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Whilst widely disputed, it has been hypothesised that the Axdelian peninsula and several other areas of Aurora were inhabited by a now-extinct sapient species before the first migration of anatomically modern elvesElves and Humans into Auroraaurora. The theory emerged as a response to the complete absence of elves and early human species in 200multiple regions up until the beginning of the last interglacial period,000BCE with biologist Varen Buzela hypothesising in 1886 that it could be due to competition with an undiscovered race. TheHis idea was somewhat popular, however due no such competitor species being found it was discovereddismissed inby many of his contemporaries, though the underlying issue persisted. In 1899, andthe waspalaeontologist givenFelip smith claimed to have discovered leg bones belonging to an extinct species of sentient, upright-standing avians at a site in the name[[Molvian Corridor]]. He named it [[Cava Man]], byand palaeontologistproduced Felipa paper theorising that the species went extinct after the arrival of modern humans. The scientific community at the time was divided, with Buzela even arguing against Smith, howeveruntil histhe theoryMorstaybishlian wasroyal latersociety discreditedpurchased duethe toremains havingin insufficient1902 evidenceand classified them as belonging to backan upextinct hisspecies claims,of asratites. wellSmith's astheories otherwere miscellaneousrejected malpracticesand surroundingreplaced hiswith a hypothesis of heavy glaciation due to the geography of the area preventing habitation workinstead.
In 2021 the discovery of multiple nearly complete skeletons in the Teba mountains brought the idea back to the mainstream. The skeletons possess hollow bone structure, upright bipedal stature and large volume craniums. Several tools were found alongside them indicating a level of technological advancement consistent with that of a neolithic society As the remains have been dated to 25000 BCE, this would have made them considerably more advanced than any other species on Urth at the time. Early hypothesis' suggest that by this time their population was very small and highly dependant on agriculture, and that either climate change, volcanic eruption, or competition from hunter-gatherers combined with a lack of crop diversity led to their final demise. Little is known about their society, culture or their history in the region, and thus locating other remains has become an important area of study. Further analysis has since confirmed a link to the far older cava man remains, and the species has unofficially been named 'Cava' by those working on it.
=== Prehistory and early history ===
Archaeological evidence suggests that human hunter gatherers originating from lake Lamberta arrived in the region atin approximately 4930,500BCE000BCE, and is the the first undisputed evidence of habitation. In 3525,000BCE the Chomlec culture emerged on the North coast of the western auroran peninsula of interconnected tribes and families. Chomlec society flourished for a while, however it soon fractured due to increasing migration across the rest of the peninsula. The Neolithic era emerged at approximately 10,000BCE after the emergence of agriculture and prompted the establishment of the first permanent settlements. Metallurgy was independently developed in 4000BCE, with copper, silver and gold metalworking spreading rapidly across the region and driving a period of productivity increases and urbanisation. Bronze working would later be introduced into the region, likely from the far east where the first true Auroran civilisations were developing, namely the [[Nelokhvi Empire]], or by proxy through nomads fromroaming the Staynish region. who regularly interacted with them
==== LapytaLapytian City StateStates ====
in 2247BCE1947BCE, increasing agricultural stability in the upper course of the [[Ueclid River]] where the climate was more stable and better suited for agriculture led to the . For the majority of its history the city had little literacyliterature, however there were rich oral traditions and prolific artistry.
=== Antiquity===
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