this community.

I ask, nay, insist that anyone involved in these (heated) arguments takes a step back once in a while to consider the behavior and language used before jumping in to the fray.

Secondly, I'd like to say some things about our recent developments with TSP. Regarding the treaty, I have voiced my stance on that here in the Magisterium. Added to that, and depending on what the FA Department and TSP can agree on, it's still worth it to show our cooperation and explore the possibility of a treaty. Like it or not, but they are a fellow Feeder and I think that, as outlined in the general policy on Foreign Affairs explained by Minister Old Federalia, Feeders benefit from mutual understanding, respect and cooperation where possible. As such, The East Pacific will continue to work towards that goal.

Recently, Magister Unibot got banned from TSP for unclear reasons. The East Pacific will officially await the results of the internal discussion about this in TSP and respect the both the sovereignty and administrative discretion of the region and forum administration. The East Pacific is not a region who meddles in the private affairs of other regions, nor tries to dictate policy. We do however hope that this problem will be cleared out diligently and swiftly.

Lastly, if I'm able to count the months correctly, my term should end by the end of February. There are some loose ends I'd like to be able to address before we get to that point. The EPNS and EPPS are at the center of that focus and the TEP government will by no means slow down because elections are getting nearer. December and January were hard months for me and I haven't been able to put in the full effort I'd like to have made during those months, but overall I hope I've done a decent job as Delegate and I will be putting myself up for re-election to let the Citizenry have the final say on that.

It is my genuine wish that until that time, we succeed in continuing being the great region and community we were, and not let ourselves get dragged down in undignified drama. We need to remember our pride, our solidarity as a group and the maturity that flows through the veins of TEP, as well as that nice dafty touch that makes our culture as great as it is.


Puffin Delegate of The Sovereign East Pacific