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The People's Assembly votes on the matter of domestic issues such as taxes, education, welfare and law enforcement. Two parties are represented in the People's Assembly, the Union Party and National Party. The Union Party is an royalistic and Norgsveltian majority party. The Union Party goal is to get Dvalheim to unite with Norgsveldet and to ensure special rights for Norgsveltian speakers, Union Party holding 54 seats in the assembly.
The National Party is a Tieresh Loyalist and democratic party, with the goal of keeping Dvalheim independent and uniting the entire island. While still supporting being under Norgsveltian monarch, it work for ensuring a equal cooperation between the Norgsveltian and Tieresh inhabitants. National Party holds 46 seats.
The Council of Nobles vote on issues such as foreign policy and trade. The Council is made up with a mixture of nobles both born in Dvalheim but also outside it. With 40 of the 50 seats being held by native Dvalians with it being split equaly of the ethnic Norgsveltian and Tieresh, the 10 other seats being held by nobles from Norgsveldet, Eyjaria and Meremaa. The High Councilman of Dvalheim holding two seats in it.
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