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After conquering Kormistazm and consolidating control over its vast mainland, Morstaybishlia began looking increasingly outwards from Aurora with the goal of overseas exploration, expanding trade and establishing new colonies. This was largely borne out of competition with other Auroran powers, who were also pursuing similar goals in Arcturia and the [[Cerenerian Ocean|Cerenarian ocean]]. the MBE was uniquely experienced amongst its competitors with its numerous developed ports, large presence on the east Arcturian seaboard and its successful domination of Kormistazm. The lessons already learned from its enterprises in the previous centuries and its vast labour force it could draw from gave it an immense advantage, and lead to the empire becoming a powerful influence across the globe. Long term economic downturn from the collapse of the Kormistazic empire alongside its rapidly growing cities meant the majority Cavan labour from the area was amongst the cheapest and often the most willing for the difficult work of establishing colonies overseas. Whilst Cava were legally protected against slavery, transportation to penal colonies was a common punishment for minor crimes such as theft or vagrancy until the late 19th century, providing a bountiful supply of workers. This was reinforced and justified by the emerging culture of human supremacist speciesm, where Cava quickly became seen as 'tamed savages' by the broader population of the empire. Many Cava, including those outside the Axdelian peninsula, emigrated voluntarily as a result of the pressures on them, travelling in large numbers to any more accepting country or colony. The vast majority would travel to other Cava majority countries such as [[Qayam]] and [[Quariin]], but also to other welcoming destinations like [[Antora]].
After conquering Kormistazm and consolidating control over its vast mainland, Morstaybishlia began looking increasingly outwards from Aurora with the goal of overseas exploration, expanding trade and establishing new colonies. This was largely borne out of competition with other Auroran powers, who were also pursuing similar goals in Arcturia and the [[Cerenerian Ocean|Cerenarian ocean]]. the MBE was uniquely experienced amongst its competitors with its numerous developed ports, large presence on the east Arcturian seaboard and its successful domination of Kormistazm. The lessons already learned from its enterprises in the previous centuries and its vast labour force it could draw from gave it an immense advantage, and lead to the empire becoming a powerful influence across the globe. Long term economic downturn from the collapse of the Kormistazic empire alongside its rapidly growing cities meant the majority Cavan labour from the area was amongst the cheapest and often the most willing for the difficult work of establishing colonies overseas. Whilst Cava were legally protected against slavery, transportation to penal colonies was a common punishment for minor crimes such as theft or vagrancy until the late 19th century, providing a bountiful supply of workers. This was reinforced and justified by the emerging culture of human supremacist speciesm, where Cava quickly became seen as 'tamed savages' by the broader population of the empire. Many Cava, including those outside the Axdelian peninsula, emigrated voluntarily as a result of the pressures on them, travelling in large numbers to any more accepting country or colony. The vast majority would travel to other Cava majority countries such as [[Qayam]] and [[Quariin]], but also to other welcoming destinations like [[Antora]].

Internally, the integration of Axdelia was endorsed by the Thaerist church, which had heavily emphasised the theological aspect of the west Aurora crusades. Many of the politically and economically active population (largely local and municipal governors) converted relatively quickly to avoid harsh penalties imposed on non-Thaerists. However, the drive to proselytise was also concerned with the population at large, as it was by far the largest concentration of non-Thaerists in the empire and there were questions about how it would affect their loyalty. As well as converting Kozamists and Aqlanists, building temples and removing other religious icons, church missionaries riled up fervour against non-thaerists which escalated into attacks and riots. After a monastic Kozam school in Koliqon was burned down by militant Thaerist partisans in 1643, monks across the peninsular protested in what would become known as the [[Revolt of the monks|Revolt of the Monks]]. The protests were largely nonviolent, but earned a great deal of sympathy from both Aqlani imams and a significant amount of the public. In Koliqon, the monks and their followers walked en-masse into the residence of the governor and occupied it for several days, and refused to leave unless demands for religious protection and top-level political representation were met. Tragedy was averted when the Morstaybishlian government conceded to their primary demand of protecting followers and buildings of non-Thaerist religions. Many Kozam schools and monasteries that had been shut down were able to reopen and resume their practice as a result. An act enfranchising the local aristocracy and allowing them to serve as lords was also considered but it was vetoed by [[Florence I]], believing that granting such a privilege would cause similar demands from other conquered territories. Thaerist missions and proselytes continued to convert the population, however with Aqlani Mosques and Kozam schools continuing to operate and with their reputation besmirched, their success was limited compared to other regions and colonies of the empire.
Internally, the integration of Axdelia was endorsed by the Thaerist church, which had heavily emphasised the theological aspect of the west Aurora crusades. Many of the politically and economically active population (largely local and municipal governors) converted relatively quickly to avoid harsh penalties imposed on non-Thaerists. However, the drive to proselytise was also concerned with the population at large, as it was by far the largest concentration of non-Thaerists in the empire and there were questions about how it would affect their loyalty. As well as converting Kozamists and [[Aqlanism|Aqlanists]], building Thaer temples and removing other religious icons, church missionaries riled up fervour against non-thaerists which escalated into attacks and riots. After a monastic Kozam school in Koliqon was burned down by militant Thaerist partisans in 1643, monks across the peninsular protested in what would become known as the [[Revolt of the monks|Revolt of the Monks]]. The protests were largely nonviolent, but earned a great deal of sympathy from both Aqlani imams and a significant amount of the public. In Koliqon, the monks and their followers walked en-masse into the residence of the governor and occupied it for several days, and refused to leave unless demands for religious protection and top-level political representation were met. Tragedy was averted when the Morstaybishlian government conceded to their primary demand of protecting followers and buildings of non-Thaerist religions. Many Kozam schools and monasteries that had been shut down were able to reopen and resume their practice as a result. An act enfranchising the local aristocracy and allowing them to serve as lords was also considered but it was vetoed by [[Florence I]], believing that granting such a privilege would cause similar demands from other conquered territories. Thaerist missions and proselytes continued to convert the population, however with Aqlani Mosques and Kozam schools continuing to operate and with their reputation besmirched, their success was limited compared to other regions and colonies of the empire.

After the revolt of the Monks, incidents of organised resistance reduced significantly across the region and the next century and a half was considered relatively peaceful. During this time the population rose tremendously whilst Morstaybishlia as a whole was enriched by its burgeoning network of colonies and deeply invested in it's competition against other powers to monopolise global trade. Axdelia was not seen as a core territory of the empire, and was affected by several acts affecting sea trade with [[Staynes]] and [[Kaltariezh]] which imposed tariffs on goods exported but exempted imports, which worked to keep Axdelian peasant workers impoverished. Despite this, Axdelia's desperate culture and convenient position on the periphery of the empires core made it infamous as a place where dissident Morstaybishlian academics would convene to discuss controversial ideas in politics and science. Such intellectuals usually met in the well established Qayami style coffeehouses in major towns and cities, using the stimulant in the drink to excite thought, which quickly became popular as centers of conversation. They were also notable in that Cavan intellectuals were also welcomed into such spaces, many of which would subsequently spur on a domestic scientific movement, reinvigorating old universities and founding new ones that would host the conception of the modern scientific method and produce numerous advances in technology over the years. Many principles of the Auroran democratic and republican movements were developed in Axdelian coffeehouses, as well as several influential theories of economics. Whilst certain products of academia were eagerly embraced by the empire, the right of the Morstaybishlian monarchy to absolute rule was keenly defended. Generally, throughout the 17th and 18th century, all attempts to reform the overall structure of society were resisted. Even reforms being increasingly accepted by other monarchies such as an independent legislature were considered seditious. Regardless of the political tension, as academia became centralised and institutional, Axdelia was now cemented as a center of science and engineering.
After the revolt of the Monks, incidents of organised resistance reduced significantly across the region and the next century and a half was considered relatively peaceful. During this time the population rose tremendously whilst Morstaybishlia as a whole was enriched by its burgeoning network of colonies and deeply invested in it's competition against other powers to monopolise global trade. Axdelia was not seen as a core territory of the empire, and was affected by several acts affecting sea trade with [[Staynes]] and [[Kaltariezh]] which imposed tariffs on goods exported but exempted imports, which worked to keep Axdelian peasant workers impoverished. Despite this, Axdelia's desperate culture and convenient position on the periphery of the empires core made it infamous as a place where dissident Morstaybishlian academics would convene to discuss controversial ideas in politics and science. Such intellectuals usually met in the well established Qayami style coffeehouses in major towns and cities, using the stimulant in the drink to excite thought, which quickly became popular as centers of conversation. They were also notable in that Cavan intellectuals were also welcomed into such spaces, many of which would subsequently spur on a domestic scientific movement, reinvigorating old universities and founding new ones that would host the conception of the modern scientific method and produce numerous advances in technology over the years. Many principles of the Auroran democratic and republican movements were developed in Axdelian coffeehouses, as well as several influential theories of economics. Whilst certain products of academia were eagerly embraced by the empire, the right of the Morstaybishlian monarchy to absolute rule was keenly defended. Generally, throughout the 17th and 18th century, all attempts to reform the overall structure of society were resisted. Even reforms being increasingly accepted by other monarchies such as an independent legislature were considered seditious. Regardless of the political tension, as academia became centralised and institutional, Axdelia was now cemented as a center of science and engineering.