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====Koriba Catastrophe====
In 748 BCE, the Koriba volcano in the eastern Lyr valley experienced its most powerful eruption in recorded history, withrating aon ratingthe upper end of 6 on the volcanic explosivity index. This caused devastating local effects, causing widespread crop failures due to the ash clouds and acid rain. Whilst all civilisations west of the Zycannes were impacted by the eruption, the nearby Teba empire was among those who suffered the most. In an attempt to recover quickly, the empire cut off most of its trade ties with surrounding states, many of which forged alliances with the Neo-Soltic Kingdom in order to force the Teba to continue trading. After continuing to refuse, the allied states began raiding Teban settlements and, sparking a century long war which ravaged both sides and caused more damage than the effects of the volcano.
The Kormistazics, who had many trade links with the Teba, entered a period of infighting and civil wars as various members of trading nobility attempted to seize control of Sekan-Aruqa. As trade with the North would continue to decline over the years the instability in the region would remain, however, resulting in the confederacies political structure collapsing and beginning a trend of power being consolidated by an increasingly small number of oligarchs. The wars often spilled out into surrounding unincorporated settlements, often leading to subjugation and incorporation under the banner of the outlying cities.
Other civilisations such as the Kassyr and Mirazii, who were also dependant on trade, suffered greatly in the years after, however without many nearby competitors and natural defences on their side, managed to remain stable. It was at this time, within the vast Zycannian trade routes in the between these two empires, that a group of prophets known as the four oracles began teaching the Kozam faith to travellers and passers by, many of which chronicles the writings and began founding temples in many major cities. The oracles are known to have travelled to many of these early temples, however many written records of their movements have been lost due to contemporary censorship and later iconoclastic and revisionist periods. One place known to have been visited was Sekan-Aruqa, where the religion became noticeably popular with the citizenry and several noble families, generally coexisting with the other religions present in the region.
====Arrival of the Kveshi Empire====
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