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The '''Charter War''', sometimes known as the '''Four Years' War''', was a major Novaran conflict fought between a coalition led by [[Celanora]] and [[Lapinumbia]] against the [[House of Cenhelm|Cenhelming monarchies]] of Tretrid and Seccera. Its primary cause is generally agreed to have been the proclamation of the liberal Charter of Privileges in Tretrid, which sparked fears of destabilization caused by the spread of liberalism, though other factors such as continued Celanoran claims on Tretridian territory and the Tretridio-Lapinumbian rivalry contributed to causing the war as well.
Over the course of the war, Tretrid was able to obtain the tactical and operational upper hand but was ultimately unable to capitalize upon it as the war brought it to the brink of bankruptcy. It instead settled for a white peace in the Treaty of Nervino in 1809 but was able to extract reparations from Lapinumbia and Celanora to lessen its own debt burden. As a result, the Charter War has often been described as a partial Tretridian victory, as it was able to achieve all its war goals, evenlimited thoughas they had been limitedwere by strategic constraints.
The war has been credited with mobilizing nationalism as a significant political force in West Novaris. The Charter War also ensured that liberalism stayed firmly rooted in Novaris through Tretrid's and Seccera's constitutions. Both nationalism and liberalism would play a factor in Novaran history throughout the rest of the century.