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With the rise of [[Vakhudan Posol]] in the Biramuran Empire and its allegiance with The Queendom of Ethalria, war was declared against Morstaybishlia in 1795. Axdelia was subject to a moderate draft in order to provide soldiers for the war effort, but despite their numerical advantage over the coalition, Morstaybishlia suffered several catastrophic defeats during the invasion of [[Marislia]], completely losing the territory to Ethalria and leaving Biramura free to explosively expand southwards. Expecting further attacks from Ethalria, another larger draft was called upon Axdelia only a year later in 1796 which incited a wave of unrest from the populace, surprising the empire's government which had grown used to Axdelian passivity in the past century. As the war dragged on, killing many Axdelian soldiers sent to fight on the front lines, discontent grew rapidly in many of the regions cities fuelled by radical republicans who called for the overthrow of imperial rule. The first uprising would come in Baronhali during late 1797, being quickly quashed after the local garrison was reinforced by navy seamen docked in the Lyr estuary. Several other minor revolts would also fail, however on the 4th of May 1798 the Andel Imperial garrison guards led a popular uprising against the local government, successfully seizing the capital and several warships in the docks. Declaring a republican government, the new leadership called for other regions across Axdel to rise against imperial rule, as well as rallying nearby population centers under their banner. Several other regions would gain independence through similar uprisings, with notably powerful examples being Jilkania in the south, and the city of Nalsekanii in central Lyrevale.
Suffering from several decisive pushbacks in Marislia and the Ider valley, Ethalria welcomed the Axdelian republics as new allies against Morstaybishlia, hoping that their land forces would weaken significantly onceif spreadthey againstcould successfully open up another front on the west. Despite being the most vulnerable to attack from Morstaybishlia by both land and sea and with a significant numerical disadvantage, Andel was especially successful at driving back imperial forces on the north coast thanks to assistance from sympathetic locals and the occasional shipment of Ethalrian weaponsguns. A bout of consistently poor winter weather also provided indirect help by preventing any significant action from the Morstaybishlian navy. Wedged against [[Qayam]] and surrounded by mountains respectively, the republics of Jilkania and Nalsekanii made their mark on the war with anumerous significantsmall amountskirmishes ofand partisanguerrilla activity, andhampering skirmishes,imperial control and riling up discontent across Axdel from their positions of relative safety. With its relatively safe sea access, Jilkania also supplied volunteer troops to aid coalition forces in central Aurora. HoweverThe fortune of the republics would soon falter, however, as after the failure of the coalitions campaign in Kaltariezh and frontlines in the east becoming increasingly entrenched and support continuing to pour in from its colonies, Morstaybishlia diverted more and more forces westwards to deal with the breakaways. A wave of more frequent and powerful Naval attacks in 1808 would quickly force Andel to fall back to more defensible lines., although Ethalrian support continued wherever holes in the blockade could be found, keeping the city state afloat until the end of the first war in 1810.
At the request of Ethalria, representatives from Andel, Jilkania and Nalsekanii were present at Weyrcliff as observers to the signing of the peace treaty. To their surprise, however, Ethalria agreed not cease supporting them militarily and cease recognising their independence in return for Morstaybishlia recognising Marislia as part of the Queendom. Despite raising vocal objections, the republics were struck from the peace agreement, with only a verbal promise of political reform in Axdel from the Morstaybishlian representative. In a bloody battle lasting multiple weeks, the navy struck the Andel directly, fighting street by street to gain control of the renegade city and decapitate the republics leadership. Without support, Nalsekaniis government surrendered, before either fleeing or being captured and executed. Jilkania resisted several attacks thanks to its defensible positions in the hills running along Mona valley and heavy fortifications controlling the rivers mouth preventing direct naval attacks on the capital of Barque. Whilst Jilkania was besieged, the newly coronated Queen [[Florence II]] was overseeing the process of transforming Axdelia into a devolved Principality to be ruled by the crown-heir or seniormost prince of the empire. Whilst championed as a liberating reform to the Axdelian people, in practice it pushed Axdel outside of the broad concern of the central government in Kalmington and under the purview of the reigning prince, tasked foremost with preventingkeeping anythe furtherpopulation radicalpassive uprisingsand fromsuppressing any occurringrevolts. With every attempt to destroy it resulting in heavy losses, Jilkania would exist in an uneasy peace with Morstaybishlia for several years until the second Posolic War broke out in 1814. Under the cover of night, sappers destroyed one of the forts guarding the mouth of the Mona river, allowing a naval force to surge up the river and strike Barque directly, causing the struggling republic to fall into chaos, after which it was subsumed into the Principality.
====Principality of Axdel (1810-1917)====