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'''Axdel''' (Axdelian: ''Axdelia''), officially known as '''The Federation of Axdel''', is a sovereign federal state which is composedconsisting of the three constituent countries of; [[Korstazia]], [[Lyrevale]], and [[Quartz Fern Coast]]. It is situated on the Axdelian peninsula of South-West [[Aurora]], borderingand borders the nations of [[Emberwood Coast]], [[Great Morstaybishlia]], and [[Oceansend]], as well as having a maritime border with [[Valerica]] to the south. It is the second largest nation by land area on the continent. The largest and capital city of Axdel is [[Andel]] is, a megacity with 11 million people, followed by Fenrir with 9 million.
The land on which Axdel sits has been inhabited for potentially up to a million years, with the arrival of the first anatomically modern [[Cava]] in the area. Since the iron age, the region was dominated by the Kormistazic empire and its satellite states. The [[Norvians]] invaded the area in the 4th century and established many kingdoms in the north, though were ultimately reabsorbed. The Kormistazic Empire also established and administered colonial territories on [[Arcturia]] for several centuries. After a five decade long series of invasions by Morstaybishlia in the 16th century, the area was incorporated into the empire and was known as Korstazia, later becoming a principality. The [[Auroran Imperial War]] saw Korstazia gain independence as [[Norograd]], before Axdel was founded after the [[Norograd Civil War]] in 1996. The majority of Quartz Fern Coast was incorporated in 2003 in a referendum following the collapse of its government in the years prior.
Axdel is a developed nation and is considered a regional power with the 2rd largest GDP and [[List of countries by military expenditure|miltary budget]] on Aurora. It is also one of the largest countries by surface area on Urth, possessing the the 5th largest territory on land and having the 10th largest population as of early 2021. It also ranks highly in metrics of civil rights, education rates, income equality, and general quality of life.
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Anatomically modern Cava first arrived in the Axdelian peninsula over a million years ago, likely living in small, loosely associated groups of hunter gatherers. Glacial periods during this time resulted in continental ice sheets forming in the mountainous interior which occasionally extend down towards the southern coast, although evidence shows that the region was continuously inhabited despite this. Approximately 100 Kya there is some evidence of a culture capable of pottery and crude metalworking in the area, with the remains of seed storage vessels containing various wild grains indicating an agricultural society existed. This society employed semi-permeant settlements constructed of mud and stones, and large rocks found nearby may have once been megaliths that served religious purposes. The expansion of glaciers and cooling climate would likely have forced this society to migrate, and likely resulted in a return to hunter gathering.
Anatomically modern Cava first arrived in the Axdelian peninsula over a million years ago, likely living in small, loosely associated groups of hunter gatherers.
=== Prehistory and early history ===
In 25,000BCE the Chomlec culture emerged on the North coast of the Axdelian peninsula. Chomlec society flourished for a while, however it soon fractured due to increasing migration across the rest of the peninsula. The Neolithic era began in approximately 8,000BCE after the redevelopment of agriculture and spurred the establishment of the first permanent settlements. Metallurgy was independently developed in the foothills of the Auric Mountains in 4000BCE, with copper, silver and gold metalworking spreading rapidly across the region and driving a period of productivity increases and urbanisation. Bronze working would later be introduced into the region, likely from the far east where the first advanced Auroran civilisations were developing, namely the [[Nelokhvi Empire]], or by proxy through nomads roaming the Staynish region who regularly interacted with them. [[File:Lapytian Fortress.jpg|thumb|251x251px|Partially restored walls of Aeqa, a small Laqytian city abandoned in the 1300's BCE]]
The first advanced civilisation in the region was Laqytia, which was established in 2230approximately 2200 BCE on the upper course of the [[Ueclid River]]. The region there was well suited for agriculture, thanks to its drier summers, relatively meek springtime flooding, and the ease with which the alluvial floodplains could be irrigated. The capital of Laqyta was the largest and most influential city in the region, and established close links with many other towns and cities along the valley. Multiple systems of writing had used intermittently, with several periods of use, collapse and redevelopment for a number of reasons. Most notably was an extended drought in 1530 BCE which caused Laqyta to become almost abandoned for several decades before the population returned. Other collapses may have been due to soil depletion or extreme geologic activity. Despite this, the Laqytian cities had a rich culture of artistry and oral tradition which persisted throughout their history. Widescale urban planning is also evident alongside competent architectural ability, as seen in the Laqya palace complex in modern day Montza. Whilst no cities were built in the lower Ueclid, trade routes existed along the river with local communities, and several satellite kingdoms emerged due to the prosperity it brought. During its peak, the states influence had spread across the entire peninsula, as evidenced by Laqytian coinage and artefacts being found all the way to the west cape and even beyond the Zycannes in the east.
By the 15th and 14th centuries BCE, however, Laqytia entered a period of rapid decline. Records from the time indicate that a series of natural disasters occurred in the space of a single year, including a flood which caused a minor diversion of the Ueclid river. Subsequently, fears of a famine lead to an exodus of people from many of the outlying cities who depended on trade with the agricultural core. Some time after this, the city of Laqyta experienced widespread fire and looting, causing much of the city to be burned to the ground. The cause of this is debated, with the two dominant theories being either civil disturbance due to the population loss in the years prior, or an invasion by nomadic cultures from the north taking advantage of the defensive outlying towns and cities becoming mostly abandoned. Several other cities were burned in similar fashion and Laqytia collapsed, leading to its near entire abandoned. The Laqytian people migrated primarily north down to the lower Ueclid, south past the Teba Mountains and towards the numerous floodplains and the coast, and even beyond the Auric mountains to the site of modern Emberwood Coast, whilst others went south, eventually ending up in the Lyr valley or the southern coast.
=== Early Antiquity (13th - 8th century BCE) ===
With the the end of the 14th century BCE, many small kingdoms and chiefdoms had been founded along the length of the Ueclid river as a result of the power vacuum left by the sudden collapse of Laqytia. This era has become known as the first dark age, as texts from the time are infrequent and some remain unreadable due to writing in several undeciphered scripts. Additionally, a significant amount of the written material from the Laqytian period was lost in civil wars which razed remnant cities and towns across its former territory. The political landscape at the time is difficult to reconstruct and ismany frequentlyinterpretations debatedare controversial, but all evidence suggests it was extremely tumultuous and fraught with war.
[[File:Ueclidian empire peak.png|thumb|300x300px|The approximate size of the Ueclidian Empire at its peak territorial extent]]
In the 12th century BCE, the walled city state of Quen exited a long period of social unrest, and began a highly successful conquest under Kind Eida which saw the entire Upper Ueclid come under his dominion. The Soltic confederacy, a naval coastal state east of the Ueclids mouth, began its own simultaneous campaign to control the kingdoms of the fertile floodplains in the area. The powers came into conflict in the middle of the century provoked war with Eida's Ueclidian Empire sending warships up the river to raid towns and constrict trade. Taking advantage of their weak land forces, Eida pushed down the valley and sieged their holdings on the river and the coast. However, many areas were able to hold out thanks to supplies brought in by their navy. Eida was succeeded by his son Eida II, who launched a campaign into Soltic territory which eventually succeeded, putting the entire Ueclid valley and the Northern coast under his dominion by the 11th century BCE. The unified Ueclidian empire remained the status quo for approximately a century and a half as the regions dominant power. In this time, a standardised system of writing and booms in trade leading to increased record-keeping signifies the end of the first dark age.
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