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[[Category:Shadow Shtuff]] [[Category:Religion]]
The beginnings of the Church of Xaethos evolved from early Alkari pagan traditions. One such tradition believed in a deity only known as XYS. There are no records on whom this deity was or what significance it had for the tradition, however, a following of XYS popped up in early 2000 BC. By the 1800s BC, this Following of XYS became known as the Cult of XYS. The main tenantry was they followed a deity with an unpronounceable name since the might of deity was outside human understanding. Surrounding tribes could not understand this, so the earliest pronunciation was "Xaeyos." This early tribe would be responsible for writing the first part of the Tome of Xaethos. Around 1700 BC, the early Alkari tribe vanished. Most people living in that area at the time believed that they were smited by the gods for their impiety and quickly went to town invading the now abandoned tribe.
The Church started at some time somewhere
Around 1500 BC, the early Alkari nation, Alkafilia, encountered a strange ship. The ship originated from a far off island they call "île sainte"(Modern day Eternatus island). The emissary told them of riches untold of and of a "city made with gold." The Alkafillian nation decided in response to launch an invasion on the island. When they arrived, the invasion force found nothing more than a regular city. Inside this city, they found a cathedral built to the deity XYS.
==1st Reformation==
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Establishment of continental churches, giving voice to more Xaethosi around Urth
=HeirarchyHierarchy of the Church of Xaethos=
The position of Archbishop is granted authority over the Central Church of Xaethos. The authority of the Archbishop extends over any church that is Communion with the Central Church, while also enjoying Primus inter pares with churches that are not in full communion, but still follow Canon Law. In the case of a schismatic church or a church that elects to fall outside canon law, the title Archbishop is granted to the leader of that church.
Currently, there are 3 churches that have an Archbishop: The Alksearian Church, the Ursine Church, and Xaethos's Chosen.
==High Elder==
A High Elder is in charge of a continental church. This title is only given as more of a symbolic title than one of actual power. The position doesn't have much sway or authority other than being afforded the privilege of Primus inter pares with the elders of continental churches. They are also awarded one seat within the College of Bishops, but High Elders are not eligible to serve as advisors to the Archbishop.
=Branches of Church of Xaethos=
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