Cynebury Accord: Difference between revisions

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A cease-fire was immediately declared by Morstaybishlia in order to prevent further confusion, escalation and stop any retaliatory strikes. Talks between the belligerent nations of the AIW began, and as a result the Weyrciff Pact was signed later that year. As part of the peace agreement, Kevatuul was deorbited, breaking apart over the southern ocean where some debris was recovered
The destruction of Ribenstadt greatly heightened concerns over the future militarization of space, a fear that was compounded when, on October 2, the [[Tretridian Air Force]] performed the Steorran Spere ({{literal translation|Spear of Stars}}) test. In the test shot, an aircraft fired an ASAT missile, successfully destroying the target, a decommissioned research satellite. About 300 pieces of space debris was created from the destruction of the satellite in what would be the only recorded use or test of an ASAT weapon in history. Some pieces of debris from the test would persist in low Urth orbit until the 2000s.
Furthermore, a paper released about a month earlier proposed that the accumulation of [[w:space debris|space debris]] could be much more dangerous to space exploration than previously believed, through a proposed mechanism called [[w:Kessler syndrome|collisional cascading]]. The high number of debris created by a single ASAT shot, along with the likely radiological hazard from the use of ASAT weapons against a station like Kevatuul, created fears that the militarization of space would not only endanger sapient life (as had been demonstrated by the Kevatuul strikes) but also endanger the future of spaceflight. These concerns culminated in the signing and eventual ratification of the Cynebury Accord.
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