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In 539 BCE, the Renequil army revolted, imprisoning members of the family and inviting Mariqo to claim Sekan-Aruqa. Facing little resistance, Mariqo took the capital and immediately set about uniting the lands of the confederacy under the Jakatei dynasty. He expanded the scope of the reforms introduced by his mother to every Kormistazic town and city to ensure their cohesion and loyalty. He also made the decision to pardon many of the remaining members of the Renequil, even granting them some governorship over their historic lands. A devout follower of Kozam, he further incorporated the religion into the government and promoted its worship as a unifying tenet of Kormistazic culture. He passed away a year later, his son Kalam Jakatei succeeding him. Like his father Kalam was enamoured by Kozam philosophy and took several years early in his reign to travel east to the Mona Valley and the Zycannes in order to seek divine inspiration. Upon his return in 533 BCE, he declared the reform of the still nominally Confederate government into an imperial executive supported by a council of Nobles and Kozam elders from every region of Kormistazm, and that he intended to unite the dozens of dividied states west of the Zycannes as equal territories under a single prosperous empire. Kalam then changed his name to Enullus Jakatei Kalamitas, beginning the Kalamitas Dynasty and the first incarnation of the Kormistazic empire.
In 539 BCE, the Renequil army revolted, imprisoning members of the family and inviting Mariqo to claim Sekan-Aruqa. Facing little resistance, Mariqo took the capital and immediately set about uniting the lands of the confederacy under the Jakatei dynasty. He expanded the scope of the reforms introduced by his mother to every Kormistazic town and city to ensure their cohesion and loyalty. He also made the decision to pardon many of the remaining members of the Renequil, even granting them some governorship over their historic lands. A devout follower of Kozam, he further incorporated the religion into the government and promoted its worship as a unifying tenet of Kormistazic culture. He passed away a year later, his son Kalam Jakatei succeeding him. Like his father Kalam was enamoured by Kozam philosophy and took several years early in his reign to travel east to the Mona Valley and the Zycannes in order to seek divine inspiration. Upon his return in 533 BCE, he declared the reform of the still nominally Confederate government into an imperial executive supported by a council of Nobles and Kozam elders from every region of Kormistazm, and that he intended to unite the dozens of dividied states west of the Zycannes as equal territories under a single prosperous empire. Kalam then changed his name to Enullus Jakatei Kalamitas, beginning the Kalamitas Dynasty and the first incarnation of the Kormistazic empire.
==== Era of Rapid Kormistazic Expansion (532 - 310 BCE)====
==== Era of Rapid Kormistazic Expansion (532 - 310 BCE)====
Upon Enullus' ascension to the position of Kormistazic emperor, he began a campaign of Northward expansion, incorporating the regions small Lordships and chiefdoms as provinces under his rule. Naval advances brought forth in earlier centuries now allowed faster and easier navigation of the Axdelian peninsular riverways. However the conflict endemic to the region had driven many people to banditry, and thus much of it could not be used safely for trade due to the risk of piracy. Thus as the Kormistazic empire used rivers to assert themselves across the southern plains, the loyalty of conquered people was often earned with the vanquishing of river pirates and the opening of free trade. With his children unwilling to take the throne, Ennullus named his cousin Ax̂ilo Kariqo Kalamitas as his successor in 485 BCE. Worried about the Kveshi, who had reacted to the new empire by heavily fortifying the city of Oceansend, Kariqo expanded Kormistazic control over the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsula. With the state religion of Kozam spread widely across the south of the peninsula and the imperial army violently crushing opposition where it arose, there was often little resistance to this initial phase of Kormistazic expansion. As the empires border expanded, so did it's military power and thus its ability to expand further, leading to increasingly aggressive manoeuvres. The Empires first major military victory would come after the Kassyr Chiefdom declared war on the empire in 458 BCE after incursions of Kormistazic soldiers into Kassyri territory. The [[South Teban War|First Kassyri Integral War]] lasted for over five years but resulted in a crushing defeat for The Kassyr, who were forced to cede all of their holdings outside of the Mona river valley to Kormistazm. Ax̂ilo was badly injured during the war and survived only six months before succumbing to an infection, being succeeded by his daughter Ñeya Yala Kalamitas, the first Kormistazic Empress.[[File:Axdelian peninsula 400BCE.png|thumb|A map of the Axdelian peninsula in 400BCE showing various civilisations and their spheres of influence]]By this point, civilisations north of Kormistazm were predominantly weak and stagnant, still recovering from the century long conflict that ravaged them after the environmental fallout of the Koriba eruption. The only exception to this was the Soltic Lordship, which had suffered little and now almost completely dominated the states north of the Teba mountains, enjoying a position of considerable military and economic influence. The Teba empire, after seemingly unending border conflict draining its resources and manpower, had been struggling with a falling population and weak government for decades, and so in 447 BCE the Teban Emperor Cerules II famously visited the recently incorporated Kassyri city of Zhaeqan to meet with the Kormistazic Empress Ñeya. Following several weeks in the city, Cerules publicly converted to Kozam and announced that the Teban empire was to enter a pact of friendship and defence with the Kormistazic empire. With the defence of the empire now bolstered by Kormistazic assistance, the reaction from the Teban populace was one of elation, however detractors claimed Ñeya had seduced Cerules in order to influence him. Cerules public conversion plus the close bond between the two empires also led to an explosion in Kozam worship, slowly supplanting existing pagan faiths.
Upon Enullus' ascension to the position of Kormistazic emperor, he began a campaign of Northward expansion, incorporating the regions small Lordships and chiefdoms as provinces under his rule. Naval advances brought forth in earlier centuries now allowed faster and easier navigation of the Axdelian peninsular riverways. However the conflict endemic to the region had driven many people to banditry, and thus much of it could not be used safely for trade due to the risk of piracy. Thus as the Kormistazic empire used rivers to assert themselves across the southern plains, the loyalty of conquered people was often earned with the vanquishing of river pirates and the opening of free trade. With his children unwilling to take the throne, Ennullus named his cousin Ax̂ilo Kariqo Kalamitas as his successor in 485 BCE. Worried about the Kveshi, who had reacted to the new empire by heavily fortifying the city of Oceansend, Kariqo expanded Kormistazic control over the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsula. With the state religion of Kozam spread widely across the south of the peninsula and the imperial army violently crushing opposition where it arose, there was often little resistance to this initial phase of Kormistazic expansion. As the empires border expanded, so did it's military power and thus its ability to expand further, leading to increasingly aggressive manoeuvres. The Empires first major military victory would come after the Kassyr Chiefdom declared war on the empire in 458 BCE after incursions of Kormistazic soldiers into Kassyri territory. The [[South Teban War|First Kassyri Integral War]] lasted for over five years but resulted in a crushing defeat for The Kassyr, who were forced to cede all of their holdings outside of the Mona river valley to Kormistazm. Ax̂ilo was badly injured during the war and survived only six months before succumbing to an infection, being succeeded by his daughter Ñeya Yala Kalamitas, the first Kormistazic Empress.[[File:Axdelian peninsula 400BCE.png|thumb|A map of the Axdelian peninsula in 400BCE showing various civilisations and their spheres of influence]]By this point, civilisations north of Kormistazm were predominantly weak and stagnant, still recovering from the century long conflict that ravaged them after the environmental fallout of the Koriba eruption. The only exception to this was the Neo-Soltic Lordship, which had expanded into a vast empire and now almost completely dominated the states north of the Teba mountains enjoying a position of considerable military and economic influence. The Teba empire, after seemingly unending border conflict draining its resources and manpower, had been struggling with a falling population and weak government for decades, and so in 447 BCE the Teban Emperor Cerules II famously visited the recently incorporated Kassyri city of Zhaeqan to meet with the Kormistazic Empress Ñeya. Following several weeks in the city, Cerules publicly converted to Kozam and announced that the Teban empire was to enter a pact of friendship and defence with the Kormistazic empire. With the defence of the empire now bolstered by Kormistazic assistance, the reaction from the Teban populace was one of elation, however detractors claimed Ñeya had seduced Cerules in order to influence him. Cerules public conversion plus the close bond between the two empires also led to an explosion in Kozam worship, slowly supplanting existing pagan faiths.
After the rapid pace of unprecedented expansion in the first half of the century, the Kormistazic imperial bureaucracy had been stretched beyond its limits. Thus the sovereigns succeeding Ñeya focused their attention domestically, reforming the empires government structure to better manage its new lands and formalise relationships with its neighbours. The largely disorganised territory that had been incorporated at this point also required attention to ensure its full integration and quell dissent. Among other things the empires provinces were reorganised and large scale public works were authorised to support the capital city, which had grown significantly to the point Sekan had fully engulfed Aruqa, leading to its name shortening due to the redundancy.
After the rapid pace of unprecedented expansion in the first half of the century, the Kormistazic imperial bureaucracy had been stretched beyond its limits. Thus the sovereigns succeeding Ñeya focused their attention domestically, reforming the empires government structure to better manage its new lands and formalise relationships with its neighbours. The largely disorganised territory that had been incorporated at this point also required attention to ensure its full integration and quell dissent. Among other things the empires provinces were reorganised and large scale public works were authorised to support the capital city, which had grown significantly to the point Sekan had fully engulfed Aruqa, leading to its name shortening due to the redundancy.

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Rapid Kormistazic expansion into the Lyr valley was viciously denounced several times by the Neo-Soltic Lord Tulis VII in the 320's BCE. A large army was called to be raised with the intention of conquering and dismantling the dangerous state. Emperor Uuranqa was unimpressed by the Soltic Lord, believing the state to be a declining power destined to fall to Kormistazm sooner or later. Thus as a show of force, Uuranqa convened with the Teban emperor Cerules V and produced a declaration of protectorateship over the empire. Furthermore, threats of trade embargo against the Soltics were made that were expected to force Tulis into submission without a costly war that would pull resources away from the politically and economically unstable Lyr valley. A miscommunication led to Tulis being informed that an embargo had already been enacted, which he considered to be a Kormistazic declaration of war and began rallying his forces for a campaign to sack Sekan. He also ordered the Soltic Navy to sail around the Peninsula to cripple Kormistazic shipping, raid the southern coast and rally dissidents to the Kormistazic empire in the Lyr valley. After tearing through the border with the Teba empire first target of his army was The Teban capital of Montza and Cerules V. A battle in the fields just north of the city saw the Teban army that had assembled there handily defeated, whilst Kormistazic reinforcements arrived late and were forced to retreat in order to avoid being slaughtered. Cerules was quickly executed and replaced with one of Tulis' generals to watch over the city whilst the bulk of the army continued its charge southwards. In one fell swoop the Teban central government was destroyed, and Montza was pillaged by the occupational forces. Tulis' army would never reach Sekan, however, but for over 6 continuous years would maraud across the Kormistazic empire, gathering supplies by pillaging and foraging, and humiliating its military at every engagement. Attempted counterattacks into Soltic territory were also unsuccessful. Eventually the army was halted after it crossed the Okrani mountains into the Lyr valley. Tulis intended to rally the Lyr natives to their cause in order to sow dissent against Imperial rule and replenish manpower that his army had lost to attrition. This failed due to local opposition and mistrust, and after being surrounded on all sides by Kormistazic forces his army was decimated and he was forced to retreat back to Soltan. With Tulis defeated, the Teba Empire was quickly recaptured and remained a protectorate of Kormistazm, albeit worse for wear.
Rapid Kormistazic expansion into the Lyr valley was viciously denounced several times by the Neo-Soltic Lord Tulis VII in the 320's BCE. A large army was called to be raised with the intention of conquering and dismantling the dangerous state. Emperor Uuranqa was unimpressed by the Soltic Lord, believing the state to be a declining power destined to fall to Kormistazm sooner or later. Thus as a show of force, Uuranqa convened with the Teban emperor Cerules V and produced a declaration of protectorateship over the empire. Furthermore, threats of trade embargo against the Soltics were made that were expected to force Tulis into submission without a costly war that would pull resources away from the politically and economically unstable Lyr valley. A miscommunication led to Tulis being informed that an embargo had already been enacted, which he considered to be a Kormistazic declaration of war and began rallying his forces for a campaign to sack Sekan. He also ordered the Soltic Navy to sail around the Peninsula to cripple Kormistazic shipping, raid the southern coast and rally dissidents to the Kormistazic empire in the Lyr valley. After tearing through the border with the Teba empire first target of his army was The Teban capital of Montza and Cerules V. A battle in the fields just north of the city saw the Teban army that had assembled there handily defeated, whilst Kormistazic reinforcements arrived late and were forced to retreat in order to avoid being slaughtered. Cerules was quickly executed and replaced with one of Tulis' generals to watch over the city whilst the bulk of the army continued its charge southwards. In one fell swoop the Teban central government was destroyed, and Montza was pillaged by the occupational forces. Tulis' army would never reach Sekan, however, but for over 6 continuous years would maraud across the Kormistazic empire, gathering supplies by pillaging and foraging, and humiliating its military at every engagement. Attempted counterattacks into Soltic territory were also unsuccessful. Eventually the army was halted after it crossed the Okrani mountains into the Lyr valley. Tulis intended to rally the Lyr natives to their cause in order to sow dissent against Imperial rule and replenish manpower that his army had lost to attrition. This failed due to local opposition and mistrust, and after being surrounded on all sides by Kormistazic forces his army was decimated and he was forced to retreat back to Soltan. With Tulis defeated, the Teba Empire was quickly recaptured and remained a protectorate of Kormistazm, albeit worse for wear.

Over time war between Kormistazm and the Soltic empire would flare up over the status of the Teba Empire and Northern Lyr Valley. Eventually the Soltic Empire would slowly succumb to mounting losses against the more populous, industrious and fervent Kormistazic empire, and was forced to accept punitive territorial concessions. Despite previous wars, the Soltics attempted to form an alliance with the western kingdoms of the Maltervenian empire in order to counter Kormistazm. Distrusting the Soltics, this eventually resulted in an opportunistic conquest of the Molvian corridor by the Maltervenians which was only partly repelled. Despite this hardship, the open sea access afforded the Soltic empire strong trade links with Impelanza and Northeast Aurora which the less powerful Kormistazic navy had great difficulty intercepting, keeping their core territory strong for several centuries. After a watchful peace of approximately five decades, the newly coronated Empress X̂alinn led the fourth and final Solto-Kormistazic war in 75 BCE, rallying an enormous, well equipped army for the purpose. A fast, brutal campaign was launched with forces carving paths down the valleys towards the coast, converging on the major population centers such as the capital of Xoltaan and the trade hub of Aruliqea. X̂alinn personally lead the siege of Xoltaan, the city breaking after sustained bombardment from catapult forced a begrudging surrender from the Soltic emperor Iruta V. Aruliqea, however, withstood siege for years with supplies brought in reliably from the ocean along the Ueclid river. With strong footholds along the north coast, however, the Kormistazic navy gained a much stronger presence and was able to cut off the city from its supply lines, forcing its surrender in 70 BCE and marking the official end of the Soltic Empire. As part of the surrender and as a show of charity, some Soltic territory was divided into largely autonomous Kormistazic vassals.
Over time war between Kormistazm and the Soltic Lordship would flare up over the status of the Teba Empire and Northern Lyr Valley. Eventually the Lordship would slowly succumb to mounting losses against the more populous, industrious and fervent Kormistazic empire, and suffered debilitating territorial losses. Despite previous conflict, the Soltics attempted to form an alliance with the western kingdoms of the Maltervenian empire in order to counter Kormistazm. Distrusting the Soltics, this eventually resulted in an opportunistic conquest of the Molvian corridor by the Maltervenians which was only partly repelled. Despite this hardship, the open sea access afforded the Soltic empire strong trade links with Impelanza and Northeast Aurora which the less powerful Kormistazic navy had great difficulty intercepting, keeping their core territory strong for several centuries. After a watchful peace of approximately five decades, the newly coronated Empress X̂alinn led the fourth and final Solto-Kormistazic war in 75 BCE, rallying an enormous, well equipped army for the purpose. A fast, brutal campaign was launched with forces carving paths down the valleys towards the coast, converging on the major population centers such as the capital of Xoltaan and the trade hub of Aruliqea. X̂alinn personally lead the siege of Xoltaan, the city breaking after sustained bombardment from catapult forced a begrudging surrender from the Soltic emperor Iruta V. Aruliqea, however, withstood siege for years with supplies brought in reliably from the ocean along the Ueclid river. With strong footholds along the north coast, however, the Kormistazic navy gained a much stronger presence and was able to cut off the city from its supply lines, forcing its surrender in 70 BCE and marking the official end of the Soltic Empire. As part of the surrender and as a show of charity, some Soltic territory was divided into largely autonomous Kormistazic vassals.

With its only real competitor now within its domain, the Kormistazic empire assumed de-facto control over the Axdelian peninsula. The largest region not under imperial rule was the western coast beyond the Auric mountains, known as Aronia. Although there was some political pressure that called for the conquering and assimilation Aronia and to totally dominate South West Aurora, after two centuries of conflict the already vast empire required more domestic attention and could do without diverting resources towards another war. Aronias reputation as a refuge for minority species from across the continent also drew the pity of empress X̂alinn, who called it 'a little haven we shall respect.' Xalinns successors however did not share her opinion, and after her death in 18 BCE allowed provincial armies to freely raid Aronian cities.
With its only real competitor now within its domain, the Kormistazic empire assumed de-facto control over the Axdelian peninsula. The largest region not under imperial rule was Aronia, on the western coast beyond the Auric mountains. Although there was some political pressure that called for the conquering and assimilation of Aronia and to totally dominate South West Aurora, after two centuries of conflict the already vast empire required more domestic attention and could do without diverting resources towards another war. Aronias reputation as a refuge for minority species from across the continent also drew the admiration of empress X̂alinn, who called it 'a little haven we shall respect.' X̂alinns successors inherited a much stronger empire, however, and did not share her opinion, allowing provincial generals to freely raid Aronian cities.

==== Golden Age of Kormistazm and Final Conquests (1st - 4th century CE)====
==== Golden Age of Kormistazm and Final Conquests (1st - 4th century CE)====
(lots of gold, engineering, mathematics, science, trade w/ everyone, quality of life, you name it. Leadership becomes more focused on vanity projects)
(lots of gold, engineering, mathematics, science, trade w/ everyone, quality of life, you name it. Leadership becomes more focused on big infrastructure and vanity projects)

(Conquest of the west coast, domination of the entire peninsula)
(Conquest of the west coast, domination of the entire peninsula)