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After the rapid pace of unprecedented expansion in the first half of the century that stretched the imperial bureaucracy to its limits, the sovereigns succeeding Ñeya focused their attention on domestic concerns that led to helpful reforms to the empires government structure. The mostly disorganised territory that had been incorporated at this point also required attention to ensure its full integration. Among other things the empires provinces were reorganised and large scale public works were authorised to support the growing capital city, which was from this point forwards began being referred to as simply Sekan rather than Sekan-Aruqa. Another important reform was an increasing trend towards freedom of religion, as it was successfully argued that non-adherents to kozam, being treated like undesirables as they often were, would sow dissent against the empire and create instability. Despite this, religious discrimination remained a common malady.
With the Teba empire serving as a buffer between the Soltic and Kormistazic empires, the turn of the century saw campaigns of lateral expansion launched to secure riverways and establish coastal provinces. This triggered a war with a coalition of Lyr valley Lordships which resulted in a Kormistazic loss, humiliating the more organised and centralised empire. A second more successful conquest was attempted a decade later, but it was a pyrrhic victory which resulted in massive losses of life. Fearing a revolt would lead to further costly wars of attrition, efforts to interlink the Lyr valley economy into the empire were undertaken via trade and the construction of infrastructure to link the Lyr Valley with the Kormistazic heartlands. A permeant military presence of high-morale Kozam volunteers was also established. These projects were so successful that they were extended to the rest of the empire in the following centuries and were a key factor in its long term success. Increased security along the southern coast and economic prosperity led to the expansion of the Kormistazic navy, which also reduced reduced raiding attacks from Kveshi pirates which had becomebecomabe a nuisance for the growing empire. Without serious resistance, The Kormistazic empire continued to expand its influence over the Lyr valley, using its navigable waterways as arteries through which rapid connection to the Kormistazic heartland could be maintained, and to supply materials and labour for roads, fortifications and settlements in the interior. Much of this expansion was funded and directed by Kozam affiliated nobles, who saw spiritual and economic benefits to spreading the religion.
==== Solto-Kormistazic Wars (309 - [] BCE) ====
Rapid Kormistazic expansion into the Lyr valley was viciously denounced several times by the North Lyr descended Neo-Soltic Lord Tulis VII in the 320's BCE. A large army was called to be raised with the intention of conquering and dismantling the dangerous state. Emperor Uuranqa, unimpressed by the Soltic Lord, believing the state to be a declining power destined to fall to Kormistazm sooner or later. Thus as a show of force, Uuranqa convened with the Teban emperor Cerules V and produced a declaration of protectorateship over the empire. Furthermore, threats of trade embargo against the Soltics were made that were expected to force Tulis into submission without a costly war that would pull resources away from the politically and economically unstable Lyr valley. A miscommunication led to Tulis being informed that an embargo had already been enacted, which he considered to be a Kormistazic declaration of war and began rallying his forces for a campaign to sack Sekan. He also ordered the Soltic Navy to sail around the Peninsula to cripple Kormistazic shipping, raid the southern coast and rally dissidents to the Kormistazic empire in the Lyr valley. After tearing through the border with the Teba empire first target of his army was The Teban capital of Montza and Cerules V. A battle in the fields just north of the city saw a major defeat against the Teban army that had assembled there, whilst the Kormistazic garrison in the city arrived late and was forced to retreat to avoid being slaughtered. Cerules was quickly executed and replaced with one of Tulis' generals to watch the city whilst the bulk of the army continued its charge southwards. In one fell swoop the Teban central government was destroyed, and Montza was pillaged by the occupational forces. Tulis' army would never reach Sekan, however, but for over 6 continuous years would maraud across the Kormistazic empire, gathering supplies by pillaging and foraging, and humiliating its military at every engagement. Attempted counterattacks into Soltic territory were also unsuccessful. Eventually the army was halted after it crossed the Okrani mountains into the Lyr valley. Tulis intended to rally the Lyr Aborigines to their cause in order to sow dissent against Imperial rule and replenish manpower lost to attrition. --This failed due to local opposition and mistrust, and after being surrounded on all sides by Kormistazic forces his army was decimated and he was forced to retreat back to Soltan. With Tulis defeated, the Teba Empire was quickly recaptured and would remain a protectorate of Kormistazm.
Over time war between Kormistazm and the Soltic empire would flare up over the status of the Teba Empire and Northern Lyr Valley. The two great empires also fought for control over the coastal strip West of the Auric Mountains both directly and through proxy conflicts. Eventually the Soltic Empire would slowly succumb to mounting losses and low morale against the more populous and fervent Kormistazic empire
(cont: Lyr valley expansion provokes violent response from Soltics. long series of wars, which once resolved in a kormistazic victory is followed by the final rapid expansion to the first empires peak size and consolidation of control)
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