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'''Eyjaria''', formally '''The Commonwealth of Eyjaria''' is an island nation in the North Concordian Ocean that's geographically considered apart of [[Concord]]. Eyjaria is a federation consisting of three provinces Eyjarheim, Vest Øy and Sørheim. Eyjaria was first fully invaded and annexed by the UlvikrikUlvrikian Empire 10 AD, with the establishment of the Duchy of Vistsele, the old name of the Eyjaria region given by the empire, for the Duke ruling it. After the Ulvikrik Empire collapsed in the 500s, Eyjaria was then ruled by the House of Hjelvok, turning the Duchy into a kingdom. Starting the Kingdom of Vistele. After a second large migration byof NorgsveltiansUlvrikians induring 900s, to Eyjaria made the kingdom collapse from the political diffrences in the country, on which several Jarls ruled and competed for land. In 1125 Jarls across Eyjaria a weak confederation called the Jarldom of Eyjaria, on which every Jarl would ellect a "High Jarl" to rule the land. Eyjaria got it's independence from Norgsveldet in 5ht of June 1955, while still recognizing the monarch of Norgsveldet as monarch of Eyjaria. Eyjaria is neighbors with [[Helslandr]] in the east and South Hills in the south
Eyjaria is also an member state of [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]], since their founding. It's also the wealthiest nation in [[Vestrava]] thanks to its trade routes and large oil industry, despite having the smallest population in the region as well.
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== Etymology and terminology ==
The first recorded usage of the word Eyjaria was during the first wave of Ulvrikian settlers in Eyjaria during 20 AD, the name coming from the Ulvrikian name Eyjr, meaning island. With Eyjaria meaning land of islands. This name was however only officaly used after the establishment of the Jarldom of Eyjaria.
===Ulvrikian Empire and Duchy of Vistele==
===Kingdom of Vistele, and Second Ulvrikian Migration===
===Establishment of the Jarldom of Eyjaria===
===Personal Union with Norgsveldet===
===Morstaybishlian Conquest of Eyjaria===
===The Great War and reunification with Norgsveldet===
===Era of hate===
===Eyjarian Independence from Norgsveldet, and the Eyjarian Oil Age===
===Modern Day===