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==Creation and History==
==Creation and History==
The Church was formally created in 1500 when the first Archbishop, St. Theodore Vaïno, reorganized the Church and formalized the teachings of the Tomes of Xaethos. The first thing he did was establish a formal hierarchy with an Archbishop as the leader, bishops as heads of a regional church, and priests as the leader of the local church. The second thing that happened in the formal founding was the establishment of a formal doctrine and a formal ritual. The Council of Bishops, at the time of the establishment, determined that anything that was outside of established teachings and doctrine would be heretical. Prior to the formal creation, Priests and High Priest would only follow one of the four Great Prophets and Great Saints, L'Oracle Silencieux, the Seer of Xaethos, The Disciple of Xaethos Pantocrator, and Le Devot D'Xaethos. When the Church was fully established and reformed in 1500, the Four Saints were put together into one full Tome of Xaethos. St. Theodore also changed the structure of the Church. He reformed the structure to be Priests, Bishops (changed from High Priests), and a council of High Bishops. These High Bishops would have a [ Primus inter pares] among themselves, known as the Head Bishop. After St. Theodore reformed the religion into one established body, he stepped away so to let a new generation of Bishops serve. In 1502 however, he would be brought onto the Council of Bishops and given the title Archevêque en chef(translated into Staynish as "Head Archbishop), an honorary title that allowed St. Theodore to help establish and create a central authority and doctrine. In 1504, three months before the passing of St. Theodore, the Council of Bishops held the first Xaethoien Council. In this council, they established that the title Archevêque en chef would be changed to just Archevêque and established that the Archevêque would be over all Bishops. St. Theodore was elected as the first Archevêque and put into office April 3rd, 1504. Unfortunately, St. Theodore would pass away on May 2nd 1504 as the council was ready to adjourn. The council voted to elect St. Pierre of Novia to be the next Archbishop. The last thing the council did before it adjourned under the new leadership on May 18th was to vote to make St. Theodore Blessed. The vote passed by 170 to 5. He would attain sainthood on June 4th, 1504 after it was revealed that Theodore had a vision from Xaethos that explained to him how he should structure the formal Church.
The Church was formally created in 1500 when the first Archbishop, St. Theodore Vaïno, reorganized the Church and formalized the teachings of the Tomes of Xaethos. The first thing he did was establish a formal hierarchy with an Archbishop as the leader, bishops as heads of a regional church, and priests as the leader of the local church. The second thing that happened in the formal founding was the establishment of a formal doctrine and a formal ritual. The Council of Bishops, at the time of the establishment, determined that anything that was outside of established teachings and doctrine would be heretical. Prior to the formal creation, Priests and High Priest would only follow one of the four Great Prophets and Great Saints, L'Oracle Silencieux, the Seer of Xaethos, The Disciple of Xaethos Pantocrator, and Le Devot D'Xaethos. When the Church was fully established and reformed in 1500, the Four Saints were put together into one full Tome of Xaethos. St. Theodore also changed the structure of the Church. He reformed the structure to be Priests, Bishops (changed from High Priests), and a council of High Bishops. These High Bishops would have a [ Primus inter pares] among themselves, known as the Head Bishop. After St. Theodore reformed the religion into one established body, he stepped away so to let a new generation of Bishops serve. In 1502 however, he would be brought onto the Council of Bishops and given the title Archevêque en chef(translated into Staynish as "Head Archbishop), an honorary title that allowed St. Theodore to help establish and create a central authority and doctrine. In 1504, three months before the passing of St. Theodore, the Council of Bishops held the first Xaethoien Council. In this council, they established that the title Archevêque en chef would be changed to just Archevêque and established that the Archevêque would be over all Bishops. St. Theodore was elected as the first Archevêque and put into office April 3rd, 1504. Unfortunately, St. Theodore would pass away on May 2nd 1504 as the council was ready to adjourn. The council voted to elect St. Pierre of Novia to be the next Archevêque. The last thing the council did before it adjourned under the new leadership on May 18th was to vote to make St. Theodore Blessed. The vote passed by 170 to 5. He would attain sainthood on June 4th, 1504 after it was revealed that Theodore had a vision from Xaethos that explained to him how he should structure the formal Church. In 1508, St. Pierre of Novia would

In 1602, under Archbishop Pierre VI, the title was changed from it's original name to Archbishop as the language of the region of Alksearia started to shift and change. In the early 1700s, the Church of Xaethos support the rise of the Grand Duchy of Eastern Alksearia and the Grand Duchy of Western Alksearia. In 1750, the Archbishop would hold a seat on the Regional Council of Alksearia. The Archbishop would start to favor the Grand Duke of Eastern Alksearia over the Grand Duke of Western Alksearia. As the regional council started to condense down into just the Grand Dukes, the Church would build it's Grand Temple in Urgia-Nova as a symbol of the official stance of the church.

=== Xaethos's Chosen Schism ===
=== Xaethos's Chosen Schism ===