Axdel: Difference between revisions

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| languages2_type = Recognised regional<br />languages
| languages2 = [[wikipedia:English language|Staynish Language]]
| ethnic_groups = 79.1% [[wikipedia:human|Human]]<br />20.3% [[Lupine|Lupine]]<br />0.6% [[Species_of_The_East_Pacific|Other Species]]
*44.7% Korstazian
*41.1% Lyrevalian
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Axdel is a largely temperate nation with significant deciduous forest coverage and fertile land which has been extensively used for agriculture. The climate ranges from humid subtropical along the north coast, humid continental in the interior regions and temperate oceanic along the southern coast. The [[Zycannes]] mountain range terminates along the Eastern border, with the [[Teba Mountains|Teba]] mountains forming the backbone of the nation and terminating with the [[Auric Mountains|Auric]] mountains along the coast. Axdel generates income from various sources, including energy, manufacturing, mining and agricultural exports, and international education.
Axdel is a member state of the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]] and the [[IRSA|Intercontinental Regional Security Accords]], and uses the multinational [[Kirib]](♅) as its currency alongside many other Auroran Nations.
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Archaeological evidence suggests that human hunter gatherers originating from lake Lamberta arrived in the region at approximately 49,500BCE, and is the the first undisputed evidence of habitation. However, the controversial [[Cava man]] remains discovered in the Teba mountains, dated to 250,000BCE, are still considered by some archaeologists to be evidence of previous intelligent life in the area. In 35,000BCE the Chomlec culture emerged on the North coast of the western auroran peninsula of interconnected tribes and families. The Neolithic era emerged at approximately 10,000BCE after the emergence of agriculture and prompted the first permanent settlements at this time. The oldest known city in South West Aurora upon the site of modern-day Montza was founded in approximately 5600BCE by the Teba-Ulta culture. Metallurgy was independently developed in 4000BCE, with copper, silver and gold metalworking spreading rapidly across the region and driving a period of productivity increases and rapid urbanisation. Bronze working would later be introduced by migrants from the area of modern Staynes.
=== Bronze Age===
In the middle highlands of the region, Baza Galleas of the Teba culture established the Teba Empire in 2972BCE, conquering the entire head of the Euclid river valley surrounding the capitol city of Montza. The Teba empire followed a polytheistic pantheon in which the god of harvest was also the god of war, and thus the empire sought to acquire the farmland to appease them. Further south at the mouth of the Euclid, the Soltic Culture established a Monarchic kingdom in 2804BCE known as the Soltic kingdom. The two states soon ran into each other as they expanded control over the valuable farmland of the river valley, and a dispute in 2765BCE led to a series of clashes over several decades known as the Teba-Soltic war. The war eventually ended with the Teba Empire claiming victory in 2724BCE and dominating the entire valley. However, Baza Galleas III led a successful uprising in 2564BCE, pushing the Teba empire back up the Euclid. Content with the Teba empire being driven back, Baza then set about expanding control over the North coast, leading several campaigns against often unincorporated towns and villages until his death in 2531BCE.
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With the turn of the millenium, and the cessation of warfare between the Teba and Neo-Soltics, there was a boom of trade and multiple powerful Kingdoms and chiefdoms emerged, the most notable of which being the Kingdom of Mularia. Mularia was situated in the Montekaan plateau of the Zycannes, and became very prosperous by exploiting the vast mineral wealth of the surrounding mountains. Mularian metal was even traded north through the [[Molvian Corridor]] to the usually defensive Maltervenia. With the reignition of conflict between the Teba Empire and the Neo-Soltics and their expansions of influence outside of the Euclid valley, Mularia was guaranteed neutrality thanks to its defensive position high in the mountains and continued to profit with the sale of bronze weaponry.
==== Koriba Collapse ====
in 1629BCE, the Koriba volcano in Central Lyrevale experienced a series of unusually powerful eruptions, exploding multiple times over the course of five years and releasing a colossal amount of ash into the atmosphere. Each eruption caused a volcanic winter which disrupted agriculture, reducing crop yields and leading to widespread famine across south-west Aurora. Whilst there were only a few scattered states in the area around the eruption, all were destroyed in the aftermath, with several towns in the vicinity repeatedly hit by pyroclastic flows and raining lava. Ash was circulated around the Lyr valley and choked much of the farmland. The rivers were said to have run grey and smelt sulphurous causing illness in those who drank the water.
In the east, trade networks collapsed and the kingdoms which had prospered for the prior centuries recessed and collapsed. Kormistazm was amongst the hardest hit, with Sekapolis losing over a third of its population. Despite this the popularity of Kozam boomed and several surrounding chiefs and kings converted and joined with the confederation. The Weakening of the Neo-Soltics on the North coast and their retreat to the Euclid valley and Mularia rapidly reducing in power allowed the small city-state of Vila to expand its territory along the coast and begin conquering settlements along trade routes in the area under a military government ruled by Xuris I. Soon, Vila rivalled the other three powers in the north in terms of military and economic strength and a period marked by territorial feuds between them and the crippled Mularia, driving them all the may up to the beginning of the plateau.
==== Kveshi Empire and Oceansend ====
In 720BCE, the maritime Kveshi Empire established a settlement on the coast of South West Aurora. Relations between the Kveshi and Kormistazm mainly involved the trade of crops and livestock, though also the exchange of technologies. The introduction of advanced ironworking by the Kveshi marked the beginning of the iron age in the region. With trade increasing in volume and profitability, the Kveshi expanded their holdings by driving people from the lands surrounding the city to create a buffer zone and facilitate agriculture to support the growing population. The Kormistazic government endeavoured to make sure they could monopolise trade from the distant empire.
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However, Montekaan was pre-warned of the attack and ambushed the attacking legions as they attempted to siege the city. All but a few soldiers were massacred in battle, and Slev III was publicly executed to humiliate the Morstaybishlians. Emperor Honoluras Faithful, intent on leading a counter attack against the Morstaybishlian empire, rallied an army to the city, though word of a massive impending attack by the new king [[Lambertus IV]] meant he ordered a large number of troops to lie in wait along Zate marsh to intercept it. Bypassing Zate marsh by taking a risky route along several mountain passes of the Zycannes, the Morstaybishlian army led a devastating attack on the city, taking it within days and leading to Honoluras' death before reinforcements could arrive. All subsequent attempts to retake Fort Montekaan were unsuccessful due to being hampered by a series of poor winters and an increasing number of Morstaybishlian forces in the city.
==== Arcturian Colonisation ====
==== Kormistazic Decline ====
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''See also: [[Political parties and elections of Axdel]]''
===Regions and States ===
Axdel is comprised of seven states, each determined by historical cultural and administrative divisions dating back before the morstaybishlian conquest. The country is also divided into 84 constituencies, independent of state boundaries, which are used to determine representatives in the national assembly. Each constituency is worth 7 representatives, and is comprised of roughly 800,000 citizens, giving 115,000 citizens per representative. They are occasionally altered to reflect changes in population spread.
====Axdelian States ====
'''- Andeli'''
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{| class="wikitable"
! Species Name !! Percentage
| [[wikipedia:human|Human]] || 98.3%
| [[Lupine]] || 1.1%
| [[Vulpine]] || 0.4%
| [[Species of The East Pacific|Other]] || 0.2%
{| class="wikitable"
! Ethnicity !! Percentage
| Axdelian || 80.4%
| Morstaybishlian || 11.7%
| Emberitian || 4.4%
| Lyrevalian || 2.6%
| Other || 0.9%
Moderators, verified
