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Duelland is a great power with a strong economy; , the fourth-largest economy in Novaris by nominal GDP, and the fifth-largest by PPP. As a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors, it is both the Novaris fourth-largest exporter and importer of goods. A highly developed country with a very high standard of living, it offers social security and a universal health care system, environmental protections, and a tuition-free university education. Duelland is also a member of the Peacekeeping Forces Of Urth, NSTO, League Of Novaris and the OMC. Known for its long and rich cultural history, Duelland has many World Heritage sites and is among the top tourism destinations in the world.
====<s>Natives Arrival (900s-1763)</s>====
Natives arrive to Duelland from the center of Novaris around 900s and they moved in search for better soils to bear fruits and land to build villages. The Natives were called the Barbari by the settler who arrived to Duelland coast later on. The Barbari developed beautiful architecture and they build enormous village that some had population of 150,000 or higher. The Barbari developed advanced weapons such as the Arcum er Saggita, the Gladios, and the Aqoaw. The Barbari cultures prospered throughout the 1300s to 1470s, there were approximately 23 tribes in Duelland around 1500s, each had their own language, cultures, and religions. In 1515, the Barbari population was around 1.2 million.
====<s>Settlers Settled in (1763-1795)</s>====
Settlers arrived to Duelland northern coast in 1763, they settled because they were seeking religious freedom and they arrived with only 240 settlers on 5 ships. They were met with the Barbari, the settlers didn't like the Barbari because they thought they were evil and did not like their religions. In 1767, more than 3000 settlers arrived to Duelland and they were planning to create their own country called the Dictatorship of Duelland, which led to conflict with the Barbari. By 1774, there was more than 15,000 settlers living in Duelland and they started to push the Barbari from their lands and claimed it as their own, which angered the Barbari. In 1778, the Barbari launched a surprise attack on one of the villages, killed more than 200 settlers and destroyed the village. This created mini wars between them and in 1780 Kasey Jeffry; leader of the settlers decided to destroy all of the Barbari villages and kill all of their people, over half of the population villages were destroyed, many Barbari died of inhalation of smoke and diseases. Over a quarter of the Barbari population was gone by 1786 and in 1790 half of the population was gone as well. In 1763 the Barbari population was 1.1 million and in 1790 the Barbari population was 412,500 due to diseases, war, starvation, and massacres.
====<s>Dictatorship of Duelland (1795-1894)</s>====
In 1795, the Duelland colonists population grew significantly from 3,000 to 45,000 people, Kasey Jeffry decided to create the Dictatorship of Duelland and he hosted an election for himself where he was the only one to vote and he voted for himself. He ran a campaign about how he was chosen by God to rule over them, he didn't want to be called a Monarch but a Dictator according to his journal. The Duelland continued to grow in population and economy, the conflict between Duelland and Barbari continued. In 1801 Kasey Jeffry decided to end the Barbari once and for all, he invented a cannon that had poison powder that spread in a 2 mile radius when launched. He launch it in two of Barbari largest cities and killed over 200,000 Barbari's in 2 days. The Barbari population was declining before the attack and after the attack there was no more than 80,000 Barbari in Duelland. Most colonists were either farmers or privateers, but later on other jobs developed in few decades. Cash crop included coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, bananas, oranges, and cotton. Duelland began to produced boats and beverages. Duelland coastal city began to serve as trade hubs to help Duelland economy. By 1834, Duelland was growing rapidly from 45,000 to 760,000 because of high birth rate and low death rates, plus immigrants coming to Duelland. In 1837, Dictator Kasey Jeffry died of a heart attack and his son Austin Jeffry took over. He was very religious and led Christian movements throughout Duelland, he wanted to convert people into Christianity. The movement was called the Great Revival, more of than 90% of the population was Christian by 1840. He began to execute people that didn't convert or believe in Christianity, this angered some of Duelland most important priests and pastors. They believed that everybody had the right worship whoever but they wanted them to believe that there is only one God. In 1875, Austin Jeffry imposed taxes on everything which bothered and angered the people of Duelland, he continued to impose taxes on everything and he started to take 90% of the income of the colonists which led to rebellions and riots. In 1884, a riot broke out in the Duelland capital and several leaders were injured, this angered the Dictator and he send over 1,000 troops to burn several cities to scare the rioter. Tensions grew higher and higher.
====<s>The Duelland Revolution And Dictatorship Overthrown (1894-1904)</s>====
In 1894, a group of rioter decided to form a militia of 4,000 people and they decided to declare for independence from The Dictatorship of Duelland, Austin Jeffry denied their request. In May of 1895, the militia was hiding their weapons in a shed in Lockward, which led the Dictatorship trying to confiscate it, but it led to an open firefight between the militia and Dictatorship troops. The militia appointed Colin Wilson to command the newly founded Republic Army and he attempted to take over the capital Jeffie which fail miserably. Then Commander Hubert Forrest launched a Dictatorship counter offensive, by capturing Raxon city which was a big blow for Colin Wilson and the Republic army. However the Republic army came back with an three victories at Novronio, Pona, and Togate which help them. Commander Forrest led his army to another victory in Yhora and a huge defeat in Ginron. In 1898, the Dictatorship were losing the war and they knew that they needed to do something in order to get back the war, so they started burning crops in the farms where the Republic occupied and this didn't help the Dictatorship. In November of 1899 the Dictator Austin Jeffry was assassinated by a Republic spy which ended war and the Dictatorship officially surrendered in Jan 1900, the Dictatorship was overthrown and dissolved. The Republic of Duelland was officially formed in 1902 and the constitution was created in 1904. The Republic of Duelland selected Colin Wilson to be the first president of Duelland in 1902.
====<s>The Republic of Duelland (1904- )</s>====
After the Constitution was ratified in 1904, Colin Wilson was elected first President of the Republic of Duelland, Wilson started to make laws and reforms to help Duelland economy. In Feb 1905, He launch a series of program called New Agreement, these program helped out the unemployed, disabled, sick, youth, and elderly. The New Agreement was programs to help the country recover from economic problem of Duelland depression during the revolution.
