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RandomTWdude (talk | contribs)
This took hours and was honestly maybe worth it.
RandomTWdude (talk | contribs)
Added more history.
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{{Infobox country|demonym=Endertopian|established_date7=1460 ~ 1518|established_event3=33th~35th Endreassembly|established_date3=1228 ~ 1264|established_event4=Endery League|established_date4=1276|established_event5=First Endre-Actrosis War|established_date5=1372 ~ 1400|established_event6=Alibi Revolution|established_date6=1458|established_event7=Endertopian War|established_event8=Qifeiyan Declaration|established_event1=The Expedition|established_date8=1520|percent_water=|population_census=32,266,460|population_census_year=2020|population_density_km2=55.67|GDP_PPP_per_capita=$34,050|HDI_change=increase|currency=Endens (∃)|electricity=110/220V 60hz|established_date1=1021|established=1521|area_km2=579,590.53|national_motto="One cannot lose until he stops trying."|GDP_PPP=$1,098,672,963,000|GDP_PPP_year=2020|HDI=0.895|HDI_year=2020|today=|conventional_long_name=The Federation of Endertopias|common_name=Endertopias|image_flag=Endertopias flag.png|area_rank=|national_anthem="Stars' Oath"|lower_house=The Endertopian Assembly|capital=Starynwale|largest_city=Delphinia|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list | 71.7% Human | 23.6% Elf | 4.7% Others }}|government_type=Federal Parliamentary Republic|leader_title1=Prime Minister|leader_name1=Lyme Luke|leader_title2=President|leader_name2=John Bourke|legislature=The Enderhalls|upper_house=The Skynesses' Court|drives_on=Right|established_event9=Modern borders|established_date9=1580|calling_code=+548|cctld=.edt}}
Aside from the aboriginal peoples living on the land, the first group of adventurers from [[Asendavia]] set foot on the land in the 10th century, landing on the coasts of modern-day Madelina. The first settlers did not stay dormant for long before again setting off for the unknown, towards the west. After a series of events, the 18 tribes of the Endery League united to form the Federation. Enderopias today is a federal parliamentary republic operating under a high degree of unity. The 18 tribes has been cooperative and supportive of each other through their hardest times, and to prevent biases towards any of them, the government spreads its operations over all the major cities.
The Endertopian government practiced isolationism after its foundation with an eye to stabilizing the nation after an almost-60-year-long conflict. EffortsAfter havethe beenpolitical madereforms, inefforts recenthave agesbeen made to speed up the internationalization and modernization of the economy,. The government in the modern age withputs heavy subsidies on the high-tech and tourism industries. The vast landscapes and cultures stemming from the 18 historic aboriginal tribes makes for a great attraction to tourists. The Federation of Endertopias joined both the [[International Forum]] and the [[League of Novaris]] in 2021.
==History ==
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The people living on the Endertopian plains were split in two. In the east was the newly established Actrosis Kingdom, and in the west were the 18 Endery tribes still yet to unify. The quality of rule of the Actrosis government quickly deteriorated after dozens of years and they started to roll out speciest policies aimed at the elves. This in turn prompted some to migrate over to west, creating a significant influx of population for the traditional tribes. Still, the Kingdom remained a powerful existence, as its people acknowledge the contributions the original Expeditionists had made to inhabit this land. On the other hand, seeing this massive increase in activity, the tribe leaders had no choice but to take action.
The 33th Endreassemly took place in 1228 AD. The tribe leaders discussed the possibility of a united Endery tribes as an entity that would accept all kinds of souls without discrimination, a modern nation with all the old virtues of traditional tribal life -- acceptance and friendliness. It would then take two more successive meetings to finally settle aside all of their differences and come to terms. In the 36th Endreassembly in 1276 AD, the 18 tribes of Endery officially united to form the Endery League, featuring a national assembly made up of the 18 tribe leaders. The Endery League was just a rather lose collection of tribes and each tribes get to retain their original inner workings. Over time, however, the tribes grew closer and closer.
===Endre-Actrosis Wars & Alibi Revolution===
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During the cease-fire, the Asendavian descendants of the Endery League reached out to other countries such as [[Cryria]] and [[Asendavia]] for military assistance. With the improved arsenal, the moral high ground of not having started the war and the close cooperation between the elves and the humans, the Endery League pushed eastwards. The Siege of Clover was one of the fiercest fights in the entire Endertopian history, with Actrosis' 7th Army holding the line vigorously, Endery League finally took the city after 9 months of relentless fighting. The city of Clover (now Cloveraffe) is located right in the center of the land and acts as a major transportation hub for both the war efforts of the past and the national trade of the present. With control of the city, Endery League has secured a strategically advantageous position, and with it they can safely push both the north and the south fronts without having to worry about supplies. The Endery League advanced north to Kafkaland in 1506, and south to Portine in 1508, controlling the sea around the failing Actrosis Kingdom. The Kingdom of Actrosis effectively surrendered and offered peace in 1518.
===Qifeiyan Treaty & The final expeditions===
After the war, King Moldolve II of the Kingdom of Actrosis met up with the 18 tribe leaders in the Qifeiyan Palace on December 20, 1520. The Qifeiyan Treaty was signed, agreeing on one united Federation that "shall accept all precious souls, no matter their forms." 12 days later, on the first day of 1521, the 18 tribe leaders and human representatives gathered in Starynwale, announcing the foundation of the Federation of Endertopias.
===The final expeditions===
With the days of terrible wars now in the history books, and with new methods of traversing mountainous terrains, the final teams of expeditionists set off for the unknown once again. In 1580 AD, they reached the borders of Veria in the far west, the modern city of Tenshily in the northeast, and the Mel River in the south that would separate Endertopias from [[Gransrik]], finalizing the borders of Endertopias as it is today.
=== Political reforms ===
After the foundation of Endertopias, the Federation functioned under the National Assembly, made up of the original 18 tribal leaders. With the entirety of the Endertopian plains now in control, the 18 Endery tribes effectively had control over all elves and other species. A limited democracy was practiced, where elections are held to re-elect the members of the National Assembly every year, but such elections are still done in the old tribal ways: in the middle of the tribe, with people counting the number of hands raised. Despite the elves' rule without major issues or discrimination, humans' voices were unheard in the National Assembly. Over the course of the 16th and 17th century, pressure from the general public pushed the National Assembly to do a complete overhaul of the political system. In response to the calls, the National Assembly opened new seats to non-elven states, however, the process was slow, and seats held by the elves were still the majority.
As the population grows in number, the elven leadership showed its problems, just tribal thoughts were not sufficient to develop a nation of this scale. To many, humans and elves alike, modernizations in both the political and economical systems is what's needed by the country. In 1703, a group of reformists sneaked into the National Assembly building at night and set up camps there, preventing further meetings from taking place. After several unsuccessful attempts to break the lockdown, the members of the National Assembly agreed to a deliberation with the reformists 2 weeks later. The Starynwale Compromise was made, and the National Assembly was abolished. The new Endertopian Assembly would take its place, along with the Skynesses' Court and a new president figure. The leader of the original National Assembly, Nari Ermusai, became the first president of Endertopias. The first election was held 3 months after.
==Geography and climate==
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Endertopias is a Federal Parliamentary Republic, the current president is John Bourke, who holds little actual power. The Enderhalls is a bicameral parliament. The upper house, the Skynesses' Court, consists of 128 seats, with each of the Endertopias' 32 states assigned 4 seats. The members of the Skynesses' Court is elected regionally under the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote single transferable vote] system of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportional_representation proportional representation]. The 14 states that originated from the 18 Endery tribes must elect at least onetwo elf out of the four seats, ensuring that at least 28 seats are represented by elves. The lower house, the Endertopian Assembly, consists of 651 seats that are elected on a national basis, also under a system of proportional representation. The prime minister is further elected by members of the Assembly. There is no additional rules on species in the Endertopian Assembly. The Skynesses' Court is typically elected every 12 years, while the Endertopian Assembly is elected every 4 years along with the president. Should members of the Skynesses' Court retire or be ejected for any reasons, make-up elections are to be held alongside the Endertopian Assembly General Election. There is no term limits, but members of both houses that are over the age of 75 shall retire.
Postal voting services are available to all citizens on demand.
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located in the city of Tenshily, headed by Foreign Affairs Minister Rushiana Correia.
In light of the Endertopian War, the federalNational governmentAssembly had practiced isolationism in order to stabilize the situation. With the riseabolishment of otherthe countryNational inAssembly, the Novarisnew regionfederal andgovernment thetook establishmenta ofmore newactive internationalstance orderstowards other nations, theestablishing newpositive governmentties planswith toother makecountries effortlike to[[Cryria]] bringbased Endertopiason ontohistorical theties internationalsuch as religion and stagedescendance. AFollowing billthe hasInternational passedPresence thatAct willof obligate2021, theEndertopias Endertopianapplied Governmentfor tomemberships partakeof inthe moreInternational internationalforum affairsand likethe joiningLeague internationalof organizationsNovaris.
===Law enforcement===