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They were taken by the idea and as part of their angel investor program, provided him with the financial capital and mentorship to cultivate the idea and establish his start up. The initial prototype search engine at the time called Coffee Club was a stupendous failure. Hardly anyone used it and it was prone to regularly collapse. This was because he had packed an incredible amount of functionality, detracting from its core purpose and undermining the user experience. When Damehowe threatened to pull the plug from the company, his team worked for 3 months and produce a vastly more simple product called Cafe Net. It was an incredibly simple browser yet its initial public offering raised 5 billion KRB on the Sani Bursil Stock Exchange.
Yet it would be years before the company could turn a profit. Instead, Damehowe bought Takatunuye's stake in Cafe Net through an equity swap. This is basically when you pay for shares with shares. Etuarti remained at the head of the company. Damehowe suggested moving the company to Sani Bursil to centralize their operations. Takatunuye refused because he believed that the Oan Isles vibrant tech sector provided some of the best computer scientists and entrepreneurs. Thus, the company remained firmly located in Cafe Net. His browser benefited from its incredibly simple but elegant algorithm, immaculate and user-oriented design. The work of Cafe Net spawned the Cafe Vibes video sharing platform.
== Organisation ==
