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m (I think I'm pretty funny, also it was fairly late when I wrote this)
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The Ueclid empire did not persist for long, as rebellions were commonplace and growing competition from other regions outside the Ueclid valley threatened their trading hegemony, primarily the Zycannian Mirazii Kingdom and the southern Kassyr Chiefdom. The Kormistazic Confederacy was also founded on the southern coast during this time, deriving from the descendants of those who migrated south when Lapytia fell, and was based around the city state of Sekan-Aruqa. The Ueclid empire finally fell following the twin revolts of the Soltics in the North and the Teba in the South. The two formed rival empires on their respective halves of the river, The Neo-Soltic Kingdom and the Teba empire, and fought for land in the middle regions before coming to a peace agreement in 935 BCE. After this the Soltics expanded along the northern coast whilst the Teba strengthened cross-mountain trade routes with the Kassyr, Kormistazics and the Lyr valley.
The Ueclid empire did not persist for long, as rebellions were commonplace and growing competition from other regions outside the Ueclid valley threatened their trading hegemony, primarily the Zycannian Mirazii Kingdom and the southern Kassyr Chiefdom. The Kormistazic Confederacy was also founded on the southern coast during this time, deriving from the descendants of those who migrated south when Lapytia fell, and was based around the city state of Sekan-Aruqa. The Ueclid empire finally fell following the twin revolts of the Soltics in the North and the Teba in the South. The two formed rival empires on their respective halves of the river, The Neo-Soltic Kingdom and the Teba empire, and fought for land in the middle regions before coming to a peace agreement in 935 BCE. After this the Soltics expanded along the northern coast whilst the Teba strengthened cross-mountain trade routes with the Kassyr, Kormistazics and the Lyr valley.

=== Classical Antiquity (723 BCE - 723 CE)===
=== Classical Antiquity (748 BCE - 723 CE)===

====Koriba Catastrophe====
====Koriba Catastrophe====
(Ash hurts)

====Arrival of the Kveshi Empire====
====Arrival of the Kveshi Empire====
(introducing iron age technology and a lot of trade, they are too busy at home to do much conquering)

===Iron age===
===Iron age===

==== Kormistazic expansionism (532 BCE - 1st century CE) ====
==== Kormistazic expansionism (532 BCE - 1st century CE) ====
(Think you can unify the Axdelian peninsular? Yep, said the Kormistazics)

==== Golden age of Kormistazm (1st - 4th century CE) ====
==== Golden age of Kormistazm (1st - 4th century CE) ====
(lots of gold, engineering, mathematics, science, trade, quality of life, you name it)

==== Norvian invasions (4th - 7th century CE) ====
==== Norvian invasions (4th - 7th century CE) ====
(lots of civil wars, fractured relations between the imperial government and local regions, and the backdrop of constant Norvian raids. Tnsert crop failures from Tore )

(As the norvian homelands up in fortuna go poof, they change strategy and begin a lot of settling, and whilst this utterly thrashes the imperial command structure this doesn,t work in the end)

=== Medieval Period (724 - 1101 CE) ===
=== Medieval Period (724 - 1101 CE) ===
tldr, massive reforms under new imperial dynasties. Going forwards this hardly resembles the empire of the last millenia

==== Neo-Kormistazic imperial revaunchism ====
==== Neo-Kormistazic imperial revaunchism ====
expansion westwards in Staynnica and Valeria
(expansion westwards in Staynnica and Valeria, TBD)

==== War with Ethalria ====
==== War with Ethalria ====
(spoiler alert, Kormistazm mostly holds them up outside the peninsula. Pretty sweet battles though

==== Civil war of succession ====
==== Civil war of succession ====
(Empire is divided into successor states for a century or so. The centralising reforms of the 700's coming to bite the empire in the ass.)

===Colonial age (1102 - 1523) ===
===Colonial age (1102 - 1523) ===
(Woah, Arcturians are pretty gullible)

==== Neo-Kormistazic Golden age (~1200) ====
==== Neo-Kormistazic Golden age (~1200) ====
trade with all the empires, big money
(trade with all the empires, big money)

==== The great plague (~1300) ====
==== The great plague (~1300) ====
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==== Kormistazic Arcturian territory ====
==== Kormistazic Arcturian territory ====
(no more Mr nice mercantile empire, we have guns now)
(no more Mr nice mercantile empire, we have guns now)

(Insert imperial renaissance and wars with Arsal here)

==== Civil Schism Crisis ====
==== Civil Schism Crisis ====
(Demands for local representation spring up. Honoluras makes some concessions)

==== Morstaybishlian invasion (1523 - 1575) ====
==== Morstaybishlian invasion (1523 - 1575) ====
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==== Lousquarii Republic ====
==== Lousquarii Republic ====

==== Granting of principality status ====
==== Granting of principality status ====
(After the first posolic war in response to a revolt or something.)

(also industrial age, a lot of cool science happens kinda like scotland. And Freidrik Noros)

=== Norograd (1970-1996===
=== Norograd (1970-1996)===
(You know the drill)

==== Federation with Lyrevale ====
==== Federation with Lyrevale ====