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==== War with Ethalria ====
(spoiler alert, Kormistazm mostly holds them up outside the peninsula. Pretty sweet battles though)
==== Civil war of succession and the Third Empire ====
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=== Morstaybishlian rule (1575 - 1969) ===
==== Collapse of the Lousquarii Empire ====
After the Surrender of mainland Kormistazm
==== Consolidation of the mainland ====
After mainland Kormistazm surrendered to Morstaybishlia and was formally annexed, the following years provided the empire with significant trouble asserting its control over its new land. The lords of several cities and regions saw the Morst army and their recently coronated king, [[Redrugus V]], as weakened by the five decade conquest, and attempted to negotiate for autonomous status and freedom from imperial law. Others assumed autonomy independently and without royal consent. Peasant revolts were also common, often driven by ideas circulated by several Morst generals that the Cavan population of the peninsula should be wiped out to make way for human settlers. A diaspora of Cava fled the peninsula, mainly travelling to Arcturia but also finding their way across the planet. The background threat of local lordships seceding from the empire, and unruly peasants saw occupational garrisons spread thinly across the peninsula. These garrisons were often army conscripts who had fought in the crusades and were often paid poorly or not paid at all due to the financial strain on the empire during the transitional era. Redrugus V was reportedly in very poor health due to the stress associated with managing the occupation and died only two years into his reign, leaving it to his son, [[Lambertus V]].
The death of Redrugus, however, was the spark for a number of significant problems. Seeing an opportunity to make up for their lackluster payment, many soldiers took the opportunity to desert andfrom formthe warbandsarmy whichto pillagedloot and pillage Kormistazic cities, and killedkilling thousands in the process. Some disillusioned soldiers even defected to the Cava they had just conquered, the most infamous example of which being General John Nargas, who claimed to have visions of the prophet Matilda and several [[Kozam]] deities who instructing him to lead the Cava people against the Morstaybishlian empire. Operating out of Veraala, Nargas conquered much of Northern Lyr valley and maintained de-facto control over it for 6 years until the Morstaybishlian army sieged the city and executed him for treason. Lead by Lambertus, the army also saw to formally establish and properly assert control over the new provinces of the empire, deposing of many influential families and figures and replacing them with those loyal to the crown. The kind also signed an act which would compensate those who served in the West Auroran crusades with prime plots of agricultural land. This led to many Morstaybishlian soldiers settling in the peninsula, concentrating in the Lyr Valley, Aegisareas of Valeria conquered by Kormistazm in the 13th century, and Southern Corstania. This combined with other land payments in other areas of the empire such as the fertile interior of Staynes effectively lessened both the economic strain on the government and the risk of deserting warbandssoldiers.
==== Collapse of the Lousquarii Empire ====
====Posolic Wars====
Moderators, verified
