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It has been hypothesised that the Axdelian peninsula and several other areas of Aurora were inhabited by a now-extinct sapient species before the first migration of anatomically modern Elves and Humans into aurora. The theory emerged as a response to the complete absence of elves and early human species in multiple regions up until the beginning of the last interglacial period, with Staynish biologist Varen Buzela hypothesising in 1886 that it could be due to competition with an undiscovered race. His idea was somewhat popular, however due no such competitor species being found it was dismissed by many of his contemporaries, though the underlying issue persisted. In 1899, the palaeontologist Felip Smith claimed to have discovered leg bones belonging to an extinct species of sentient, upright-standing avians at a site in the [[Molvian Corridor]]. He named it [[Cava Man]], and produced a paper theorising that the species went extinct after the arrival of modern humans. The scientific community at the time was divided until the Morstaybishlian royal society purchased the remains in 1902 and dubiously classified them as belonging to an extinct species of ratites. Smith's theories were rejected and replaced with the dominant theory of heavy, persistent glaciation fuelled by Sempiternan ocean currents preventing habitation instead.
In 2021 the discovery of multiple nearly complete skeletons in the Teba mountains brought the idea back to the mainstream. The skeletons possess hollow bone structure, upright bipedal stature and large volume craniums. Several tools were found alongside them indicating a level of technological advancement consistent with that of a Neolithic society. As the remains have been dated to approximately 50000 BCE, this would have made them considerably more advanced than any other species on Urth at the time which would have still been hunter gatherers. Early hypothesis' suggest that by this time their population was very small and highly dependant on agriculture, and that either climate change, the eruption of nearby Mount Koriba, or competition from hunter-gatherers combined with a lack of crop diversity led to their final demise. Little is known about their society, culture or their history in the region, and thus locating other remains has become an important area of study. Further analysis has since confirmed a link to the far older cava man remains, and thus the species has unofficially been named 'Cava' by thosethe working on itmedia.
=== Prehistory and early history ===
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==== Kormistazic expansionism (532 BCE - 1st century CE) ====
Upon Enullus' ascention to the position of Kormistazic emperor, he began a campaign of Northward expansion, incorporating the regions small kingdoms and chiefdoms under his rule. Naval advances brought forth in earlier centuries now allowed faster and easier navigation of the Axdelian peninsular riverways, but the slow burn of conflict that had degraded the strength of many kingdoms meant that much of it could not be used without the risk of falling prey to opportunistic pirates. Thus as the Kormistazic empire used these rivers to assert themselves across the southern plains and valleys these pirates were vanquished, allowing for ease of movement and earning the loyalty of many local leaders peacefully. With his children being unwilling to take the throne, Ennullus was succeeded by his General, Avilo Kariqo in 485 BCE. Worried the Kveshi would percieve the new empire as a rival, Kariqo expanded Kormistazic control over the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsula. Many settlements followed Kozam already, and so incorporating them within the empire remained a predominantly peaceful affair. As the empires border expanded, so did it's power and thus its ability to expand further.
By this point, the empires in the north were weak and stagnant. Still recovering from the century long conflict that ravaged them after the environmental fallout of the Koriba eruption. The exception to this was the Neo-Soltic kingdom, which now dominated much of the land north of the Teba mountains. However the once mighty Teba empire had struggled with a dwindling population and weak leadership for decades. In 447 BCE Teban Emperor Cerules II, famously visited the recently incorporated Kormistazic city of Chaeqan to meet with then Empress Meya Kalamitas. Following several weeks in the city, Cerules publicly converted to Kozam and announced that the Teban empire was to enter a pact of friendship and defence with the Kormistazic empire. The reaction from Teban citizens was mixed as many believed Meya had seduced Cerules in order to gain influence over him. However amongst the nobility a closer relationship with the economically powerful Kormistazics was viewed very favourably. Cerules public conversion plus the close bond between the two empires led to an explosion in Kozam worship during this period, which in the next century would become the justification for Teban annexation into kormistazm.
==== Golden age of Kormistazm (1st - 4th century CE) ====
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