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Early in their history, the seafaring Kveshi civilisation of South East Aurora began exploring much of the Azure sea and establishing numerous outposts to facilitate trade. One of their furthest western excursions led them to contact the Kormistazics in 723 BCE, where it is written they were received very well and a cultural exchange took place between the two cultures. In order to facilitate further trade with the region, the Kveshi were granted a small, sparsely inhabited region of coastal foothills shadowed by the Okrani mountains. Most of the areas inhabitants were forced to relocate, and were either fled to Kormistazm or retreated further within the valleys of the mountains. The Kveshi then established an outpost on the territory which would later became known as Oceansend and began trading regularly with the cultures on the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsular, primarily silver from Kormistazm and the Lyr Valley. Among the most historically important effects of Kveshi trade was the introduction of iron smelting technology to the region. This combined with the reverse engineering of their advanced naval vessels allowed the Kormistazic confederations economic and military power to balloon rapidly whilst much of the peninsular continued to be stunted by conflict.
Despite relative prosperity within Sekan-Aruqa, the economic booms led the way for the reignition of infighting between the controlling oligarchs, with the majority of the conflict centered around the Jakatei and Renequil dynasties. In the 5th century BCE a plague swept through the south of the peninsular, killing many members of the aristocracy on both sides and precipitating a short civil war as accusations of using the disease to mask assassination plots escalated. The Renequil succeeded in taking control of the capital, leaving the Jakatei with loyalties only in the smaller outlying cities, but not without safe land routes to Oceansend. Several decades latera devastating flood left the city vulnerable and Jakatei mercenaries attempted to take control of the government but were unsuccessful. With limited military options for reasserting themselves and the Kormistazic Confederacy on the verge of collapsing into independent city states, matriarch VirenaVireña Jakatei publicly embraced the Kozam faith as the state religion in order to garner grassroots support amongst the people. She also enacted massive reforms, most notably standardising the often convoluted and arbitrary relationship between the central and local governments and establishing rules of succession, taking some inspiration from literature purchased from the Kveshi. Although VirenaVireña would never see the fruit of her labour, her eldest son Mariqo continued the efforts to undermine the Renequil, who were facing intense popular uprisings and economic hardships as the Jakatei expanded their influence and began interfering with their inland trade.
In 537 BCE, the Renequil honour guard revolted, executing many of them and sealing themselves within the city's palace. Mariqo Siezed this opportunity and rallied an army of 20,000 to take the city from the remainders of the family whilst they were in disarray. Instead of a battle, however, he was welcomed into the city without resistance as a liberator. With his authority legitimised by the honour guard, Mariqo immediately set about uniting the confederacy under the Jakatei dynasty, expanding the reforms introduced by his mother to every Kormistazic town and city. He also made a statement out of pardoning the remaining members of the Renequil, granting them governorship over their historic lands. A follower of Kozam, he incorporated the religion into the government and promoted its worship as a unifying tenet of Kormistazic culture. He passed away a year later, his son Kalam Jakatei succeeding him. Kalam was enamoured by Kozam philosophy and took several years early in his reign to travel to the Zycannes mountain range from where the religion originated. Not much is written about what he did during this time, but that he was divinely inspired to do so. Upon his return in 533 BCE, he declared the reform of the Confederate government into an imperial executive supported by a council of Nobles and Kozam elders from every region of Kormistazm, and that he intended to unite the dozens of dividied states west of the Zycannes as equal territories under a single prosperous empire. Kalam then changed his name to Enullus Jakatei Kalamitas, beginning the Kalamitas Dynasty and officially beginning the Kormistazic empire.
==== Kormistazic expansionism (532 BCE - 1st century CE) ====
Upon Enullus' ascentionascension to the position of Kormistazic emperor, he began a campaign of Northward expansion, incorporating the regions small kingdoms and chiefdoms under his rule. Naval advances brought forth in earlier centuries now allowed faster and easier navigation of the Axdelian peninsular riverways, but the slow burn of conflict that had degraded the strength of many kingdoms meant that much of it could not be used without the risk of falling prey to opportunistic pirates. Thus as the Kormistazic empire used these rivers to assert themselves across the southern plains and valleys these pirates were vanquished, allowing for ease of movement and earning the loyalty of many local leaders peacefully. With his children being unwilling to take the throne, Ennullus was succeeded by his General, Avilo Kariqo Kalamitas in 485 BCE. Worried the Kveshi would percieve the new empire as a rival, Kariqo expanded Kormistazic control over the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsula. Many settlements followed Kozam already, and so incorporating them within the empire remained a predominantly peaceful affair. As the empires border expanded, so did it's power and thus its ability to expand further, leading to increasingly aggressive acts. The Empires first major military victory would come after the Kassyr Chiefdom declared war on the empire in 458 BCE. This came in response to repeated incursions of Kormistazic soldiers into Kassyri territory and several pleas to cease the actions were ignored. The [[South Teban War|First Kassyri Integral War]] lasted for over five years but resulted in a crushing defeat for The Kassyr who were forced to ceded all of their holdings outside of the Mona river valley to Kormistazm. However, Avilo was injured during the war and survived only six months before succumbing to an infection, and was succeeded by his daughter Meya Jala Kalamitas, becoming the first Kormistazic Empress.
By this point, the empires in the north were weak and stagnant. Still recovering from the century long conflict that ravaged them after the environmental fallout of the Koriba eruption. The exception to this was the Neo-Soltic kingdom, which now dominated much of the land north of the Teba mountains. However the once mighty Teba empire had struggled with a dwindling population and weak leadership for decades. In 447 BCE Teban Emperor Cerules II, famously visited the recently incorporated Kassyri city of Chaeqan to meet with Empress Meya. Following several weeks in the city, Cerules publicly converted to Kozam and announced that the Teban empire was to enter a pact of friendship and defence with the Kormistazic empire. The reaction from Teban citizens was mixed as many believed Meya had seduced Cerules in order to gain influence over him. However amongst the nobility a closer relationship with the economically powerful Kormistazics was viewed very favourably. Cerules public conversion plus the close bond between the two empires also led to an explosion in Kozam worship during this period, which in the next century would become another justification for the Teban annexation into Kormistazm.
After the rapid pace of expansion in the first half of the century that saw unprecedented expansion that stretched the imperial bureaucracy to its limits, the sovereigns succeeding Meya focused their attention on domestic concerns that led to helpful reforms to the empires government structure. The mostly disorganised territory that had been incorporated at this point also required attention to ensure its full integration. Among other things the empires provinces were reorganised and large scale public works were authorised to support the growing capital city, which was from this point forwards slowly began being referred to as simply Sekan rather than Sekan-Aruqa. Another important reform was an increasing trend towards freedom of religion, as it was successfully argued that non-adherents to kozam, being treated like undesirables as they often were, would sow dissent against the empire and create instability. Despite this, religious discrimination remained a common malady.
With the Teba empire serving as a buffer between the Soltic and Kormistazic empires, the turn of the century saw campaigns of lateral expansion launched to secure riverways and establish coastal provinces. This triggered a war with a coalition of Lyr valley kingdoms which resulted in a Kormistazic loss, humiliating the more organised and centralised empire. A second more successful conquest was attempted a decade later , but it was a pyrrhic victory which also resulted in massive losses regardless. Fearing a revolt would lead to further costly wars of attrition, efforts to interlink the Lyr valley economy into the empire were undertaken via trade and the construction of infrastructure to link the Lyr Valley with the Kormistazic heartlands. These projects were so successful that they were extended to the rest of the empire in the following centuries and were a key factor in its long term success.
==== Golden age of Kormistazm (1st - 4th century CE) ====
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=== Morstaybishlian rule (1575 - 1969) ===
(There were many attempts to leave, ft. Cava spreading everywhere)
==== Lousquarii Republic ====
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(also industrial age, a lot of cool science happens kinda like Scotland irl. And radical intellectual types like Freidrik Noros exist)
==== Quasi-independence ====
(Transition to becoming politically, economically and militarily independent from the empire)
=== Noroist Axdel (1969-1996)===
===== Auroran Imperial War =====
(This time we mean business, followed shortly by a 3-way shattering)
==== Federation with Lyrevale ====
Line 178 ⟶ 181:
====Axdelian civil war====
(tldr: Kiet Narvga falls into a coma after a failed assassination, Darius Finch dies. Reactionary General Huralo Yensi takes power, dissolves the legislature in a soft coup. Opposition escalates into riots and gunfighting, with Yensi eventually resigning. MBE backed Socdems crawl out of the woodwork and take power whilst the syndicalists and anarchists are squabbling.)
===Modern Axdel===
Line 186 ⟶ 190:
==== Mid-2000's terrorism crisis ====
(I'm pissed - fascists and other people)
==== Auroran pacific war ====
(We're back baby, assert dominance)
==Geography ==
Moderators, verified
